The First Day: Chapter 2

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**Hey this chappie is a little shorter but I just had to update you guys. Hope you like :)**

** a week later **

It was the first day of school. Me and Tiff walked into Holmes Chapel high linking arms. You see, our school is crazy and if you don't stick with friends, you get beat up or made fun of. Apparently someone hadn't told that to the new kid. Some of the jocks grabbed the poor guy by his collar and threw him into the wall. Seeing as this kid was so helpless against a group of the fittest guys in the entire school, I rushed over to help him. I pushed a jock named Brad out of the way and extended my hand out to the new kid lying on the ground. I'm pretty popular in my grade so as soon as they saw me, everyone moved out of my way. "Don't be such assholes!" I yelled at the jocks as the new boy got to his feet. The jocks eventually wandered off. "Sorry about that, it's kind of a routine they have to pick on the new kids". I said to the boy. "Oh I see, thanks for helping me by the way. I'm Niall Horan" he said in an Irish accent. Man was this boy cute. He had blonde hair and the most beautiful blue eyes. He smiled the cutest smile that showed off his clear braces. I think I just melted. "What grade are you in?" I asked Niall. "Im in 11 how 'bout you?". "Same"i replied. Yay maybe we had some classes together. "Well,I'd better warn my other friends. Maybe we could hang out sometime" he said as he walked off. Ya that'd be great!" I called after him. I stood there in a trance until Tiff tapped on my shoulder. "Hey, get your head out of the clouds girl, we have three minutes to get to class!" We raced through the hallways until we got to hour first class: English with Mr. Carmack. Great we get the crabby old fart teaching one of my favourite subjects. Fun. Me and Tiff settled into some seats at the back and took out our books. We were just about to start reading Romeo and Juliet when five boys came through the door. "Ah, boys you're late. I will accept it this time because you're new but no more, got it?" Mr. Carmack said. He told the boys to sit beside me and tiff. "Hey" said a familiar Irish accent. Omg Niall was sitting right beside me. I felt my palms begin to sweat and my cheeks start to burn. "I never caught your name" Niall whispered to me. "Oh sorry I'm Raine Porter and this is my friend Tiffany Brooks" I said. "Sup call me Tiff" said tiff to Niall and the other boys. "Hi" they all chorused. Niall had some really cute friends.

One of the boys had tanned skin with a black quiff with only a little blonde streak in it and chocolate brown eyes. I think he introduced himself a Zayn I think. The next boy had a buzz cut and gorgeous brown eyes as well. I think that his name was Liam. One of the boys was bouncing up and down in his seat like he was on a sugar high. He had light brown side-swept hair and blue eyes. Not the colour of Niall's but more like the couloir of the sea. His name was Louis. Strange boy. The last boy had dark brown curly hair and emerald green eyes. He smiled at me and I saw that he had dimples. I recognised him from somewhere, I just couldn't put my finger on it. Hmm. "Hey Raine, can I call you sun? I don't like it when it rains." Louis asked me. "Umm, sure I guess" I replied. This boy was so hyper I thought he was going to suddenly spring up and run around the class until he passed out. "Mr. Louis Tomlinson, do you have something to say?" Asked Mr. Carmack. Louis shook his head and returned to bouncing around in his seat until he got in trouble for that too. Three painfully long hours, two classes and one very hyper Louis later, we were all sat in the cafeteria. "Ugh, this food doesn't even fill me up!" I exclaimed before clamping my mouth shut. Tiff kicked me under the table and gave me the evil eyes. I had almost given up our secret. No one knows that we were shifters and we liked to keep it that way, just so we don't end up with a stake jabbed into us. "Yeah, I know what you mean." Niall said, scarfing down his burger. "Don't worry bud, we'll go out and get a proper bite to eat after school" Zayn said, receiving numerous glares from the other boys. Strange what was that about. Me and Tiff made a silent agreement to do the same. I seriously needed some blood in my system. In fact, just being around all these humans made my mouth water. Brrriiinnnggg!! "Ugh time for class". I said as we cleared our trays off and headed off in different directions. Me, Tiff and the boys didn't have any classes together for the rest of the day so I met up with some of my other friends. After we were released from the hell hole known as school, me and Tiff sat on the outdoor bleachers watching the football (soccer) team practice. "Hey, fancy meeting you here!" Niall said suddenly appearing next to me. How did he get here so fast? It's not like he had super speed or something, only vampires did. Huh. Them boys are strange.

"Hey Ni! You want to come and grab a bite to eat with us?" Liam called from across the field. I didn't even realise that Liam and Louis were on the football team. "Uh, ya sure!" Niall called back. "I guess that's me cue to go. See you love"he said as he walked away. "Ya know, we should do the same. How's about we run to London and hit the streets?" Tiff whispered in my ear. I nodded my approval and we vamp speeded to the city of London. Going 250mph makes me feel so free. The wind whipping through my hair (or fur depending on which form we were in) felt so refreshing. We arrived in London in about two minutes and started out search for food. After about half an hour, we had found nothing decent to eat other than some bums or rats. Eww. After another ten minutes of searching, we heard a blood curdling scream. Perfect. Sometimes, we blood sucking creatures are nice enough to share their catch with the young. Me and Tiff ran to the alley we heard the scream coming from and saw three human figures looming around a young bunch of girls. Two other figures came around the corner, but they weren't human. They're wolves! I realised. I went to walk forward and smashed into some garbage cans. The five figures' heads jolted up to look at us. In milliseconds, I was pinned up against a wall with someone's cold breath on my neck. "You can't hurt me" I said to the person pinning me down. "And why is that?" The person asked in a husky voice. Do I recognise that voice. Huh. "Because!" I spat before growing my fangs. "Hey isn't that Raine?" Asked another figure. He stepped out of the shadows. Zayn?!? "Sorry Raine" the person who was holding me down immediately let me go. Harry. I knew I recognised his voice. Liam also came out from behind some trash cans after mesmerising the girls. The two wolves came bounding over. One had a light brown coat and sea blue eyes. He was bouncing around uncontrollably. "I'm guessing Lou, right" gesturing to the wolf on a sugar high. Harry nodded and returned to whatever he was doing with the poor girls. "Where's Niall?" I asked. Just as I said this a wolf with a beautiful honey coloured coat came into view. That had to be Niall, he had the most gorgeous blue eyes on the face of the planet. "You guys are shifters too?!?" Asked a very surprised Tiff. The boys all nodded.

"Shall we eat?" Liam said. "You girls can join in too, we caught an extra" Zayn said as he sunk his fangs into one of the girls. I nodded before I. Sunk my fangs into another girl. Soon the boys and tiff all did the same....

**Hey u like? Comment on your opinions cuz that's what helps me get better. Next update will be soon I hope. No promises though. Luff yous

-nialler_is_my_life :)**

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