Join our Team: Chapter 14

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**Hey!! Holy Flying Leprechauns!! over 6400 reads! Thanks so much!! In this chapter I will be introducing some of the new characters. I don't know how many, but there will be some. The people who won are..... @the1234girl, @BrianaRayes and @awesomenessamantha. Don't worry all of you who didn't get a spot, there will be more opportunities:) Theres a surprise for you guys at the bottom! Hope you enjoy!!**

Raines POV

I curse as I lose at yet another game of angry birds. I've been sitting in the hospital waiting room for an hour, trying to take my mind off things. We had to bring Niall here because Ellie says that he's in a much worse condition than we thought. The doctors rushed him into E/R as soon as we walked in the door and I haven't been allowed in to see him. I probably play for another half hour until my phone dies. A doctor in a white coat comes to get me, stopping me right before we enter Niall's room. "Miss, your friend is in a very critical condition, this may not be how you ever want to see him. I could make up an excuse for you to leave if you'd like" I shake my head so fast, my neck feels like its gonna fall off. I slowly open the door and walk inside. I've been spending way too much time in hospitals lately. I shuffle in and stare at the floor. It takes all my courage to look up and when I do, I see Niall's lifeless body, needles and tubes stuck all over and an oxygen mask over his nose and mouth. He breathes heavily, as of a puncture in his lung, and there is a bloody bandage wrapped around the wound. "Oh God, Niall!" I run over to him, brushing stray hair out of his face. He doesn't move an inch. I take his oversized hand in my own and hold it up to my cheek. "I'm so sorry, I don't know why, but I feel like this is my fault. I love you Niall" I sob, tears streaming down my face, onto the crisp white sheets. I gently stroke his cheek, literally crying my eyes out. They burn, I've been crying so hard. The doctor comes back in and escorts me out, apparently taking Niall in for an operation to stop internal bleeding. I return to the stiff chair and wait, counting every second until I can see Niall again.

An hour or so later, I'm let back into Niall's room. He hasn't moved an inch, but is breathing more easily, thank goodness. I take his hand in mine again and press it up to my cheek once more.

After a while, i feel movement. I could swear his hand just twitched. "Niall, wake up babe" I coo, shaking his arm slightly. His fingers curl around mine and his eyes flick open. "Your here" he says, voice raspy and muffled. I nod, fresh tears spilling out of my eyes.

-an hour or so later-

I lie on the tiny hospital bed, wrapped in Niall's arms, pretty much spooning with him. He hated seeing me shuffle around in an uncomfortable chair and insisted on cuddling. I of course, didn't object. I hear Niall's heavy breathing slowing down into quiet rasps, and I knew he'd fallen asleep. I carefully lift his arm off of my body and slither out from under him. He shifts in his sleep, but doesn't wake up. I see my opportunity to take a walk around, loosen up stiff muscles from sitting around all day. I wander down to the cafeteria and to the garden outside and am about to go back to Niall when is see doctors and nurses both running past me, into E/R, shouting something along the lines of "roof, fell, and coma". I let my curiosity get the better of me and walk back to E/R rather quickly, not wanting to miss a second of the drama. I see a boy with curly hair being carried into an empty room on a stretcher as a girl with blonde and pink hair follows close behind, crying her eyes out. Wait a second! Curly boy, girl with pink hair? Harry and Tiff!! I rush over to my best friends side. She clings onto me and sobs into my shoulder. "What happened?" I ask after a few moments. Tiff cries harder and I decide that I'll ask Liam instead. Speaking of which, "is the battle still going on?" I ask. She nods and runs after the paramedics.

Harry's POV

Black. All around me is black. It's all I can see. Darkness closing in. I know what this is. A coma. I can't see, I can't move, but I can hear. I can hear her. Her sobs, her cries, her pleads. Begging me to wake up, for me to open my eyes. Tiff... I can hear them too. Niall and Raine. One sobbing, the other comforting. For a second I wonder why their here, but quickly refocus on Tiff. Ya soft hand clutches mine. Tiff. I know it's her. By the warmth and the smallness. "I love you Harry, please be okay" she whispers. I feel pressure on my chest and I figure that where she's rested her head. I love you too Tiff. I always have, and I always will. I will come back to you, I promise. "I-I feel like this is my fault. I'm so sorry Hazza" she says. I hear Raine shuffle over to her, muttering comforting words. I want to cry. I want to hold tiff in my arms, look at her and tell her that its okay and I'm fine, but I can't and it kills me. I can't believe that she thinks its her fault. I can't believe that she's sitting right beside me, sobbing onto Raines shoulder and I can't do anything about it. It's so damn unfair. I try to open my eyes, but it feels like their glued shut. I've lost all ability to move and I can't help but feel trapped. Trapped inside my own body....

