Cheater!: Chapter 6

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Sup my awesome readers. Thanks again to my awesome buddy Megan for helping me so much. So as a thank you I thought it would be nice if we all show our appreciation by commenting what you like best about the story (Megan's pretty much done all the Louis, Niall and Liam parts incase you were wondering). Im warning you now because this chapter will have swearing in it. Tanks for your support :)

Raine's POV

I watched Louis being rolled down the hallway into his so called 'doom'. Drama queen..."Hey babe, I'm going to go get something I left out in the car." Niall said to me as he started to walk off. "I think we should reschedule our date for another night." I told him. He nodded and said something along the lines of Tuesday before walking off. I me and Tiff wandered down to the cafeteria. She skipped all the way down the stairs. "Why are you so happy?" I asked her. We were in a hospital and she was skipping. "Harry is my mate!" She practically screamed. Oh god. Future PDA alert. We got our crappy day old sandwiches and sat down. We talked about everything for about an hour until we met up with Liam and Danielle in the garden. Liam told us that Lou's operation went fine and he was in recovery at the moment. We wandered around for a while and eventually got bored and went up to Louis's empty room. "I'm so bored!" Danielle exclaimed. "Shall we go find Harry? He can be entertaining at times." Liam suggested and we set off on our quest of finding the rare Haz as tiff called it.

Zayn's POV

I was outside at my car, looking for my phone charger. It took about ten minutes, but I eventually found it. I headed up to check on my phone that video recording whatever was happening in Lou's room. Okay, i know that sounds kind of creepy, but who knows what the boys would say about me and Perrie. As I was walking up the stairs I bumped into a very pissed off Eleanor. I didn't say anything as I watched her stomp down the stairs. I'm sure that this place had elevators but seeing as we were all shifters, we liked to get the extra exercise. I peeked into the empty room and grabbed my phone, sitting on one of the many chairs in the room and starting up the video I had taken. For the first five minutes there was no one to be seen until Liam, Danielle, Tiff and Raine came into the room. They were talking about Louis so I didn't have to worry. They left soon after to look for Harry. For another five minutes there was nothing until Niall's head poked through the door. He looked around to make sure that there was no one around before entering the room dragging a girl in behind him. A girl that wasn't Raine.

"Niall, what are you doing?" The girl said. "Look!" he said pulling his sleeve up to reveal the small star mark on his wrist. The girl gasped and pulled the leg of her pants up, revealing the same marking on her calf. "Niall, I know what your thinking but you have a girlfriend, and I have a boyfriend who all have the exact same marking. We can't do this." The girl said. She turned away from Niall and I caught a glimpse of her face. It was Eleanor! I felt a lump forming in my throat as I saw Niall grab Eleanor's arm, forcing her to face him. He planted a forceful kiss on her lips and held her tight. Eleanor tried to get away but Niall's arms were locked around her waist. "Niall! What the fuck is wrong with you?!?" Eleanor yelled and slapped Niall across the face. She stormed out of the room, leaving Niall standing there with a goofy grin plastered across his face. I was going to kill that bastard next time I saw him. As if on cue he and Raine came strolling through the door, holding hands. "Niall, we need to talk." I said through gritted teeth. He let go of Raine and walked outside the room with me. I shut the door, not wanting Raine to hear our conversation. "I know about you and Eleanor." I said bluntly as I watched Niall's eyes widen. "What! how?" He yelled. "That's for me to know and you to find out" I snapped back. I was quickly losing my temper. "You have to promise not to tell anyone, especially Raine. It would crush her" Niall pleaded. "Well, you shouldn't have made out with Eleanor then, now should you" I retorted. By now I was downright pissed. Who could cheat in their girlfriend and then lie about it afterward. "Niall, you have no respect for women" I said. Niall pinned me up against the wall. "Promise you won't tell Or else" he threatened.

