Our Secret Relationships: Chapter 5

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Hey everyone! Thanks again to Megan for the idea for this and the last chapter. Love you my friend. Im gonna switch up the POV's again because I like it better that way. Here's chapter 5. Enjoy!! :)

***3 hours later***

Louis's POV

'Beep, beep, beep'. Ugh, trying to sleep here! 'Beep, beep, beep' "ugh! Whatever or whoever is making that god awful noise better stop before I shove something up their..." I stopped mid sentence, opening my eyes. I was lying on a bed in a perfectly white room. It smelled of bleach and antiseptic crud. "Well good morning to you too" a familiar voice said. It took me a second to remember who's voice that was. "Hey Raine. Where are we?" I asked seeing as this wasn't my bed and it was certainly not my room. Way too clean for my liking. "We're at the local hospital" she said. I suddenly felt something pricking my arm. It was an IV thing. I looked down at my ankle that was suck in a brace. I nearly screamed. I hated hospitals. 100% loathed them. Too many bad things happen here. Suddenly a nurse walked into the room. "Ah Mr. Tomlinson. You're awake." She said. I nodded warily. The nurse turned to Raine. "Are you Mr. Tomlinson's girlfriend?" Raine turned a lovely shade of lobster and shook her head. "No, my girlfriends name is Eleanor. I believe she works here" I said and Raine shot me a care to explain look. The nurse smiled. "You must be talking about miss Calder. She's a nice girl isn't she." I nodded. "Well, I suppose I should tell you the damage. Your right ankle has somehow caved in. We are going to have to straighten it out and then put some metal there so this doesn't happen again." The nurse said and I paled. Not only was I stuck in my least favourite place, I was also about to be cut open and get a piece of metal shoved in my foot. "i think your scheduled for surgery at six. I'll go fetch miss Calder." The nurse said and left the room. "Okay, explain." Said Raine. "Um, well, I've been seeing Eleanor for about six months now. She's a shifter too and she's really nice. I'm sure you'll love her. Oh and only Niall and Liam know. Well I guess you do too now." I replied. Raine's jaw dropped so far, I thought it would touch the floor. "You haven't told anyone?" She said.

"No and I feel bad. I want to but I think that'll make Zayn feel left out. After all, he doesn't have a girl yet." I said looking at the crisp white sheets on the bed. I crumpled them up to make them more comfortable. "Um, where are the boys and Tiff?" I asked Raine. "I dunno. Niall is probably at the cafeteria and I thought I saw Harry and tiff strolling through the garden. I'm not sure about Danielle or Liam though. Oh and Zayn went out to the store for a minute. I'll text them." Said Raine pulling out her phone. "Um what time is it?" I asked when Raine put her phone down. "Four thirty I think" she replied. Great. An hour and a half until I met my doom. Okay not really, but I liked to exaggerate. There was a slight bang and the door opened. Harry barged into the room followed by Niall who was rubbing his shoulder. "He had to see you first" Niall explained. The door opened again but this time a girl walked in. I couldn't exactly see who it was until she turned around. Eleanor! "Boo bear!" She cried, running to my side. I hugged her tightly. "What happened?" She asked me, obviously confused at my presence. "I, uh, well..." I stuttered. I wasn't sure how to put my answer into words. "We got captured by some random dude and he shot us full of vervain that was tainted with silver. Then he broke Lou's ankle and also hurt the other boys." Raine said coming to my rescue. "Yeah, then yesterday, I went to get up and I guess my ankle somehow caved in" I finished. Eleanor just looked at Raine and the boys funny. "Hi I'm Eleanor, Lou's girlfriend." She said after a while. I glanced at Niall who gave me a 'what are we supposed to do now' look. I was getting a lot of different looks lately.

"How long have you been together?" Harry asked. "Six months" I muttered. "You haven't told them Lou?" Eleanor whispered to me. I shook my head and looked back at Harry. "Well, I guess we can't really tell Zayn." Harry said sitting down in one of the many chairs beside my bed.

Harry's POV

I sat down in one of the chairs by Lou's bed. How could he be so stupid? How are we going to hide this from Zayn. It just wasn't possible. I could swear that Zayn could read minds. I sat thinking for a while until Liam, Danielle, Zayn and finally my beautiful Tiffany came in the room. They were all out of breath as though they had just gone for a run. "If a giant, angry doctor comes in, we were never here." Liam said as he, Tiff, Danielle and Zayn crouched behind my chair and Lou's bed. I sent Louis a text.

'To the Tommo: u should tell Zayn' Lou's phone beeped and I watched as his eyes scanned the text. Beep. 'To Hazza: kk I will' I looked up and met Lou's eyes, urging him to go on. "Hey Zayn, I have to tell you something." He started but Zayn cut him off. "Let me guess, she's your girlfriend and you didn't tell me because you didn't want to make me feel left out." He said. What did I tell you. Mind reading right there. We all stared at Zayn. "What, I have a secret girlfriend too. Her name is Perrie. Eleanor knows her, don't you?" He said looking at El. "Um yeah, she works here too. I'll go get her." Eleanor said and hurried out of the room. She returned a few minutes later with a girl that had purple hair. "So Zayn decided to tell you about us." Perrie said as she sat down beside me.

Louis's POV

For the next hour, we all sat and chatted until a big doctor man came into my room to take me away. He shot Liam a look and came over to talk to me. "Mr. Tomlinson, we're all ready to go. You have two minutes to finish up with your friends and then I will send in some nurses to get you prepared." He said and walked out of the room. "What's up his bum?" I asked Liam. "Uh well, we were in the cafeteria and Zayn pushed me while we were in line. I kind of landed on him and well, he started chasing us around. So we ran up here and hid." He said glaring at Zayn who was still crouched beside my bed. We all sat in silence for a few seconds until Harry's phone buzzed. "Hey Lou, your moms coming. She said that she's bringing your sisters too." Oh god. "Cool, tell her that I'm about to go in for the operation so I'll see her when I wake up" I told Harry and he nodded. Soon enough Eleanor and Perrie came to get me prepared for my 'doom'. Eleanor held my hand as Perrie injected a needle with some sleeping medicine into my arm. "We'll all be here when you wake up" Harry said as I was rolled down the hallway and into a big white room. There were doctors everywhere. I was super nervous and I just squeezed Eleanor's hand tighter. "Okay boo bear, you're going to be alright. I just need you to count backwards form ten." She said. Suddenly I felt as if I was living in a house of jello. Colours began to swim as the sleeping medicine took a hold of me. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four.... The last thing I remember is Eleanor smiling down at me before I passed out.

This chapter is a bit shorter than the others I know, I will try to make them long. Thank you so much to all my amazayn readers. Also don't forget to check out my other story. Its called be mine tonight, you can find it on my homepage. I have created a twitter account for my fanfics so please follow me (@shannondaninja). Luff you all

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