Pranks!: Chapter 20

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**hey everyone :) I just put up my life sized poster of my Nialler up on my wall. Also, I mastered the cup song from pitch perfect, in one day! I'm so proud of myself :) Shelbert (Shelby) says thanks for all of the birthday wishes you girls sent her. She's been bugging me to tell you. Anyhoo, here's chapter 20! Since I missed the shout out for the last chapter, I'm going to do that now. For chapter 19 it's....... @The1234girl. For this chapter, it is...... @cecillehassings. Tanks girls!!**

Harry's POV

Darcy Anne Styles. My little angel. As I hold her in my arms, I can't help but let a tear of joy slip down my cheek. "She's beautiful" I whisper, looking over at Tiffany. She smiles and holds out her arms for our new baby girl. I reluctantly hand Darcy over and take a seat on the edge of the hospital bed. Raine quietly enters the room. "She's so precious!" Raine coos once she sees Darcy. "She looks just like her daddy" Tiff smiles at me. A nurse comes into the room to teach us how to properly hold and feed Darcy, blah blah blah. She looks awfully surprised when little Darcy turns into a baby wolf and tries to bite her hand off. She backs away scared, and I sink my fangs into her neck before she can run off and tell the other nurses. I drag her limp body over to Tiff, who helps Darcy poke her little fangs into the nurses flesh. Yeah, vampire babies have fangs when they're born. Tiff also drinks from the nurse and I throw the now drained body out the window. Raine laughs, congratulates us and wanders out into the hallway.

Raines POV

I wander back out into the hallway, to the waiting room of the maternity ward. Louis, Sam and Niall are waiting for me. Since Sam and Louis had already visited with the new parents, they headed back to the flat, while me and Niall wandered down to the cafeteria. "We come here too often" he chuckles as we take our usual spot at the back. He's right. With Louis's ankle, to Harry's coma and now Darcy's birth, we spend quite a bit of time in this particular place. I'm about to bite into my sandwich, when I have the most random thought. "Holy crap! We haven't been to school in over 6 months!" I shout and the people in the room all look at me strangely. Niall just chuckles. "I don't know about you, but I've been in school for almost 130 years, I don't think we really need to go back" He says. There is a sudden whoosh of air and then Danah sits next to me. "I'm bored and Liam won't let us have a whipped cream fight. Lets go shopping" She says really fast. Me and Niall laugh and we head out to the mall.

Sam's POV

Me and Louis arrive back at the flat just as Liam, Danielle, Zayn, Perrie and Briana are on their way out for something to eat. We decline their invitation to go with them because, well, we kinda ate one of the doctors back at the hospital. Me and Louis plop down on the couch. He turns on the tv and wraps his arm around my shoulders, while I snuggle closer to him. We've gotten closer in the past few months. I really like Louis, Im just not sure if he feels the same way about me. I mean, he did just loose his girlfriend. My thoughts are interrupted by Louis, who snaps his fingers in front of my face. "What?" I ask, when he gives me a questioning look. He rolls his eyes and repeats himself. "I said, I'm bored lets pull some pranks on the boys" he grins mischievously, as do I. I nod because, really, who can turn down pranking? It's just not possible when your a kid at heart. Louis runs into the kitchen and returns with every spoon he could find. He hands some to me and we both run into Liam and Danielle's room. I shove some spoons into Liam's pillow case and under his toy story comforter. Louis hides some in his clothing drawers and he even tucks some into a pair of shoes laying on the floor.

Next, we raid Zayn's room, stealing every comb, brush, and whatever other hair products he owns. I run into Niall's room and throw a few brushes under his bed. To make it look like the Irish boy stole the loot, I throw some onto a desk in the corner. Louis runs out of Harry's room, arms empty of hairspray cans. We go back into Harry's room and take his golden thong, god only knows why he owns one, and shove it under Niall's bed with Zayn's brushes. Once finished, we throw some of Louis's carrots, much to his disliking, under the bed as well. When we are content with our little prank, me and Louis high five and sit back on our sofa. We're about to start watching Grown Ups, when we hear a knock on the door. When I open it, I'm surprised to see Taylor on the other side. "Hello!" I chirp. She smiles at me. "Is Harry here?" She asks. "I wanted to clear things up with him". I shake my head. Taylor's face falls a bit. "He's at the hospital with Tiffany. She had their baby last night" I smile as I think of little Darcy. Taylor, surprisingly, smiles as well. "Can you tell him that I was here? Oh and congratulate them for me as well!" She says and whoosh, she's gone.

