The Council: Chapter 11

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**hi! Here's chapter 11. The first shout out goes to ..... @future_mrs_horan14 our first ever fan. Thanks so much!**

Liam's POV

"Let me get this straight. You're going to go into the vampire councils house to rescue Tiff and some of her random friends? And you want me to get my werewolf friends to help?" I say. Harry just nods. "No!" I yell. Harry just nods. "Can you stop that?" I ask him. Harry just nods. "Fine, ill get them to help us!" I finally give in. Harry smiles and runs out of my room. God that kid is annoying sometimes. I call Danielle and she picks up after the second ring. "Hey Li!" She says, out of breath. "I'm just training with Eleanor for the council. You do know that we're coming with you right? Did Lou forget to tell you?" She asks. I sigh. All I can think of is something going wrong and Danielle and Eleanor getting hurt. "Lou's talking to Eleanor again?" I ask Dani. Ever since we found out about Niall and Eleanor, Lou's been avoiding her at all costs. Well, up to now I guess. "Yeah, they got back together. Did he forget to tell you that too?" Dani says. Oh Lou, not telling me anything again? Well, you're gonna regret that later. "No, I called to ask you if you could round up some wolf friends to help us" I say. Danielle sighs on the other end. "I already did. Didn't Lou- never mind. Apparently they've got a whole army for us" she says. Wow a whole army? These vamps are about to get their butts kicked. "That's great Danielle. Are you coming over tonight?" I ask her. Tonight we were planning our attack strategies. "Yup, me and El will be there soon" she says and then the line goes dead.

Tiffs POV

-three days later-

"Everyone up!" A harsh voice yells. I blink the sleep from my eyes and slowly get to my feet. When I do, a wave of nausea washes over me, and for a second, I'm afraid I'm going to hurl. There's a big man with muscles standing outside of our cell door. I could tell by his eyes that he was a vampire. A cold hearted, vicious monster, waiting for fresh blood. "What the hell do you want asshole?" Tris asks him. If you couldn't tell, Tris wasn't really scared of much. Neither was Four.The vampire man scowls at her and unlocks the cell door. He comes inside and stands in front of Tris. "You will not give me any sass girl, unless you never want to see your boyfriend again!" He yells. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. In the time that we were all stuck in here, Tris and Four have begun dating. Tris rolls her eyes and Four grins. I knew that even though this dude was a full fledged vampire with amazing strength, Four could easily take him down. The man growls and hauls Christina to her feet. Then he addresses me and Raven. "The council has requested to see you and your friends. You are not in any condition to, so I am giving you all an hour to freshen up" he says.

"Three at a time". We all nod and decide who will go first. Me, Raven, and Blue. The man leads us out of the cell and down a hallway, to a small room with showers and sinks in it. He throws us all towels. "There are some fresh clothes in there" he says, pointing to a large wooden chest. I shower quickly, wrap myself in a towel and walk over to the chest of clothes. I pull open the heavy lid and peer inside. I rummage around the chest, looking at all the contents. Black or dark red formal clothes, accessories and shoes are all I find. I chose a tight fitting red dress, a black blazer and black pumps. I grab a small black clutch as well. When I decide I look decent enough, I walk out of the bathroom, into the hall where the man is waiting for me. He looks me once over and escorts me back into the little cell. After everyone is cleaned up, the man comes to get us again. He leads us down into a tunnel. We walk for at least fifteen minutes until I see daylight. We emerge in front of a giant black mansion. The vampire councils mansion. The mean leads us inside, into a big room with a long table and six extra chairs. Behind the table sits five vampires that I recognise as the council. One, a girl with long, wavy blonde hair and menacing blue eyes, is staring daggers at me.

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