V (Edited)

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Chapter Five

⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅

Hongjoong trailed behind San, observing the bustling streets of Seoul with a wary eye. His hoodie enveloped his head as if seeking solace within its protective confines. Despite his trepidation, he shadowed the exuberant San, their path marked by a subdued camaraderie.

Minutes passed in a silence interspersed with the sounds of their footfalls upon concrete. Eventually, San broke the quietude. "So, how old are you? Do you attend college? Work?"

Hongjoong shoved his hands deeper into his pockets, shrouded in reluctance. "I'm 23. No, I don't do much. Worked odd part-time jobs whenever I relocated."

"Ah, you're older than us!" San's smile widened. "Can I call you hyung?" he asked, displaying his endearing dimples.

"Sure, I don't mind," Hongjoong acquiesced, a faint smile gracing his lips, his ears tinting a shade of red at the unexpected warmth.

San latched onto Hongjoong's arm, his infectious joy evident. "Hyung, you'll love everyone. You won't have to run away anymore," San's enthusiastic chatter elicited a subtle chuckle from Hongjoong.

As they ambled, they found themselves at the doorstep of 'Jung's Pizzeria'. San rapped on the door, and it creaked open, granting them entry. Though the lights gleamed, the place remained eerily vacant.

Sunlight flooded the establishment as blinds ascended, unveiling the red velvet booths lining the walls and neatly arranged tables across the floor. The glistening metal benches of the kitchen glimmered faintly in the window's reflection. They traversed past the reception counter, delving deeper into the restaurant's depths.

"Hello~?" San's voice echoed, reverberating through the silence. Shuffling behind the kitchen door grabbed their attention, heralding the arrival of a tall man. His tousled brunette locks framed soft features, giving him an almost puppy-like appeal.

Startled, the man stumbled forth, locking eyes first with San. "Oh, San. It's just you," he sighed, straightening his beige apron. San approached the man, bubbling with excitement. "Yunho, wait till you hear what happened!"

Raising an eyebrow, Yunho tilted his head, a smile tugging at his lips. "Oh? What's the news?"

"Yesterday, when I was closing up, I encountered another vampire!" San announced animatedly, gesturing toward Hongjoong, who remained at the entrance. Yunho's gaze scrutinised Hongjoong before he offered a warm smile and a tentative wave.

San beckoned Hongjoong over, calming his unease. "It's alright, hyung. He's one of us." San's reassurance prompted Hongjoong to approach cautiously. "Hongjoong, meet Yunho. He runs this restaurant, which is also a sort of secret vampire organisation."

Yunho extended a welcoming smile and a gesture of hospitality. "If you need anything, I'm here."

"Speaking of," San interjected with an earnest tone, "Could you employ him here? He's had a tumultuous past, and I believe it's time for stability. He's staying with me until we find a place, and I want him to relish life without constant escape." San directed a pleading gaze at Yunho, his dimpled smile a beacon of earnestness.

"Hmm," Yunho appraised Hongjoong, scrutinising him from head to toe. "I could use an extra hand. It's just Wooyoung and me—thanks to you." Yunho threw a faux accusatory glare at San, who pouted in response, deftly navigating the conversation toward Wooyoung's absence.

"Where's Wooyoung?" San scanned the restaurant, seeking the elusive figure.

"Running late, as usual," Yunho sighed, addressing San. "Once he arrives, he can guide you through. We open at four and close at eleven," Yunho explained, glancing at Hongjoong, who nodded in understanding.

San gave Hongjoong a supportive pat on the back. "This will be exciting!"

The restaurant seemed poised for new beginnings, the air heavy with anticipation and the promise of change. Hongjoong's apprehension melted away, replaced by a budding sense of hope and belonging in this unexpected twist of fate. As the minutes ticked by, each heartbeat echoed the promise of a fresh start.

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