My mate: Chapter 3

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**hey guys. I'm sorry if this chapter sucks but I don't really have any good Ideas for the first few chappies. The next three or four will probably stink but I promise you some action, I just have to get to that part or else this story wouldn't make sense. Hope you like. Also I am giving a HUGE shout out to my two friends Megan and Aria(AKA Clove) for helping me out for a few of my chapters. I will give them shout outs on their chapters so you guys can see how awesome they are. Tanks girls! :)?**

***two weeks later...***

Me and Tiff were sitting in the woods behind her house. Since my parents died, I have been living with her family and this particular spot had become our 'hideout'. We were sitting under a big evergreen tree with dense walls of needles surrounding us. For the past few weeks, I hadn't really seen Niall and the other boys around. They hasn't been at school and Liam and Lou didn't even show up for the big football game last Saturday. It was like they were avoiding us for some reason

"Hey, what's up?" Asked Tiff. She could always tell how someone was feeling. It was like a sixth sense. I huffed and started playing with some sticks on the ground. "It's the boys" I said simply. "I knew it! You like them don't you. To tell you the truth I kind of really like Harry" tiff said the last part quietly, but with my super sensitive hearing, I could hear her loud and clear. "Okay first of all ew, second I'm not sure if I like them like that yet and thirdly, have you even noticed that they have been avoiding us?" I asked Tiff. That was more harsh than I meant it to be. Me and tiff started to argue and yell at each other. I didn't see the shadow creeping up on us until it was too late. "Well hello girls" a man came into view. He was stocky and had a black hood over his face, hiding his features. Before I could say some nasty comment, he jabbed a needle into my arm making me pass out.

My eyes opened and everything was blurry. After blinking a few times, my vision began to clear. I was unharmed except for a few bruises and i was tied to a chair in the middle of a large room. "Tiff, are you here?" I whisper/yelled. "Yeah, where are we?" She asked. Good question. Soon a man dressed in all black came into the room. I pretended to be asleep still but I kept one eye slightly opened. He was barking orders at some people who also came into the room, dragging five limp figures with them. "Give them another shot of vervain" I heard the man in black say. Oh no. Vervain was a strange substance that dulled our senses and slowed our healing process. Judging by the groggy feeling in my head, I was guessing that he had given me and Tiff some too. "Untie the girls, they are our guests not prisoners you fools!" The man yelled at his hench-people. I felt the restraints against my upper body and legs come loose as the men walked away. As soon as they were gone I rushed over to the figures laying motionless on the ground. I had an awful hunch that was confirmed as I looked down at Niall's beaten face.

Poor boy. I got Tiff and we dragged him over to one of the seven small beds in the corner of the room. He let out a small groan when I touched his wrist. 'Must be broken' I thought, then 'why hadn't it healed?' I realised after that he must be full of vervain. They probably did this purposely so that poor Niall would have to suffer from the pain. Me and Tiff eventually dragged the other boys onto their beds, checking for injuries. Liam had a broken nose, Lou had a twisted ankle, Zayn a banged head and Harry had nothing more than a few Large scrapes running down his back. Other than that they all had a few cuts and bruises. Niall was in the worst condition by far. Other than a broken wrist, he had a large stab wound in his side that was still bleeding. He was so pale from all the blood loss. Fortunately for him, I was wearing two shirts that day. I took one of my tops off and began ripping it to shreds, tying it tightly around Niall's torso. "Who would do such a thing?" Tiff asked clearly outraged. "No! Jimmy protested!" Louis suddenly screeched, sitting upright. He tried standing up, but his bummed ankle gave out and he fell right on his toosh. "Ow!" He complained. "Good to know that your alright" Tiff said laughing at Lou who kept trying to stand up but was failing miserably. Silly boy that one.

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