Taylor: Chapter 19

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**hey you awesome leprechauns. I'm writing this chapter in my class. Hope you like:)**

Harry's POV

Me, Niall, Louis and Zayn jumped into my car. Niall tracked Taylor's scent to an abandoned warehouse in London. When we came to a stop outside the run down building, I could hear screams, emitting from inside. I was about to push the front door open, when Niall collapsed in pain again. "H-holly, they're burning her alive!" Niall starts to sweat furiously. Zayn kicks the door down. Him and Louis run inside while I help Niall off the floor. We run inside and see Holly, hanging over a campfire looking contraption. A small, skinny woman is manning the controls, slowly lowering poor Holly into the flames. Each time one licks her skin, she screamed and thrashed around. I could see Louis and Zayn slowly creeping up on the woman, so far unnoticed. Well, not for long anyways. Some woman spotted them and she sent two large men over to capture them. The woman at the controls sneered. "Great job Minerva! Maybe I will keep you once the world is mine" she wants to take over the world? "Isn't that a bit cliche?" I hear Louis ask. I can't agree more.

I hear Niall gasp beside me, then growl. The girl, Minerva, looks at us and whispers something to the other lady. "Your friends want to play, I see". I gulped. Before I could do anything, Niall sprang out of the shadows, at the woman with the controls. This takes her by surprise, and her and Niall go toppling over. Louis and Zayn somehow get out of the servant people's grip and Louis starts fumbling with the controls. Niall pushes the lady off of him and tries to help holly down. I run over to help, but she's too high up. I look around for something to help us, my gaze resting upon a metal pole, standing only three feet away from where Holly is dangling. I nudge Niall and point at the pole.

Niall's POV

Harry nudges me and points to a metal pole. I run towards it and take my coat off, I'll need to be as light as possible because this thing doesn't look very sturdy. As I scale the metal shaft, I feel it swaying back and forth under my weight. I've been told I'm heavy by numerous people, so I'm going to have to be extra careful. I'm right beside holly now. As I go to reach for her, the pole tilts, causing my weight to shift. The metal continues to fall and at the last second, I grow my claws and swipe at the rope Holly's attached to. She and I fall, Louis catching her and me plummeting to my death. Or so I thought. A blue light encases me an I gently float to the ground. Perrie releases me from the bubble and Raine comes running over. "Omigosh, are you okay Nialler?" She starts going on about how dangerous and crazy I am, until Holly walks over. "Hi" she says awkwardly. I look at my feet. "Thanks for, you know, saving my sorry butt" she says and I simply nod. I gather all my courage to look up.

Holly smiles awkwardly at me. She still looks the exactly the same as when we dated. Same blonde hair, blue eyes and playful smile. When we broke up, it took almost a year to get over her. I was so lonely for those years, until I met Raine. 'I'm in a very happy relationship with Raine,' I think to myself 'It's time to get over Holly, the girl who nearly bit your head off'. I shake myself and walk away from Holly, over to Raine, taking her in my arms. "I love you, don't forget that" I whisper.

Raines POV

"I love you, don't forget that" Niall whispers. I smile and wiggle out of his tight grip. Harry clears his throat. "Liam is at home with the other girls, so we don't have our normal strength as a group. We're gonna have to stay out of fights, got it?" We all nod. "Now, we need to find Taylor and the rest of the council" as if on cue, we hear another scream coming from deeper inside the building. Harry and Niall take off in that direction and Perrie and Zayn in the opposite. Louis stays behind to deal with the crazy lady we found out she's called Sypress. She admitted to Lou that she's S, who's been sending us creepy notes. I decide to follow Niall. I turn into my wolf form and run down the hallway. Harry suddenly stops abruptly, covering his mouth to keep from crying out. In the room before us, blood is spattered everywhere. On the ceiling, walls, floors, everywhere. In the middle of the room, an unrecognisable yet so familiar girl is tied to a chair. Her once beautiful face is cut and bruised, and her golden wavy hair is matted and soaked with her blood. Her leg is twisted at a strange angle and there is large wounds all over her upper body. Me and Niall gasp at the horrific sight. Harry stands as still as a statue, until I wave my hand in front of his face.

"We've gotta get her out of here!" He yells, untying Taylor's limp body. He throws her over his shoulder and marches out of the room. We walk back to Louis, who's leaning over Sypress's dead body. Her throat has been ripped out and there is blood everywhere. I don't question because, truthfully, I don't even want to go there. Zayn and Perrie come running back with the other two council members. I look away when Caleb's eyes meet mine. Harry sets Taylor down on the cold hard ground (see what I did there?) and Perrie mutters a healing spell. Taylor's cuts and bruises begin to fade, but her leg remains broken. Perrie shrugs "I hope she won't mind using crutches for six weeks" We walk out of the warehouse, Harry carrying Taylor and drive back home. When we finally get home, Tiff answers the door and grimaces when she sees Taylor. Harry lays her down on the sofa and goes to talk with Tiff in the kitchen.

Tiff's POV

Harry takes me into the kitchen with him. "Are you okay with her staying here until she wakes up?" I sigh. I'm not really happy about having my kidnapper in the same house as me, but then again, I can play all the pranks I want on her when she's under my roof. I slowly nod. I feel the baby kick, and I put my head over my growing bump. Hybrid babies grow twice as fast as humans in their first years, and I am only two and a half months from seeing my child. I'm honestly super excited to be a mother. When I told my parents, they were over the moon at the thought of having a grand kid. I walk back into the living space, where Liam, Raine and Briana are bickering about something. "Ahh, sibling love" Zayn coos, and they glare at him, but soon return to arguing. "I want to pour the syrup on her!" Briana says. "I want to spray the silly string!" Shouts Raine. Liam pouts, "No fair! I wanted the string!"

Zayn chuckles and hands me a plastic bag. Inside, there are four cans of silly string, an air horn, a package of feathers and a bottle of maple syrup. I give Zayn a questioning look. "We're not gonna just let Taylor relax here after what she did. She's gonna pay" he says with an evil smile. To stop the bickering, I give Raine and Liam each two cans of silly string, and hand the syrup to Briana. I take out the package of feathers and hand a bunch to Zayn. Taylor has no idea what in for her now

Taylor's POV

I hear giggling and then next thing I know, something sticky is being poured on my head. I open my eyes and see Tiffany, Harry and a couple other of their friends surrounding me. One of the boys, Liam I think, sprays what looks like silly string all over me. "What the hell?" I shriek. They just laugh as I run my finger through my sticky hair. I sit up and peel some silly string off of my shirt. Zayn, I think, pops up from behind the couch and throws feathers onto my sticky mess of hair. I can't even get up, due to my stupid leg. I sigh and put a pillow over my head, until the pranksters leave. Harry comes back into the room with crutches in his hands. "You can leave anytime you want" he says and walks away.

Tiff's POV

-2 months later because I didn't know what else to write-

Taylor left two and a half months ago, the day after she woke up. We haven't heard of her or the others since. There's a pain in my lower abdomen and I feel something warm trickle down my leg. "HARRY!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. He comes rushing into the room. "What is it?" He asks, concernedly. I give him a weak smile. "Haz, the baby's coming!"

** woohoo! Sorry for not updating in a while, April is a super busy month for me. There's like a bajillion birthdays. Today is my sisters sixth, so can we all just wish Shelby a very happy birthday! Thanks for reading! Don't forget to




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