Riall is back!: Chapter 7

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**Hey peoples! I just wanted to thank you all for reading my story. I will be leaving wattpad. I know, sucks right?. Don't worry though, I will be giving this account over to Megan so she can continue this and my other story. I would also appreciate if you guys checked out that other story, Be Mine Tonight. Also thanks to my amazing friend Megan, my official co-writer. This chapter is almost all her work so I hope you like! 

Louis's POV  

Do I touch it? Do I leave it alone? No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Oh Lou, just do it already! I reached down and tapped against the hard plaster cast stuck on my ankle. I let out a small yelp as a sharp pain shot through my leg. "Having fun there Lou?" Someone said. I whipped around, almost falling out of the tiny bed I was confined to. "Woah! Easy there! We don't want any more casualties than we've already got" said Raine as she came to sit beside me. "So, what have I missed?" I asked Raine. Her expression darkened and she handed me her phone. On the screen, a video was playing. It looked like someone had filmed my room when we weren't there. Zayn. It had to be. Anyways, I hit the play button and the screen came to life. By the end, I was disgusted. Niall kissed MY girlfriend. I was going to kill that little prick. "What else happened?" I asked Raine. For the first time, I noticed that her face was red and blotchy, as if she had been crying. "T-they were making out in tiffs van. Eleanor looked like she was enjoying herself too!" Raine said through tears that were now streaming down her face. Great. My girlfriend cheated on me with one of my best mates. I hated them both. As Raine stood up to leave, I noticed that her shirt had come up a bit and was now revealing her belly button. On the right side of her hip was a little star mark. I remembered what Eleanor had said in the video.  

"You have a girlfriend, and I have a boyfriend who all have the exact same marking" her voice echoed in my head. If Niall and Eleanor were together, then Raine and me could be too! Well, at least for revenge. "Uh Raine?" I said. She looked at me and nodded for me to continue. "Um, you're super pissed at Niall, right?" She nodded. "Yeah, I punched him in the face." She said laughing. I chuckled "okay then, so how about we 'get together' and get some revenge?" I asked. A big smile grew across her face. She nodded and hugged me. Damn, Niall didn't know what he was missing. Stupid boy. Raine really was lovely, with her quirky personality and whatnot. Raine turned around to leave again. She was almost out the door, when she bumped into someone. I couldn't see who but from the language she was using, I was guessing that this person was not one of her close friends. Raine huffed and pushed past the person at the door. The person came further into my room and I realized why Raine was being so rude. It was Eleanor. "Hey boobear! How are you feeling?" She asked me. How could she cheat on me and then act like nothing had happened? "Fine" I spat. I guess she could tell that I was angry, but she kept playing her innocent act. "What's wrong boo?" She asked. I lost it. "You know what's wrong El! You think that you can just cheat on me and then act like nothing's wrong! Well guess what El. You can't! We're over Eleanor!" I yelled. Eleanor was shocked. Silent years started falling down her cheeks. "Lou, I'm sorry but-" I cut her off. "Just go." I said, looking at my hands that had gotten very interesting all of a sudden. Eleanor hurried out of the room. I say in silence for a few minutes until Harry, Liam, Zayn, Tiff and (ugh) Niall burst into the room. "Lou!" Harry yelled, launching himself at me. Soon, everyone else joined in and I was crushed under a mass of bodies. Niall just leaned up against a wall and watched the chaos. I shot him daggers. I also noticed the big bruise on his cheek bone. Good job Raine... 

Niall's POV  

I watched as everyone piled on top of Louis. I stood back because first of all, I'm sure that Raine has told him about me and Eleanor and second, I don't really want anyone to get hurt. I've been told that I'm quite heavy. I caught Lou glaring at me and I figured that my suspicions were correct. I should've known that Raine would tell. I really loved Raine, I promise I did, but I don't know what happened with Eleanor. I just wasn't myself that day. I heard the door open and Raine entered the room. She didn't even glance at me as she walked over to the pile of bodies. Lou looked over at me and then kissed Raine. I guess they were together now. Lou was probably just getting revenge. My cheek started throbbing, so I wandered off to find ice. I passed Eleanor who looked like she had been crying. "Oh Niall, I was looking for you! We need to talk" she said as I walked by. I sighed and let her pull me into an empty staff room. "Niall, I- I can't do this" she said. "Neither can I El" I told her. It felt wrong being with Eleanor when Raine.  

