Best Friends Reunited: Chapter 15

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**Hey! Sorry about the super long wait, I had sooo much school work! I've finished it all now (I hope) so don't worry about waiting anymore!! You guys got me to over 8000 reads!! thank you so much. I love all of you. This chapter is dedicated to..... Both @awesomenessamantha and @BrianaRayes!!! Thanks so much girls!!**

??? POV

"Retreat! Retreat!!" Yells the vampire council. I can see all of the vampires flee and all the werewolves and shifters cheer. Liam, Louis and Zayn all tackle each other to the ground, rolling in the dirt. Silly boys. Oh how great it will be once they and the rest of their pathetic little friends are out of the way. Then I, soon to be ruler of the wolves, will be unstoppable!

Liam's POV

"Retreat! Retreat!!" I hear one of the council members yell. The vampire underneath me squirms out of my grasp and runs back into the mansion. I growl at the remaining vamps and they too, scurry off into the dark mansion. The warm sunshine hits the back of my neck and I know why they stopped so abruptly. I see Louis and Zayn running towards me and we all jump on each other in sheer delight. No more vamps! Well for now anyways. Once I manage to get Zayn's foot out of my face, I look up into the sunlight, well I at least try because there is a girl blocking my view. She's got to be a few years younger than us and she has her black hair pulled up into a ponytail. Her brown eyes are studying me carefully as I get up off of a very squished Louis. I notice that there is actually four girls. Three strangers and Perrie, of course. "Um boys, who are your new friends?" I ask Zayn and Louis. They look at one another and then back at me.

"Liam, I'd like you to meet Danah" she points to the tallest girl and she smiles. When her black hair catches the light, it turns almost brown and her hazel eyes sparkle. Zayn points to the next girl, the one with the black ponytail. "This is Briana". Louis looks at the last girl and blushes. "I'm Sam, nice to meet you Liam!" She says, extending her hand and shaking mine when I accept. She flicks some of her brown hair over her shoulder and her blue eyes wander. Danah speaks up. "You guys said that you know Niall right?" She asks. We all nod. "By the way Liam. Where's him and Harry?" Louis asks. His face drops when I tell him. I don't blame him either, hearing that one of your best mates got stabbed and the other fell off a three storey building? That's hard. Danah gasps as well. "Is Niall and this Harry guy okay?" She asks frantically. I must look at her weirdly because she explains herself. "Niall and I have been best friends for ever. I haven't seen him in a while, but we've kept in touch" I nod and address the crowd behind me. "Thanks for coming out! We really appreciate it!" I shout at the werewolves. Some of them cheer back, the other ones howling in delight. I turn back to my smaller group. "Let's go find Raine" I say, heading off in the direction of the nearest hospital.

Raines POV

"Go fish" Niall says and I reach into the pile of cards spread out on the table. We've been stuck in this hospital for over twelve hour and we were downright bored. Niall had healed a long time ago, baffling the doctors, but we were still supposed to stay for the night, just incase. Harry had suffered from head trauma, not repairable by our healing powers, and he was still in a coma. Tiff was still balling her eyes out by his side, never letting go of his hand. I had tried to comfort her but she just told me to stay the f*** out of this. She gets touchy when she's upset. I pick up my card and smile in satisfaction. It was the one I needed. I place my pair down on the table and laugh as Niall groans, throwing his hand down as well. He sighs. "Why are you so good at this?" He asks. It was the fifth time we played and I've won every single time. "You do realize this is a little kids game and we're like 200. You should be good at this by now. You were only five for like, ten years" tease. Niall pouts and turns away from me.

I'm just about to kiss his pout away, when were interrupted by high pitched shouting coming from the hallway. Louis bursts through the door, swinging it back, hitting Zayn in the face in the process. He runs over to the small closet in the corner, climbs in and shuts the door. Me and Niall both look at Zayn who shrugs. "He wasn't smart enough to listen to the receptionist and walked into the wrong room". We all burst out laughing when Louis tries to get out, but somehow locked himself in the closet. We leave him like that for a while until Liam comes in. "Liam help me!" Louis shouts from behind the closed door. Liam looks at us and we all put our hands up defensively. Leaving Lou still trapped, he looks at Niall. "There's someone who wants to see you". Niall nods and walks over to the closet, banging on the door to bug Louis. "Let me out of here you pieces of- woah! I found pudding!" Louis shouts. Zayn yells at him to not eat the pudding, while Louis yells back, wanting to eat the pudding. This results in bickering between them and I eventually have to intervene before they destroy the poor closet. Niall slips out of the room with Liam, while I try to unlock the jammed door.

Niall's POV

I follow Liam out into the hallway, leaving Raine to deal with the two squabbling boys. I still can't believe that Lou got himself locked in yet another closet. Liam stops abruptly and I hear a gasp before I'm tackled into a hug. Not just any hug though. I can smell the familiar shampoo in her dark hair. She pulls back and I smile. "Danah! When did you get here? I've missed you so much!" I can barely contain my excitement as I hold my best friend in my arms. She giggles and hugs me again. "I'm 180 now, so I'm allowed to travel, with my friends of course. Oh by the way, this is Briana and Sam" she points to two other girls. They smile and wave. I hear someone shout "free at last!" Louis comes running down the hallway. He runs up to me, turning a little red when he met Sam's. 'Weird' Zayn mind messages me. I don't reply. Instead I concentrate on Louis. 'Hey Lou. Where's your girlfriend?' I hear Zayn ask Louis. His face falls. I see tears start to form in his eyes. 'Shes dead. Some vampire stabbed her in the stomach. The damage was to great to repair. Eleanor's gone.'

He starts sobbing and Liam looks at him weirdly. I pull Liam off to the side. "Did you know about this?" I ask him. Liam shakes his head slowly. "I have no clue what's going on here. What's up with Lou?" Liam asks, nodding at Louis who is now on his knees sobbing into Zayn''s shoulder. "Dude, Eleanor is dead. Apparently she got killed in the battle" I tell him. He looks shattered. Him and Eleanor were good friends before her and Louis started dating. Danah walks up to me. "Niall, what's wrong with your friend over there?" She asks concernedly. I tell her and she gasps. "That must be terrible!" She runs back over to Louis, rubbing his back, whispering to him. Raine comes running out of the room. "I hear crying, what's wrong?" She asks me. Liam whispers to her and she kneels down beside Louis. I would have too, but I don't think Louis likes me that much still, after what happened with me and Eleanor. I say a few comforting words to Lou and start talking with Sam and Briana. Why do I get the feeling we're being watched?

??? POV

I can see them all now. Most of them are comforting the crying boy on the floor. That blonde one doesn't look too fond of the cry baby. Perfect. I'll need to turn them against each other and then hopefully cause mayhem, leading to them going their separate ways, where I can annihilate them more easily.

'Now that's not very nice' my good side says. I consider my options for a few moments before returning to watch the pathetic group. I can see it now. 'Sypress' written on every billboard. People shouting "all hail queen Sypress!"

I've decided that not only am I going to take down the shifters, I'm going to destroy those stupid humans as well. I just need the girl with the reddish hair, the girl with the black ponytail and the boy with the buzz cut to die, seeing as they're the only one with the ability to stop me. Seeing as we're related.

**sorry it's short. This was kind of a filler chapter because you guys wanted me to update so badly. Thanks to all my epic readers. Luff you all**

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