Meeting Danielle: Chapter 4

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Hey everyone. In this chapter I'm going to try different points of views instead of just Raine's. Also, I'd like to thank my friend Megan for the amazayn cover and for generally helping me with the first few chapters. I guess you could probably say that she's my co-writer. Thanks again bud!! Enjoy chapter 4.

***three days later***

Niall's POV

"Can you pass me the jelly?" I said. Me, Louis, Harry, Raine and Tiff were sitting at our breakfast table. Harry and Louis had the jar if jelly and were currently throwing it back and forth between them. Woosh!! Suddenly Zayn vamp speeded down to the kitchen table scaring Louis who dropped the jelly. The glass jar hit the ground and shattered into a million pieces. "Well, never mind" u said as I grabbed the peanut butter, spreading it onto my toast. Raine giggled and shoved bacon in her mouth. When we weren't drinking blood, we were ether eating healthy foods or shoving our faces full of meat. That's what we call our wolf appetite. Soon Liam joined us. He piled about a ton of bacon on his plate and sat down. "Good morning boys. Sleep well?" He asked. We all nodded warily. Usually Liam was cranky in the morning, not cheery. Something was up. "Okay Liam, spill the beans" said Raine, who had obviously noticed Liam's strange behavior. "So you guys remember the party we had a couple nights ago" Liam started. Oh, who could forget. The loud music was still making my ears ring, and that was two nights ago. I'm not even going to start about the drinks. Lets just say that that was not my proudest moment, what with running up and down the streets in only my boxers and supras. Not to mention the massive hangover yesterday. "I found my mate" said Liam at last. "Her name is Danielle, and well, I invited her over today. She's coming at noon which is in... HOLY CRAP!! It's 11:55. Go get changed now!" Liam yelled at us. I forgot to mention that me and the boys were in our boxers and the girls in their sleep wear.

We all tried rushing up the stairs at the same time, resulting in us to fall down the three steps we actually managed to get up. We all landed in a heap at the bottom of the stairs. "Get off of me!" I said to Harry who's ass was mashed into my face. Raine who had somehow landed on the top of our pile slowly climbed off trying not to kick anyone in the face. Poor Tiff was stuck on the bottom and Louis was refusing to get up seeing as now he was on the top. I guess Tiff got fed up because I heard a low growl and then we were hurtled out of the pile by a bright pink wolf. We looked at Tiffs wolf form and burst out laughing. I mean, who's supposed to take a pink wolf seriously. She soon returned to human form and slapped us all in the face. Raine just laughed.

Liam's POV

We stood there laughing at Tiff who was downright pissed. As we turned to go back up the stairs, I heard a faint knock on the door. Crap! Me and Harry were the only one fully dressed! Oh well, it's not like she hadn't seen boxers before, with Niall and Louis running up and down the street mostly naked. As I went to answer the door, Louis and Harry grabbed my ankles, pulling me down to the floor. I yelped as my knees hit the ground with a large thud. Niall and Zayn sat on my back while Louis leaped forward to the door. Just as he landed, I grabbed his ankle pulling him down to the ground. He whacked his face off the door and just lay there clutching his probably now throbbing head. "Hello, Liam are you okay?" Danielle said from outside. "Yup, just give me a second. I'm kind of stuck!" I yelled back. I tried to throw Zayn and Niall off of me. They just sat there like lumps and wouldn't budge.

"Get off of me!!" I yelled. "Harry, shut him up" Louis grinned evilly at me. Oh god. Harry ran into the kitchen and came back with a spoon in his hand. "Okay Li. We can do this the easy way, or my way" Harry smirked. "You'll never take me alive!" I shouted. Harry laughed and shove the freaking spoon in my mouth. I tried to get it out but Harry clamped my mouth shut. Luckily, Raine came to my rescue. She unlocked the door and was trying to pull Zayn off of my back. "Danielle, come in the door is open." I said around the spoon. The doorknob slowly turned and the the door swung open. She took one look at the scene In front of her and laughed. She didn't look phased by the under dressed boys. She just laughed and walked into the foyer. "Niall honey, am I ever going to see you with trousers on or is this how you normally dress?" Niall blushed and got off of me, running up the stairs to go get changed properly. Danielle walked over to where I was still being pinned down and pushed Zayn off me. He landed with a big thud. Wow, Danielle was weirdly strong for such a small girl. Strange. I shrugged it off and stood up. I was going to kill those boys. Louis groaned from behind the door. He walked over to the freezer to get an ice pack before joining me, Danielle, Harry and Tiff (who was almost pissing herself laughing) in the living room.

