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"you're leaving for japan?" jungwon asked over the phone.

"i'm sorry..."


"in 2 hours"

"which airport?"

"seoul international airport. why?"

"wait there!" he hung up on the boy and got up from his bed. it was 6 in the morning and the airport wasn't any close to his house.

he called jay who was only a few minutes away. he tapped his foot and bit his lip simultaneously as he waited for jay to answer. he wouldn't be surprised if he didn't, after all it was 6 in the morning.

"yo, jay? can you like take me to the airport like urgently?" they had become close enough for jungwon to call him up for anything.

"why?" he heard jay groan on the other side.

"uhmm haruto, my crush is leaving japan in 2 hours"

"I'll be right there"

after a few minutes of waiting and getting ready, jay finally arrived.

"what airport, mr. yang?"

"seoul international, please!" he gave him a satisfied smile. i knew i could count on him.

"get comfy bc this is a 25 minute drive"

although jungwon really liked haruto, he also maybe has a tiny crush on jay. he thought it was weird because of the age gap. he'd have to ask sunoo and jake later.

the two enjoyed the ride for however long it lasted. it was just them and their luck.

"we're here, lovebird"

"oh shut up" jungwon replied playfully.

"you want me to go with you?" jay asked as he watched jungwon unbuckle his seat belt.

"nah, it's fine. it'll be quick"

"alright, take care"

"okay! thank you, by the way!"

"no problem" he watched jungwon get out of the car and leave.

jungwon walked a bit faster than usual but not too fast.
he wanted to enjoy this moment. he had gotten the few snacks he had that haruto liked. just to give him both a memory of his time in korea and a memory of him. they had a strong bond before they seperated, in fact he was his second favorite person.

finally he went inside and scanned through the seats to see where haruto was. at last, he found him sitting alone with his luggage beside him.

he ran towards the younger boy who looked up at him in surprise.

"jungwon, what are you..." he was interrupted by jungwon who panted a little. he was clearly a dancer and not a runner. he was awful at running.

"come with me" he grabbed haruto's hand which he didn't fail to notice were just a tad bit bigger than his own and looked around a lonely and secluded place.

when he'd found one, he looked around seeing whether there were people around. there weren't.

"i'm sorry for never telling you this but i really cant stop myself now. i really really- and i mean it- like you. i know we only met months ago" he breathed in heavily. he couldn't tell whether haruto could hear his beating heart but he didn't care.
"i just really like you..."
haruto looked at him in surprise. did i just fuck up? he was ready to cry.

"i like you too"

the two looked at each other. they inched closer and closer. only until a blushing jungwon reached up and grabbed haruto's face oh so gently and kissed him.

haruto kissed back, he couldn't help but want more of it. it was his first, after all. by the end they had both gently grabbed each other by the neck.

"i know you have to leave for japan. just text me whenever you have time, it doesn't have to be everyday. i just need to know how you're doing."

"of course, i wouldn't just leave you"

"i have someone waiting outside so I'll go but I'll text you later."

"yes... please do!" he left and waved goodbye.


where is he? he's been gone for a while now.
jay left his car and went to see where exactly jungwon was. no way he was losing his best friend's brother (& his crush) at 6:30 am.

he walked in the cold with his hands in the pockets of his bomber jacket. he needed to know where jungwon was asap.

he walked into the airport and looked around for a while until he found the two boys.

"i like you too" he heard the male voice as he watched them intently. he didn't want to feel the jealous burning in his heart. yet, he did.

they kissed. it was like a scene in a bl. dramatic yet beautiful and he was the second lead watching the boy he loved get kiss another.

how he was devastated. he walked into his car and turned on optimistic music that had nothing to do with love. he hated that.

he hated he felt this way.

this was kinda sad im ngl. the video at the top is the inspiration for this chapter. it's from the bl bad buddy. rn there are so many things going on and i dont know how to process it. i dont know how to express it.

kefi ೃ⁀➷ jaywon Where stories live. Discover now