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It was monday, again. jungwon just couldn't get himself off his bed, so he didn't. he slept through the day.

every moment he got, he thought of what to do with his situation regarding a certain boy who he'd rather not think about.
He knew this had nothing to do with being homophobic or anything.
Jungwon knew he was gay.
Jungwon also knew Jay was bisexual.
Apart from that, he knew the school was pretty inclusive, even as a korean school.

what exactly was the problem?

he, himself, couldn't even comprehend it.
he had kissed a boy around 2-3 months ago. his grandmother and sister had always reassured him that it's alright to be gay.

he had many theories.
but none made sense.

so as he sat in bed, in a lousy mood, he sighed and turned on his tv. he turned on 'heartstopper' the latest netflix release. it was pretty gay so he watched it.
he actually ordered take-out so he could take the day to binge watch it.

the clock had hit 12:30 pm and he was reminded that jay and the rest of his friends were most likely eating lunch by now. he heard the doorbell ring, he ran out his room in an excited mood and opened the door expecting a delivery guy to be standing there with his delicious Chinese take-out.

instead he faced, jay.

"park jongseong?" jungwon sighed out.

"yang jungwon. you look well, so why aren't you in school"

"mental health leave" it wasn't a total lie. he was on the verge of doing things he probably shouldn't.

"dude, why didn't you tell me? i could've stayed with you"

"jay, i appreciate your effort and I really appreciate you. however, when i dont feel best mentally i need time away from people. even those that i love" jungwon sighed through his words. he hadn't realized that the L word had come out so naturally.

it was silent for a little while before jay spoke once more.
" you love me?"

"yeah" jungwon answered before deciding to let the older boy in. he was being honest, maybe only a little since he  hadn't told him in what way.

"i love you too, you know" jay said taking his jacket off and putting it on a chair in jungwon's dining table.

"i know"

"then don't push me away, im only trying to take care of you"

"but sometimes i just dont want people around" he said sighing as he rubbed his face against the palms of his hands.

"im staying here this weekend" jay said, he didn't even ask.
jungwon only nodded he only briefly knew that jay had been arguing with his parents for a bit and although he was curious he also didn't want to make him mad.

a knock came from the door, this time jungwon knew it was the delivery so he calmly walked to the door. he got the food and paid before thanking the delivery chick and putting the food on the table.

kefi ೃ⁀➷ jaywon Where stories live. Discover now