She smiled and walked off to tend to another patient so I wandered back to Lou's room. I had to apologize to Raine and get her to take me back. I knew she wouldn't though. After what I did to her, there was no chance in earth that she would take me back. I just hoped that she would prove me wrong.  

Raines POV  

"Everyone off the injured boy!" a female voice yelled. I turned around. A woman in what looked to be mid-forties was walking towards our clump. She had four girls trailing behind her. We all piled off of Lou and greeted the woman. She introduced herself as Louis's mom and shooed us out of the room. As I was leaving, I smashed into someone. "Sorry" I muttered before continuing to walk down the hallway. The person grabbed my arm and pulled me into an empty room. I was about to scream for help, but I noticed his beautiful blue eyes gazing into mine. "What do you want Niall?" I asked him. He looked at his feet and started. "I want to apologize Raine. I'm really sorry, I don't know what had gotten into me. I know that you probably hate me and want me to leave you alone, but I want you to know Raine. I love you with all my heart and I want you back." He finished and from the way his eyes glistened, I could tell that he was holing back tears. I was to stunned to say anything. "I love you too" I managed to croak. "I just don't know if I can trust you anymore. I mean what will Eleanor say? And Lou?" I suddenly remembered the kiss me and Louis had shared. It didn't feel as good as Niall's kiss, it just wasn't right. "Please Raine" Niall begged. I didn't realize I was crying until I felt my cheeks get wet. "How can I be sure that you won't leave me again? How can I be sure that you will love me forever and for always?" I asked. My tears cascaded down my face and onto my shirt. Niall sighed and caressed my face in his large hands. He kissed my forehead and looked me straight in the eyes. "I promise, okay. I will love you forever and for always Raine. Let me show you." He said Show me? He kissed me again before continuing. "Not here though. Lets go home first. I'm sure Lou won't miss us." He led me out of the room we were in and outside. We ran all the way home, which only took twenty seconds due to our awesome vampire speed.  

Once home, Niall leads me up to his room and shuts the door. He comes over to me and takes my face in his hands. He kisses me on the lips passionately. I feel warm everywhere. He wraps his hands around my hips and presses me gently against the door. His lips find mine again. I don't remember why I came here in the first place but I'm glad I did. I wrap my arms around him, pulling him against me. My fingers find the hem of his t-shirt, and slide beneath it, spreading wide over the muscles in his abdomen. He feels so strong. Niall kisses me again, more insistent this time, his hands squeezing my waist. He pulls back, just a few centimeters. I almost don't let him get that far. "I love you Raine." He says. I push my fingers through his hair and draw his lips to mine again. He kisses me back. His hand starts on my cheek, and then brushes over my side, fitting to the bend in my waist, curving over my hip, making me shiver. I press closer to him and wrap my leg around his waist. His mouth moves against mine and his hand slips under my shirt, and I don't stop him, though I know I should. I wasn't ready to take it this far, but at the moment, I didn't care. Instead a faint sigh escapes me and heat rushes to my cheeks. Either he didn't hear me or he didn't care, because he presses his palm to my back, presses me closer. His fingers move slowly up my back, tracing my spine. His hand reaches the top of my back and curls around my neck. we pull apart and I sigh happily. "You convinced me Horan"

Ooooh!! Niall and Raine are back together! Yay! I'm shipping Riall, are you? There's also Rouis (or Laine, depending on which one sounds better), Zerrie, Elounor, Payzer, and Tarry (or Hiffany). Who do you ship? Comment, vote, fan plz! :) 

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