Who is S?: Chapter 18

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**hey everyone!! I've decided..... IM WRITING A SEQUEL TO OFB!! Ya so part one will only be a few more chapters long (like probably 3 or so). The shout out for this chapter goes to..... @BeauTayTayful! Thanks for all of your amazayn support! I luff you all!!**

Raines POV

"Ahhh your so lucky!" Me and the girls were happy dancing in the kitchen. I had just gotten home from my date with Niall and was showing off my new ring. Liam comes in to join us. He pulls me into a quick hug. "I can't believe my little sister that I didn't know I had is getting married!" I look up at him. "Oh yeah, about that. Are you okay with us sharing your mom? I mean like, you've been an only child since earlier today" (I know this isn't true, but just pretend plz). Liam just nods and smiles at me. "You guys are the sisters I always wanted". Briana comes to join our hug. The rest of the boys walk in and congratulate me and Niall. They eventually wander off, leaving just me and Niall alone. "I need to tell you about something" I say to him. He gives me a weird look before raiding the refrigerator. "Tonight, I had the feeling like we were being watched" Niall stiffens and jerks his head up. "You to eh?" I gulp and nod. The window to my right shatters, spraying me with glass. I shriek and Niall pulls me into his strong arms. Everyone runs back to us. "What the hell was that?" Harry practically yells. Liam bends down and picks something out of the remnants of our window. Before he can do anything, Tiff takes it out of his hands, examining whatever it is. She passes it to me. The small object I hold in my hand is a rock. Attached to the rock is a paper. I gently unfold the paper and read it out loud. "I'm coming for you -S"

"Who the hell is S?" Louis whispers. Niall takes the note from my hands. He reads it over once and passes it to Liam. Liam shakes his head. "Whomever this S person is, he or she is coming for us and we need to be on the lookout" everyone nods. Someone's phone beeps. Harry reaches into his pocket and pulls his out, reading the text he just received. Harry pales and tiff snatches the phone away from him. "What does it say?" I ask. She gulps and looks up at us. "It says 'I can see you -S'" everyone gasps. I look out the now shattered window. A pair of eyes glints back at me. I rub my eyes, and look back into the darkness. The mysterious eyes are gone. Maybe it was just my imagination. I could swear they were wolf like. I brush it off and walk up to mine and Niall's room. I needed some time to clear my head. I flop onto my bed and shove a pillow into my face. I feel someone sit down beside me. "It's okay babe" I hear Niall whisper to me as he rubs my back for comfort. He pulls me into a hug and we stay like this until we hear an earsplitting scream from down the hallway.

Harry's POV

I hear a scream coming from my room. I immediately rush in there only to find Tiff clutching her stomach and smiling. Niall and Raine come running in as well as Liam and Louis. "What happened? Are you okay?" Louis says really fast. Tiff nods and they all sigh and go back to whatever they were doing. I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her waist. "Care to explain why you almost gave me a heart attack?" I kiss the back of Tiff's neck. She spins around and grins like a clown. "The baby kicked!" She says excitedly, placing one of my hands on her growing baby bump. Sure enough, I feel a slight tap against my hand. I smile back at her. "How far along are you?" I ask. I'm kind of worried about this whole parenting thing. I might not turn out to be a great dad. "You'll be fine, I know you can be the best daddy this baby can ever have" Tiff smiles at me. I sigh. I must have been thinking out loud again. She pulls me down to sit on our bed. "We need to think of baby names" she says. I nod. "If it's a girl can we please name her Darcy? I've always loved that name" I plead. Tiff nods. "If it's a boy, how about we name him Jamie?" She asks me. I nod I pull my shirt off and crawl under the covers, while Tiff gets changed into her nightwear. She crawls in with me and we both fall into a peaceful sleep.