Raine's POV

"Orange or yellow?" I asked Niall. I was trying to decide on which top I should wear today. "Um, yellow. It makes your eyes stand out" he replied, looking for his own clothes. "You know, I was thinking, we haven't been on our first date yet. How 'bout we go out tonight?" Niall asked me. "Mhm, ya that sounds great. Can I ask where we will be going so I can dress appropriately." I said. Niall shook his head. "It's a secret." He said, "just wear something nice". I started mentally planning out my outfit. All of a sudden, there was a loud thud and an agonised cry of pain. Me and Niall looked at each other and ran down the stairs. We ran into the living room and saw everybody crowded around something on the ground. As I got closer, I realised that it wasn't something the others were so worried about, it was someone! Louis lay on the ground, moaning and clutching his ankle- the same one he broke a few days ago. I pulled Liam into a less crowded room. "What the hell happened?" I asked him. Liam shook his head and looked at the ground. "We have no clue. He was walking over to the loo and I guess his ankle buckled" Liam said. "I thought it had healed like the rest of us, but..." He trailed off, lost in thought. "Raine! We need you in here!" Yelled Tiff. Everyone knew that my mother was one of the best healers around, and they always came to me in a situation like this. I rushed over to Louis, who was trying to hold back tears. Another moan escaped his lips as I touched his ankle. "It feels like his ankle caved in. The break from before must not have healed" I said to no one on particular. "But, the rest of us healed properly, why is it just Lou?" Asked Zayn. As if on cue, Niall doubled over in pain, clutching his side. I momentarily forgot about Louis and rushed to Niall's aid. "Omigosh, Niall honey, are you okay?" I asked him, prying his hands off of the pained area. It was right where he was stabbed. Why hadn't it healed? Sure it had taken a while to due to the vervain, but He was fine two days ago.

The rest of the boys dropped to the floor, all moaning in pain. Realisation hit me like a ton of bricks. "The vervain was tainted with silver!" I whispered. To werewolves, silver was like chocolate to dogs. Silver was very toxic to us and if we consumed enough, we would be dead in seconds. It also hurt like hell if we touched it. That's why werewolf hunters used silver bullets. Danielle gasped. "D-did you say vervain?" She asked in a slightly panicked tone. What's gotten into her. "Yeah, why?" I asked her. "I'm allergic to vervain!" She said backing away from us. "Yeah us too." I said warily. Vervain couldn't hurt a human unless... "Um, Danielle are you a vampire?" Tiff asked bluntly, "'cuz we are, sort of. We're also part werewolf". Way to scare off our guests. Danielle just let out a sigh of relief and came back towards us. "Yeah I'm also a shifter. I was afraid to tell you because I wasn't sure if you were humans or not. You didn't smell like you had all human blood." She looked down at the boys. Louis had by now passed out from the pain and the rest of the boys were whimpering softly. I ran upstairs and grabbed the first aid kit that I always kept with me. I gave each of the boys a dose of painkillers and sent the awake ones off to rest. I turned my full attention to Louis. Judging form the amount of moaning he had done, I guessed that this was probably serious. "We're gonna have to take him to the hospital." I said after a couple of minutes.

He'll probably need some sort of surgery. "I can drive him, it's not that bad. Can you two wake the boys while I get me and Lou ready to?" I asked Danielle and Tiff as I packed up my first aid kit. I grabbed Lou's coat and slid his arms into it. I grabbed my own coat and Tiff's keys and sat beside Lou's sleeping form, pushing some hair out of his face. I sat there for a few more minutes stroking his cheek when Niall and Liam came stumbling down the stairs, followed by Danielle. I gave Danielle a weird look and she sighed. "Zayn and Harry are going to stay here and Tiff is going to stay with them. She said that she and the other boys will come later." Danielle said as she grabbed her coat. Liam and Niall gently picked up Louis and carried him out to Tiffs mini van thing. We all piled in and set off in the direction of the nearest hospital....

***hope you liked. I'm going to try and update a few times before I go on vacation for two weeks. Tanks for reading my story. -nialler_is_my_life

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