My Life: Chapter 1

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**Hey everyone here's my new story. If you haven't read the explanation of this story yet please read it now. It's on the first page. Enjoy!! :)**

***at the playground. Age seven***

"Tiff, where are you?" I yelled across the playground. We were playing hide and go seek at the Holmes Chapel local park and I was it. I wandered about for around five minutes before finally giving up. I sat in the sand box and grabbed some abandoned toys that some other kid had left. 'Crunch'. My head jolted upward. 'Who made that sound?' I wondered. I looked back at my patents who were sitting on park bench reading books. I turned around and looked back to the spot I had heard the noise. It had came from the forest at the side of the park. 'It was probably just tiff' I whispered to myself. "What was me Raine?" Tiff said suddenly appearing to my right. Man she move fast. "I heard something in the forest" I whispered to her. She just laughed and ran over to the swings. Tiff wasn't scared of anything. Not even monsters or spiders or snakes. Neither was I but I was unsure about the noise in the forest. "It's probably your imagination Rainey" Tiff called out to me from her spot on the swings. 'She's probably right' I thought. I returned to playing in the sand box and minding my own business. 'CRUNCH'. I looked into the forest and saw a pair of yellow eyes watching me. I noticed that we were the only ones here. All the other kids had left. While I was looking around, I didn't notice the figure creeping up behind me. "Look over here my boy. We have our snack for the day" a man in a long black coat said to was I guessed was his son. The little boy crept out from behind his father and looked me straight in the eyes. He was around my age and had short brown hair and green eyes.

"Okay, so what do we have to do now?" The man asked his son. To my great surprise, the little boys eyes turned bright yellow and little fangs appeared, resting on his lips. "Daddy, can you turn into the big bad wolf for me?" The boy asked his father who nodded. The mans face started to get longer until it was canine and he hunched over on all fours. Thick black fur sprouted from the mans body as he took the shape of a wolf. The boy hissed at me and pinned me down to the ground. I screamed and my mum immediately came rushing over. She pulled the boy off me and talked the man who was still a wolf. "Robin! Don't ever touch my daughter" I heard my mom yell. "I'm sorry Arielle, I didn't know she was yours" the Robin man said sheepishly. He was now back to his human self and was brushing the sand off his coat. He and his son walked away. The boy looked back and gave me an almost sorry smile. I was scared shitless. My mum rushed over to me and I saw that she too had yellow eyes and fangs protruding from her mouth. She saw me looking at her and smiled gently, showing off her fangs. "Raine, me and your father have something to tell you." .....


Yeah, that was how I found out I was a shifter. My mom was a vampire and my dad was a werewolf. Big news for a seven year old. My parents taught me to hunt and fend for myself because they told me that when I was older, they wouldn't be there anymore. They were right. Two years ago my parents were murdered by a group of vampires. Since then I have been living with Tiff. Oh yeah, Tiff is also a shifter. She found out only shortly after i did. Anyhoo, we were just about to go out hunting for our own 'snacks' when this little flashback popped into my brain. I will never forget that day. We were currently walking the streets of Holmes Chapel looking for our next victims. It was a Friday night so we were headed to a bar. As soon as wee came within a mile radius, we could hear music blaring and there were drunk teens everywhere. Me and tiff walked through the bar trying to find some tasty looking men. I spotted a table of not too drunk boys around 18 years old and walked over. "Hey, what's a pretty thing like you doing here alone?" One of the boys asked me. He had light brown hair and gorgeous brown eyes. He wasn't too drunk so I decided that he would do me nicely. I don't want a hangover tomorrow. "Oh nothing much" I said seductivley, walking over to him and placing myself in his lap. I stared deeply into his eyes.

Time to put my Vamp skills to work. "You will come with me to the back of this building and won't tell anyone about it" I said still looking into his eyes. He nodded and we went into an ally at the back of the bar. Tiff suddenly appeared with another gorgeous guy. I pulled her aside while the boys talked. "Shall we go two vamps or do you want to be a wolf?" Tiff asked me. "Aww c'mon. Why don't you ever be a wolf?" I teased her. Of course I knew the reason. Tiffs platinum blonde hair was half dyed bubblegum pink and seeing as your wolf fur matches your hair colour, well you get my drift. She basically looked like a big cotton candy puff with claws and fangs. I decided on going in wolf mode because it would be much more fun to see the confused look on the boys faces. I concentrated on turning into a wolf and soon felt my auburn hair shortening and fur growing all over my body. I felt my face elongate and my nails turn into vicious claws. I licked my lips and growled at the two now terrified boys. "You will not scream" Tiff said to the boys who just solemnly nodded. Ah, the power of mind control. Tiffs eyes turned into her beautiful shade of deep red as she grew out her fangs. She leaped onto her man and started to suck all the blood out of him. Yeah, we drink blood, we're half vampire duh.

Poor boy. He was so cute as was his friend, too bad we have to kill them. I pounced onto my catch and started to drain the life out of him as well. When I finished I wiped the fresh blood off of my face and left the boys body by some dumpsters. Me and Tiff sped off into the night.....

**Is it good so far? Comment and vote your opinions. Also check out my other fanfic. It's called be mine tonight. I'm writing two story's at once so I'm sorry if the updates are slow. Tanks and i luff you. Next update will be soon :) **

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