Kidnapped: Chapter 8

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Hey peoples!! It's Megan. So glad to somewhat meet you all. I hope that my work will be satisfying for you. I luff all of you's <3 ;)

Raines POV

[the same night]

Two more snogging sessions later, I sit on Niall's bed, watching him sleep. He looks so innocent, just laying there; way different from the sex hungry beast he was only a little earlier. I sigh and make my way into the kitchen, where Harry is making god only knows what and then spreading it on toast. "Have fun banging?" Harry asks me after he finally notices me. My face turns bright red, I'm sure of it. "Umm, what are you talking about Harry?" I say, trying to hide mine and Niall's dirty little secret. If I haven't told you before, I'm a terrible liar. Harry just laughs and takes a bite of his crud smeared on toast. He makes a face and spits whatever the crud was out. "Eww, never eat that!" He says. I laugh at his stupidness and try to change our subject. "What exactly was that? What you were eating I mean." I look at the piece of bread. On it is some brownish-yellow substance. "It's peanut butter and mustard. We didn't have any jam so I had to make do.... Wait, your trying to change the subject aren't you?" First of all eww. Second of all crap. I can't really get out of this one can I. How did Harry know about me and Niall's little affair? "I heard you's two moaning and there was a lot of bumping noises" Harry says. Shit I must have been thinking out loud. Who knows what else ill say about the sex? "Raine, your um, kind of doing it again" Harry says. I quickly shove some of Harry's toast into my mouth to shut myself up, but have to spit it out because of the revolting taste. Harry just laughs and pours himself and me a glass of orange juice. "Don't worry Raine," he says, "your not the only one here" and with that he walks off. What the hell? Did he just tell me that he banged Tiff? Wow!

Harry's POV

I walk down the hallway to mine and tiffs room, where I left her sleeping to get a snack. I quietly open the door and shut it so I don't wake her up. God I love this girl. She was my first real relationship. All the other girls, well lets just say that they were either a one night stand or they got the life sucked out of them. Literally. I climb into bed and roll over to face Tiff. I go to put my arm around her but all I felt was the soft sheets, still warm from her laying there. "Tiff?" I call nervously. It wasn't like her to wake up in the middle of the night and wander off. Once she was asleep, there was no getting her up, even if we drove a freight train into the house. I search the kitchen, barroom closets, everywhere and no Tiff. Excuse the language but where the fuck is this girl? I go back into our room and turn on the light. On Tiffs pillow, there is a tiny white note. I open it and almost have a heart attack. It's from the vampire council. Shit!! The vampire council hates shifters because of their mixed heritage. If they find one and catch it, they kill the shifter without hesitation. If they have tiff, I don't know what I'll do. I open the letter more and read it.

Dear whomever,

We would like you to know that we have taken one of your friends. She will be executed on the night of the next full moon. Until then she is being kept hostage. We advise you not to come after us if you don't want any of your other friends to die as well.

- the vampire council

Fuck!! The vampire council is gonna kill her! I need to save her! I start hyperventilating and soon the room becomes dark.

Raines POV

THUD!! There's a noise down the hall. I let my. Curiosity get a hold of me and wander down the hallway. The noise sounded like it came from Harry's room so I open the door and look around. Harry is passed out on the ground with a piece of paper in his hand. I put a pillow under Harry's head and take the note from his hand. Now I can see why Harry fainted. If the vampires have tiff, who knows what they'll do to her. Well other than make her die a slow and painful death. "We're home!" Louis yells from outside. I run to the front door, tears streaming down my face and hand the note to Liam. He reads it and hands it to Lou, who hands it to Zayn and so on. There expressions have now changed from happy to scared. "This is bad guys" Liam says. Louis gives him a 'no shit Sherlock' look and walks over to the sofa. His ankle is now fully healed due to our vampire blood. Liam just stares at the tiny slip of paper. "Go get the others" he says to me. I nod and go to wake up Niall. Then I remember. "Um Liam, Harry's kind of passed out on his floor so, ill need some help" I say as I walk upstairs.

I go into mine and Niall's room and gently shake him awake. He doesn't budge. I shake harder. "Go away" he moans and rolls onto his side. I get on top of him and start bouncing up and down. "Ow Raine! I'm not saying that I don't enjoy this but your kind of hurting me" he says as he shifts sideways, causing me to fall off. I land on my bum and groan. "C'mon Niall, there's something going on that you need to know"

Niall's POV

[1 hour later]

"So we need to go after them and get tiff back" Liam finishes. We all nod except for Harry of course, who had been balling his eyes out for the past forty minutes. Raine rubs his back soothingly. I hate to admit but even that tiny gesture makes me antsy. Raine is mine and I'm not letting anything come between us this time. "We'll need to get ready. And by ready I mean that we're gonna have to start training ourselves to fight." Lou says. Oh god. "Let the training begin!" I say.

Okay sorry guys. I know it's short but it's super late and I really wanted to update you all. I'm going to write longer chapters than this I promise. Ill try to update soon. It'll probably be sometime from Friday to Monday though because I have a very busy schedule. Thanks for reading! Comment vote fan plz! Luff you's

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