Guardian Angels: Chapter 10

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**Hey! Ive got over 1300 reads!! Thanks for reading! It means so much. So, I've been thinking, I need a new character for this story and I thought that it'd be neat if it was one of you guys. What I'm trying to say is that there will be a contest to see who will be in my fanfic. More details at the bottom**

Zayn's POV

"Wait, you mean THE Merlin right? Like the great and powerful wizard Merlin" Louis asks Perrie. She just nods and continues whatever she's doing with her hands. Suddenly, one of the lamp bulbs bursts, showering us with shards of glass. "Oops, sorry guys. New spell I'm working on" Perrie says. Im still trying to get over the fact that my girlfriend is a wizard and her grandfather is Merlin. THE Merlin. Perrie returns to fidgeting with her hands, chanting undecipherable words. Suddenly, a flower blooms in her hand, soon taking up her entire arm. "Yay!" She exclaims. I stare at the growing flower in shock. A bunch of vines with vicious looking thorns snake up Perrie's arms and spiral down her torso, blood red roses popping up here and there. She must sense my bewilderment. "It's a trap spell. Used against enemies. I heard you guys are going to rescue Tiff. I'm coming with you" she says.

I snap out of my trance. "No way Perrie. I'm not letting you get hurt" I say. She scoffs. "Zaynie, your going to need my help. Also, I don't even need to be in the battle. I just need to be near it." She says. I don't believe one word of what she says. Stay out of a fight, ha. That would be like Niall without food. And besides that, what good could she do to a bunch of vampires anyways? Obviously she reads my thoughts because she scowls at me and snaps her fingers, muttering another spell. A large blue sable is slithering across the floor towards me. It coils itself around my torso and starts squeezing the life out of me. I groan in pain and Perrie snaps her fingers again. The snake is gone and I feel a slight tingling sensation where it once was. I see little blue sparks of magic swirling around me, repairing any damage the snake did to my insides. "Point taken" I finally gasp, once it doesn't hurt to breathe. "You're defiantly coming with us" Louis says from across the room. Perrie smiles and returns to her magical whatever.

Tiff's POV

'Harry. I miss you so much. I want you Harry. Please come to me.' I try mind messaging him. Four says that some vampires have the gift of mind messaging. I figured that it was worth a shot. 'Lou, are you going gay on me again?' He answers. 'Ew no, and Harry babe, this is Tiff' I say back. 'Tiff, oh god, are you okay?! Where are you?' Harry asks me frantically. I laugh. 'Im fine Haz. I'm locked in the councils cellar with some really nice people. We're trying to figure a way out of here' I tell him. I could almost hear his sigh of relief. 'Good tell your little friends that we are also making a plan to get you. We'll be there one week from now. The night before the full moon' Harry replies. I look over at Christina. She may not make it that long. She hasn't eaten anything in the past week and she's as thin as a stick. Her breathing is laboured and she's too weak to sit up. There's no way shell last another week. 'Okay Haz, see you then' I say reluctantly. Christina would just have to pull through. 'Bye babe, love you' he replies and then he's gone.

Harry's POV

"Bye babe, love you" I say to tiff. Thank god she's okay. I've been worried sick about her. Me and Louis are watching Perrie do some sort of snake trick on Zayn. "You're defiantly coming with us" Lou exclaims after. I nod. We'll need all the help we can get. "Perrie, do you by any chance, you know, have other wizard friends that could help?" Lou asks her. She sighs and shakes her head. "All of my friends were killed by the vampires. That's why in coming with you. To get revenge" Perrie says. "I can probably summon some help though." Me, Zayn, and Lou nod. Perrie clasps her hands together and chants a few words. Suddenly, the gloomy sky outside turns bright, and a single ray of sun shines down on our front lawn. Out of the ray, eight figures float down to earth. Angels. The angels come into the living room and stand before us. "These are you guardian angels. They will protect you in your fight" Perrie says. We all stare at the angels in awe. One, a girl, with beautiful golden wings, brown hair and blue eyes comes up to me. "Hello Harold" she says. I am stunned by her beauty, too stunned to speak apparently because all that comes out of my mouth is an Inhumane animal noise. Perfect. The angel girl just laughs. "My name is Sky. I am your guardian angel." She extends her hand. I warily accept and shake it lightly.

Raine comes into the room with Niall. "Holy crap!" Is all she says. Niall calls Liam, who runs up the stairs and joins in on Raines awe. "Sorry to be rude, but what the hell are you guys" Liam asks the angels. The largest male angel takes Liam by the arm. "We are your guardian angels. My name's Blade" he says. Liam looks at him warily. The rest of the angels introduce them selves. River, a smaller male angel with auburn hair, Fox, another male with light brown hair and hazel eyes, Snow, a petite girl with black hair and super pale skin, Clover, another girl with platinum blonde hair and blue eyes, and finally Crystal and Kestrel, twin girls both with reddish/ginger hair and greenish blue eyes. River is Raines angel, Blade is Liam's, Sky is Harry's, Fox is Lou's, Snow is with Zayn, Crystal with Perrie, Kestrel and Niall and finally Clover is Tiffs. The angels smile at us and step outside. They grow their wings and fly off into the sky. "Just call when you need us" Kestrel says and then she too, flys off.

**okay so did you guys like it? I know it's a little short but I didn't have any more ideas. Sorry if you got confused with all the angels and new names. I'm going to make a list for you below just to clear that up. Thanks to all my awesome readers. To say thank you, I'm going to start doing shout outs to my fans. If you want one please go fan me! Don't forget to vote and comment as well. Here's the angel list.

River- male, auburn hair, brown eyes. Raine's Angel.

Blade- male, biggest angel, shaved head, dark eyes. Liam's angel

Sky- girl, brown hair, blue eyes. Harry's angel

Fox- male, light brown hair, hazel eyes. Lou's angel

Snow- girl, black hair, green eyes, pale skin. Zayn's angel

Clover- girl, platinum blonde hair, blue eyes. Tiff's angel

Crystal- girl, reddish ginger hair, greenish-blue eyes, twins with Kestrel. Perrie's angel

Kestrel- girl, reddish ginger hair, greenish-blue eyes, twins with Crystal. Niall's angel


So about the contest. If you would like to be one of the characters featured in this story I would like you to tell me.....

1. Your name and age

2. What you like most about OFB

3. Your favourite boy from 1D

4. If you would like to be a vampire or werewolf.

Please send to my private inbox. There is more than one spot open. You guys have until chapter 15-17 to send this to me. Don't worry if you don't get a part, there will be more opportunities throughout the book.

Tanks for reading! Next update will be soon! -Megan **

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