Louis's POV

"Why can't you bring her back? I thought you were supposed to protect us?" I yell hysterically. I'm in the middle of an argument with the angels, debating wether or not they could bring Eleanor back. Apparently it was a not. "Look, Louis I'm sorry. I know she was special to you, but there's nothing we can do now" Fox says. I don't care if he's supposed to be all good like and angel like, I wanted to slap his face off. Why not?" I demand, putting my sass on. Fox and the other angels just shake their heads. "We already told you, there's nothing we can do to bring her back, I'm sorry. She's one of us now. If you want, we could probably find her. She could visit you, here on earth. You'd still be able to see her, just as an angel of course." Kestrel says. I nod. I guess that would have to do. I hear someone shouting for help and run off, waving goodbye to the angels. I speed into the woods, where the voice came from, and frantically start looking around. I come to a clearing and see about five vampires crowding around a small girl. Perrie. She's gotten ambushed. 'Zayn, Perrie's in trouble, she's been ambushed. I'm already there, but I can't help her alone' I minded message him. 'Ill be right there' he says back, and within ten seconds, he stands beside me ready for action.

I jump at the vampire closest to me and he falls to the ground, giving me a chance to rip his head off. Zayn does the same to another. Two down, three to go. I tackle another surprised vampire, but he's more prepared. We wrestle on the ground for a few minutes, before I pin him to the ground and rip his head off too. All the while, Perrie is casting different spells at the vampires, like the snake trick and the rose. One of the vampires grabs her, mid-spell and her hands jolt sideways, accidentally hitting me with a spell. Nothing grows around me or tries to strangle me. I guess she missed after all. I stand up and heave all over myself. Great, Perrie didn't miss and it's one if her sick spells too. Whenever I try doing something productive, like stand up, walk around, talk, laugh, I get a mouthful of vomit. 'That's just gross' I think to myself. Perrie somehow gets out of the vamps grip and runs over to me. She mutters some words and the nauseous feeling subsides. "Thanks" I say. We look over at Zayn, who is losing badly against the big vampire he's wrestling. Me and Perrie both jump on him and try to peel him off Zayn, but he's too strong. The two remaining vampires come up behind us, carrying big rocks, and I'm sure that this is the end, until someone runs out of the bushes and tackles them. Three someone's actually. They rip the vampires heads off and turn to us. Zayn grabs the bigger vamp by the neck and snaps his head off as well. We face the two hooded people in wonder. They take off their hoods, revealing three young girls, probably about two years younger than us. "Who are you guys?" I ask them. One of them, a girl with brown hair and gorgeous blue eyes smiles. "I'm Sam, this is Danah and Briana" (*played by @awesomenesssamantha, @the1234girl and @BrianaRayes) she says. "We saw you were in trouble and we figured you guys could need help. We're also shifters by the way". Wow. Was Sam ever pretty. No Lou, think about Eleanor. I can't just move on so soon. "Hey do you know a Niall Horan?" Danah asks. We all nod. "We're friends. Since preschool in the 1800s actually". That was new. I didn't even know Niall had friends, other than us obviously. What else should I know about him....

**Hey!! Sorry if this chapter kind of sucked, I've been really busy lately and this is kind of a rushed chapter. I did however, introduce some of the new characters! How do you like them so far? Tanks so much for reading and don't forget to




Also, thanks to the many great comments, I will be posting a new story closer to the end of OFB. Here's the summary of my new story, Cold Blooded Killers...

**My life is anything but normal. Im the leader of one of the best gangs in town, which says a lot considering we live in New York City. We have all the best weapons, the best fighters, the best looks if I do say so myself. Oh, did I forget to mention that we're girls. Yeah that's right. The name's Megan James, baddest bitch in town. Me and my girls dominate all those sissy male gangs. There are three things we gangs care about most: money, drugs and love. Money and drugs are easy to get but love, well for me, lets just say that It don't come easy. I figured this out the hard way when we kidnapped those five boys. They say that love can change anything. Make me go soft? Hell no, but it can change the way we feel, act and live. It sure did to me. I know what your thinking 'this is just another dumb love story' am i right. Well, guess again. This right here is not only an awesome twisted action story- It's full of crazy, sick fights, blood and gore (readers beware), and tons of other gangly stuff- this right here, this is MY love story...... **

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