Tiffs POV

I pack up my things and Harry puts Darcy in her little baby carrier. Since I'm still a bit sore, we can't run back home, so we have to drive. I hear Harry yelp from behind me, and when I turn around, he is holding his thumb, which is bleeding. "She just bit me!" He complains. I just chuckle at him. I finish gathering up my belongings and we head home. Once there, I walk up to mine and Harry's room, changing Darcy into a little pink onsie, and placing her gently down in the crib we bought her. Her little green eyes look around the room. God, she looks like Harry so much, with her green eyes and curly brown hair. I'm about to join the others, when I hear a scream that sounds like Zayn. "Where the hell is all my hair combs?" He shouts and I can't help but chuckle. A few moments later I hear Liam scream in terror. "Why is there spoons in my drawers?" I laugh my ass off and walk down the hallway. Harry runs past me, into our room. "Who stole my thong?" He yells at the top of his lungs and Darcy starts to cry. I hear him mumble a few curse words and he carries Darcy out of the room. Her chin rests on Harry shoulder and she happily plays with his curls. Harry gives me Darcy, while he returns to searching our room. I bring her into the living room and lay her down on a blanket in the floor. I sit next to her and grab one of her baby toys. I crinkle the fabric and hand the toy over to the curious baby.

When Harry returns, he looks angry. "Who stole it?" He yells. Darcy giggles and his face softens. "Seriously who did it?" He asks. Louis, who's sitting on the sofa, shrugs. He walks over to the refrigerator in the kitchen and gasps dramatically. "Someone took all my carrots!" He starts to fake cry. Sam runs over go comfort him. Niall rolls his eyes and returns to typing on his phone. "Wait a second! Niall, why isn't any of your stuff missing?" Louis asks. Niall shrugs. "You stole our stuff didn't you!" Zayn says as he comes running into the room. Niall shakes his head. Liam, Louis, Harry and Zayn all exchange glances and run into Niall's room. They return holding their stuff and glare at Niall. "Guys, it wasn't me, I swear!" He says worriedly. The other boys start chasing him around the room until Liam somehow grabs the smaller boy by the collar, holding him hostage in his grip. "I wasn't even home to take your belongings! I was out with Raine and Danah!" The two girls nod and Liam lets go of the leprechaun. "You have a point. If we were all out, then it had to be.... LOUIS AND SAM!" He shouts. Lou and Sam run into the nearest bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind them. Me and the girls laugh as Liam, Niall, Zayn and Harry pound on the door. Darcy plays happily with her toy, oblivious to the chaos around her. When the boys finally give up, Sam cautiously slips out of the bathroom. "We will get you back for this!" Niall says as she sits down on the sofa. She rolls her eyes and turns to Harry. "Taylor came to the flat today, looking for you. She said that she wanted to clear things up" she says. I can't help but scowl when I hear her name. Taylor Swift. My torturer. She tried to kill me and now she's wants to clear things up? I don't think so!

Harry's POV

'Im really sorry Harry. I was just jealous of you and Tiffany' Taylor says. I was currently mind messaging her. 'Congratulations by the way!" She says and I thank her. 'Look Tay, I've got to go, but ill talk to you again soon okay?" I say. She says goodbye and I break our connection. When I snap out of my trance, Tiff is standing in front of me, her hands in her hips. She doesn't look to happy. "Why are you talking to her?" She demands. I sigh and put my hands up in surrender. "You do know that Taylor's not always crazy, right?" Tiff scoffs and walks out of our room, leaving just me and Darcy, who's crying in her crib. I carefully take my baby girl out of the cage and sit down with her on my bed. She cuddles into my chest and almost immediately falls asleep. I sit there for a while, admiring the cute little bundle of joy resting on my chest. I'm a dad now, and hopefully ill be a good one.

Louis's POV

Niall and Raine get up to go to bed, leaving just me and Sam sitting in the sofa. I watch as her blue eyes focus intently on the television screen. I wrap my arm around her, bringing her closer to me. After a while I sigh and ask her what I've been meaning to for weeks. "Sam, would you go out with me?" Her face lights up. "Of course Loubear!" I pull her into a big hug. "I love you Sam" I whisper into her ear.

**Hey! Sorry this chapter is a bit short, i wrote it at like midnight. There's only gonna be one more chapter in OFB and then in gonna start the next book after I get about halfway through Cold Blooded Killers. Thanks for reading! Do t forget to




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