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jungwon turned his head to jay who was silently snoring. he only thought of what he wanted for once. while he wasn't the type to show his 'leadership' skills, he usually thought of the benefit of his friends rather than his own. this time he only wanted jay for himself.

he sighed before getting up.
he grabbed his phone, boxers and his towel before starting the bathtub. he hoped it wouldn't wake jay up. he wasn't trying to be mean but he didn't really want to see anyone at that moment.

he took off his clothing before starting the shower. he stepped into the tub and closed the the blurry clear curtains. he stood in the shower in an idle tense, letting the running water swallow him whole. then before he knew it, he was sat down. he had his head rested on his knees. he didn't know why he felt like this. trapped. he should be happy, he gets to spend time with his crush.

yet, he wasn't.

before long, he realized it was quite wasteful to just let the water run so instead he filled the bathtub. he let himself sit in the warm water that was engulfing him.
once the water was at the top while he was in it, he stopped the water and let himself float in it. he couldn't actually float in it. maybe if it was at jay's house he'd be able to float but he wasn't.

he stayed in the tub for a while, it was a bit boring but better than having himself ponder over how his relationship with jay would go.

he heard knocking from the door and panicked.



"are you okay?"

"I'm fine" he yelled from inside again.

"oh okay.."  jungwon showered immediately after and got dressed quickly.


it was morning now. jay hadn't mentioned last night and neither had jungwon. he was what some might call embarrassed.
he sighed before leaving the room and going to his own.

"jungwon, you're not gonna keep eating?"

"i dont have an appetite, sorry" he frowned at his shitty excuse.

"oh that's alright" jungwon walked back to his room before throwing himself on his fluffy bed.

Soon after throwing himself on the bed he got his phone out. This was an activity he did often as to distract himself from things he disliked.

right now, he disliked himself for being in love with jay.

of course, he did. he disliked liking his cousin's best friend. he disliked liking someone that would leave off for college in a year. he disliked it all.


Jay sat up in bed, it was around midnight. He saw jungwon outside through the balcony. This house was Jake's house, the house he had bought for jungwon with his own hard earned money.

This was because jungwon's parents had abandoned him and his sister was away at college. Jake being Jungwon's best friend and closest family member, naturally had seudo adopted him.

One of the traits he admired from both Jake and Jungwon was that both of them were some of the most caring, selfless and giving people he had ever met. He considered himself lucky to even know them.

he got up from the bed and went to see jungwon who had some earbuds in and watching the night sky. he sat holding his legs with his arms


kefi ೃ⁀➷ jaywon Where stories live. Discover now