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to say jungwon was excited was underestimating how excited to go on a date with jay. so much so, that he dragged both jake and Sunghoon to the mall and supermarket.

"look, jay only cares about you. he doesn't care what you wear" sunghoon said scratching the nape of his neck.

"i care about how he sees me, so you,sunghoon, help me. the most fashionable person apart from jay that i know"

"alright, i guess..."

so they looked on and on until they found a pair of brown corduroy pants, a grey blazer and a white button-up shirt.

after that, they also bought groceries to make the food for the picnic. they made macaroons, tiny sandwiches, a mini cake and a homemade pizza for two. they put the food in the fridge and they went to sleep after a long day.

"that was tiring..." jake told sunghoon as the two sat in bed side to side getting ready to sleep.

"yeah, very but if it helps both our kid and our friend then i guess it's worth it" they looked at each other in content. since "adopting" jungwon, the two had sort of became more like a parental couple rather than just a normal couple in their mid 20s.

"that's true... either way it's good because we get the house to ourselves tomorrow" jake smiled.

"what are you thinking?" sunghoon raised an eyebrow.

"we can have our own little date here, i dont know we've been so busy with jungwon and then also school that we haven't been seeinh each other for dates"

"you're right... let's have an spontaneous date"

"goodnight" sunghoon kissed jake on the cheek before the two went to sleep.


it was 7 am and jungwon was up and running. while his parents were still cuddling asleep, he was too busy thinking about the dozens of times sunoo had talked about the importance of subtle makeup.
he felt helpless so he opted to call the man himself, sunoo.


"won, it's 7 in the fucking morning what do you need?"

"i'm going on a date-"

"on my way" with that, sunoo hung up. jungwon sighed but was relieved that sunoo was willing to help him even at 7am.

he waits for a while, he doesn't know whether he should get dressed or not. he taps his feet anxiously before hearing the ding on his phone and almost jumping downstairs.

"sunoo! thank you so much"

"i know, i know, I'm the best"

"come on" jungwon grabs his hand and leads him up the stairs in a hurry.

sunoo finishes his makeup in a matter of 5 to 10 minutes.

"thank you so much, sunoo"

"no problem, now why didn't you tell me you're going on a date with jay?"

"how'd you know it's jay?" jungwon says with wide eyes.

"you guys have had a crush on each other for months now"

"oh... that's true. sorry for not telling you, i got caught up in the moment i guess"

"well, that's fine anyway" sunoo left soon after because he also had to get ready for a date with riki. the two had been together for a while now.
jungwon left his house around 9 which was 20 minutes before he planned to pick jay up. he went to the flower shop that was 5 minutes away and picked up a bouquet of orchids, lilacs and carnations. he walked with the basket that held the food and the beautiful bouquet of flowers.

he bit his bottom lip. he hoped jay wasn't overwhelmed or thought that jungwon's gifts were too much. over the months of their friendship, jungwon had grown a softer heart. even just being near the older boy made him feel soft and melted his insides deeply.

he finally stood in front of jay's massive home.

he took a deep breath before ringing the bell.

"jungwon! my love!" as expected, it was jay's mom.

"mrs. park!"

"oh, please! you know you're to call me mom"

"right... sorry, mom" jungwon nervously chuckled.

"are these for jay? you guys are going on a date aren't you?" mrs. park motioned towards the bouquet of flowers jungwon held in his sweating hands. jay's mom smiled happily almost as a way of giving him her approval.

"how did you know?" jungwon was surprised and couldn't help but wonder if he was too obvious.

"jay has been head over heels for you, for years now. i only hoped you guys would get together soon!"

"mom?" jay came running down the stairs in all his glory. gorgeous. that word ran through jungwon's mind. it almost seemed that he now had googly heart eyes.
"jungwon, you're here early. i missed you" jay went straight to jungwon and hugged him until he felt the flowers poke him.

"oh these are for you" jungwon said showing him the bouquet.

"thank you, you're so... sweet" his mom watched endearingly.

"give me those flowers, jongseong, i dont want your boyfriend's gifts to wilt so quickly" she frown as she thought of where to put them.


they spent day and night together. one would say 24hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
although it had only been a year since they'd gotten closer, they were absolutely in love and in seperable. the only problem was that they weren't official .

jay spent every waking moment think about how to pop the question. no, not marriage. not yet, at least.
then he got the perfect idea.

"jungwon let me take you somewhere"


"you don't have to know right now" jungwon trusted jay so much so that he listened and patiently waited to be taken to this secret destination.

it was the field of his school. well, now it was only his school.

"my love, come on" jay say extending his hand out for jungwon to grab after opening the car door for him.

"why here?"

"uhmm... you know, the moment i realized we have something special was when you and sunoo sat at the bleachers watching riki and i" he got a little teary.

"what do you mean?" jungwon couldn't lie, he was only a bit confused. maybe he knew that he wanted to be with jay but forgot that they were together yet.

"you rarely waited for others apart for haruto when he was here and sunoo. and then me. you could've called sunghoon or someone else to pick you up but instead you waited." jay looked at him with the most love in his eyes.
"that's something i had waited for, for years... and i finally i have it. the only is that you're not officially my boyfriend"

jungwon had now remembered they were official and it wasn't until now that he felt his nose twitch and his eyes prickle a bit.

"you're right, i had forgotten"

"i hadn't... i actually find myself unable to forget even the smallest of details which is why i have this for you" he brought out a bouquet almost the same as the one jungwon bought for him on their first date. a date that had been over 6 months prior.


"so please be my boyfriend?" jay held it up to jungwon who just hugged him. jungwon felt the tears dripping down.
after he had engulfed jay, he finally took the next step in their relationship and kissed him deeply. they kissed. it was passionate and sweet.

"of course, I'll be your boyfriend"


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