Zayn's POV

"Lou, what the hell are you doing?" I ask as he drags some contraption into the living room. It looks like a television with a bunch of cameras sticking out of it. "This, my boring old friend, is a video surveillance thingamajig. I'm going to set the cameras up all over the house so we can find out who S is" he gives me a 'duh' look. Beside me, Perrie stifles a laugh. There is a knock at the front door and a slip of paper falls through the mail slot. Sam picks it up and reads it aloud. "Don't try anything stripy. I can hear you as well as see you -S" Louis pouts and shuts all the blinds. He drags the thing into a corner and jumps onto the sofa, causing me and Sam to fly off. Perrie says a quick spell and gently floats back to the ground as me and Sam skid across the floor on our faces. We sit up and glare at Lou, who shrugs and acts all innocent. He spreads his legs across the sofa, sufficiently taking up all the room. I look over at Sam, who nods and we both stand up, walking over to a smirking Louis. I grab him by the arm, Sam his legs, and we throw him over the back of the sofa and plop back into our original spots. Perrie chuckles and plops down as well. "What are we going to do with you Lou?"

Sypress's POV

"Minerva! Go get me a meal, I'm too tired to hunt for myself" I wave her off. I sigh to myself and stretch across my velvet one seater couch. This is how it's going to be once I am the ruler of the wolves. I've already taken care of most of the stupid vampires. Taylor, one of the leaders, squirms around, trying to unbind the ropes holding her in her chair. She screams in frustration, but it's muffled by the rope tied around her mouth. It's funny how people doubt my capability of seriously harming them. Taylor glares at me and uses her fangs to chew through the rope. "You'll never get away with this!" She spits. I snicker. "She thinks she can get away, how cute. Well guess what you filthy bloodsucker, you and your friends aren't going anywhere". I send one of my servants off, and he comes back with another council member. Holly, I think her name is. I grab a wooden stake out of another servants hand and stab it into the blonde haired girls shoulder. I smile when she screams in agony. The servant takes her back off to wherever and I go back to lounging around.

Niall's POV

"Dare?" I say, but it comes out more like a question. Louis smiles evilly. "Okay Irish boy, I dare you to lock yourself in the coat closet and stay there for five minutes". Oh god, I'm claustrophobic. This is not good. "No!" I yell as Liam and Zayn drag me into the small space. They slam the door before I can get out and I hear the click of a lock. The closet is so small, I can barely turn around. I feel myself start to sweat as I become more and more nervous. I curl up in a ball, trying to my self as small as possible. Soon enough, Raine comes to my rescue and I unbury myself from the coats. Now it's my turn. "Harry, truth or dare?" Harry's eyes go wide. "If I pick dare are you going to make me eat a whole jar of peanut butter again!" He whines. Yeah that was a good dare. Harry of course completed it and then spent the next few days puking his guts up. I shake my head. Harry sighs and chooses dare. I hear a female scream inside my head. "I dare you to- ahh!" A sudden pain shoots through my body.

Raine's POV

Niall collapses on the ground, writing in pain. Liam and I rush over to him and I command the other boys to stay back. "What's wrong?" Liam asks. Niall grits his teeth and clutches his shoulder. "Someone screamed and then, ahh! God, my shoulder is killing me!" I look for any signs of damage, but there isn't so much of a scratch on him. I see an imaginary lightbulb go off in Liam's head. "Niall, are you connected with anyone?" Niall's eyes go wide. "Holly!" His face turns into a worried expression. Who the hell is Holly? "Holly as in like the vampire council girl?" Tiff asks and Niall nods. He looks over at me. "Me and Holly used to go out, almost 100 years ago. About five months into our relationship, she tried to drink from me. She only got a little bit off blood before realising what I was. Since she has some of my blood in her body, we're kind of connected. I can feel her pain and she can feel mine" Niall grabs his shoulder again. "It feels like she's been stabbed" he winces. I look over to the other boys who are staring wide eyed at Niall. Except for Harry, who is staring blankly into space, having a conversation with himself. "Your expecting me to help you? After you almost killed my girlfriend? Really Taylor?" He sighs. "Fine. We'll be there shortly" Harry snaps out of his trance and turns to us. "That was Taylor. Some crazy wolf lady is trying to kill all the vampires and they need our help, since we are also kind of half vamp." Liam stands up and grabs his coat. "Let's move people!"

**hey! I'm so sorry if this chapter sucked, I've been really busy. April is a super busy month so I won't be updating that fast. Sorry. Also I forgot the shout outs for the last chapters. Here it is.

Chapter 17- @futuremrsmalik

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