I put my hands up in surrender and nodded. We returned to the room where Raine was on her phone. I sent her a quick text 'To Raine: I'm sending you a video. Wait until Niall isn't looking. Watch from about the ten minute mark' I attached the video file and hit send. Hey, I told Niall that I wouldn't tell her. I never said anything about not showing her. Raine's phone beeped and she immediately read the text giving me a weird look. "Honey, I'm going to go find Liam." Niall said, kissing Raine on the cheek and exiting the room. I saw Raine click the play button on her phone. Almost immediately, her eyes began to water as she watched herself be cheated on. When the video was done she buried her face in her hands and started to cry. "I'm so sorry Raine, but you had to know." I said rubbing her back. "It's okay Zayn. You did what's right." Raine said in between sobs.

Raine's POV

I watched the video over and over again until my phone died. How could he!? I thought that Niall lived me! Serves me right for trusting another boy again....

*FLASHBACK*- me and my boyfriend Chris were walking down the streets of London. I was only 15 and he was three years older than me. Most of the kids at school thought badly of my relationship but who are they to judge. Anyways, we were walking down the streets in London when he pulled me into an ally and pushed me up against a wall. "You smell so good" he had whispered in my ear. He grew fangs and smiled at me. His eyes turned a sickly yellow and I realised. Chris was a vampire. Fortunately, he had no clue that I was a shifter so he was quite startled when I too, grew fangs and my eyes turned silver. Even still, Chris bit me and attempted to run but I leaped on his back and pinned him down. I wrenched his head back, making tiny fissures appear on his face until his head completely snapped off. I still have the scar and i swore to myself that I would never trust a boy again. *END OF FLASHBACK*

Look how well that worked. I soon got tired of sitting in the lonely hospital room by myself so I decided to wander around. I found myself walking to Tiffs minivan- the same place that Niall was heading. I looked in the tinted window and saw Niall and Eleanor locked in a massive make out session. After the video I had just seen, I wasn't surprised at all. Mad, yes I was pissed but I wasn't surprised. I opened the side door and quite literally dragged Niall out by his collar. "Um, I uh, well, fancy meeting you here." Niall said to me, obviously mortified. I slapped him across the face. Hard. "Fuck you Niall." I said as I walked off. Niall grabbed my hand. "Babe, please let me explain. I-" I cut him off before he could finish. "There's no need to explain. I know everything. We're done Niall. And don't think that I won't be telling Louis about this." I said shooting a look on Eleanor's direction. She paled and hid somewhere in the back of the van. "Raine-" Niall started again. I didn't want to hear it. I yanked my arm out of his hand, but he just held on tighter. "Let me go you piece of shit!" I yelled and punched Niall straight in the face. He immediately let go and clutched his cheek, where a bruise was already forming. I couldn't believe what I had just done. "I-I hate you Niall!" I screamed at him before running back inside the hospital. I ran blindly until my tears obstructed my vision to the point where I couldn't see anymore.

Louis POV

I was swimming. In a pool somewhere. Raine, Harry and Eleanor were there too. There were pigeons all around me. Kevin, I decided. I would name them all Kevin. Suddenly the pool changed to a football stadium. It was my team against Niall, Liam, Zayn, Perrie and team consisted of me, Raine, Harry, Eleanor and Danielle. I was the star player of course. A whistle blew and I took off down the field. Somehow I tripped and landed in my face. When I looked back up, I was in my bedroom. No one but me was there. Or so I thought. Raine slipped through the door and smiled at me. I sat down on my bed and she sat beside me. To my surprise, Raine crawled on top of me and began taking off my shirt. "Raine, I um-" I started to say that this was a bit strange. Raine opened her mouth as if to say something, but all that came out was a horrible sound. "Beep, beep, beep" she said, over and over again. Da fuq? The room began to turn fuzzy and all the colours blended together. I felt a sudden flash of pain in my ankle. It was like I was being pulled through a different dimension. 'Beep, beep, beep'. It wouldn't stop. My head began to pound as I was dragged back into the real world. I opened my eyes and had to shut them quickly, due to the blinding sunlight pouring through the window of my small hospital room.

Hey. Hope you guys like! This was sort of a filler chapter in some parts so sorry if it sucked. Anyhoo, what do you guys think will happen between Niall, Raine, Lou, and Eleanor? Comment on your opinion. I will try to update as soon as I can but I'm having problems with my wireless Internet connection so no promises. Luff you's :)

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