Chapter III

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"Izu! Baby are you ready?" Inko yelled as she gathered her wallet and paperwork and put it into her purse.

"I'm right here mama!" Izuku Takami, 7-years-old, Omega, Occupation: Year 2 student, Mate: Unknown. The little boy shouted as he glided to his mother's side.

"Perfect honey, ah! Wait your wings, honey." Inko stated as she brushed a stray feather down.

"Oh right!" Izuku said as her wings then faded into practically thin air.

The 7-year-old despite his lack of training had an excellent grip on his quirk. His wings were that of an angel, and he possessed the power to heal whomever he touched, even from death itself. Not to mention he was horrendously smart, his mother even started to question if his quirk came along with super intelligence.

Because of this, his father was naturally overly protective, so the child was homeschooled despite his mother's protest against it. Though eventually she was convinced when Keigo gave the other reason for how dangerous it was that Izuku was the son of the number 3 Pro Hero.

While the woman agreed Izuku would have to be careful, and they would have to take some precautions when it came to his social life. She still brought up the fact that no one knew where they lived. Not even Inko's own family, not that they truly even tried to visit or contact them.

But they came to the agreement that Izuku would be homeschooled until high school or late middle school, so he would be able to make friends his own age along with getting into a good hero school, though preferably UA.

The child wanted to be a hero, much like his father. And of course, Keigo and Inko supported him without hesitation, though his father never wanted him to do the training he did with the hero commission.

He had forbidden the commission from even meeting the child until he was in high school, and he absolutely forbade any form of social media in the household. Not only to prevent the knowledge of Izuku getting out there but to protect his identity.

Seeing as no one knew the Hero's true identity it was practical. And Inko didn't say anything against the rule, she personally didn't find social media entertaining. She claimed it was too full of gossip.

"Where are we going, mama?" The boy asked as he and his mother began their walk to the train station

"We have to go to my job for a little bit today, Izuku. And you finished your schoolwork early again so I thought you would want to go with me; besides, we can get ice cream on our way home." Inko said as she and Izuku waited by the train platform.

"Yay!" Izuku cheered as he and Inko got onto the train and took their seats.

The train ride was held in a comfortable silence as Izuku watched the buildings and trees fly by at immense speeds, and his thoughts brought him to his father.

(I wonder if daddy can fly this fast. I remember daddy said he can fly at least 409 miles per hour, I should start a journal about that! Daddy and I have almost the same quirk, so the more I know about his, the more I know about mine! I can talk to mommy about hers too! How did mommy and daddy meet? I remember mommy saying that they are mates, does that mean soulmates too? What's the difference? How do you tell?)

"What are you thinking about honey?" Inko asked, breaking Izuku out of his thoughts and muttering.

"Mommy, how did you and daddy meet? Are you two soulmates? You said you and daddy are mates. What's the difference? How do you tell? Is it by scents? Or is it love at first sight like in my princess movie? How-."

"Woah, Woah, hang on baby one at a time," Inko said with a laugh successfully cutting off her son's rambling.

"Well for one I met daddy when he had gotten hurt one day and came to the hospital and I fixed him up and things just went on from there, and yes honey me and daddy are soulmates."

"But mommy do you have to marry your soulmate" Izuku questioned

"No honey you don't because sometimes all your soulmate will be is a friend. Like me and daddy we are more than friends, we both wanted a romantic relationship, but sometimes your soulmate will be nothing more than your friend. And you might have a mate one day who isn't your soulmate, but you still love them very much" Inko explained, knowing she would have to go into good detail to appease her son's curiosity.

"Oh! Okay mommy, but what are the differences between soulmates and mates?" Izuku questioned

"The difference is, with a soulmate it's not something you get a choice over, but they can either be a platonic soulmate or a romantic soulmate, but when you're 16 you will get a soulmate mark and when you get a soulmate mark your scent will change, it will become stronger and tell others you are of age to find your soulmate. Though each soulmate mark is unique and can look very different than anyone else's, sometimes it can represent their quirk and yours combined, or what they look like and what you look like, or it can even have their initial and yours."

"But with a mate, it's someone you choose to be with you romantically, they can either be your soulmate or someone else it's your choice. And when you make that choice, you get a mate mark, but you should only do it with someone you truly love, like how daddy and I love each other." Inko explained while Izuku only nodded

"Where is your mark mommy? Both your soulmate and mate mark?"

"My soulmate mark is on my bicep right here," Inko said as she pointed to her left bicep.

"Oh! I thought that was a tattoo." Izuku said as his eyes lit up with curiosity causing his mother to laugh a bit.

"No sweetie it's not, but my mate mark is right here," Inko said as he pointed to her collar bone that was covered by her turtleneck.

"Mommy that's where your scar is! That's not a mark!" Izuku said with a giggle while Inko merely chuckled to herself.

"That is what a mate mark is honey, whoever you end up with will bite you and leave this kind of scar" Inko explained as Izuku tilted his head in confusion

"What does that mean mommy? Can only certain people, do it?" Izuku asked

"Technically anyone can do it honey, but only a Beta or an Omega will actually have a lasting mark. So, say if your future mate wants to mark you and you want them to as well, they'll leave that scar, and it will last forever or until they or the other mate dies" Inko explained as Izuku only nodded.

"So how do people tell an Alpha or a male Beta is mated?"

"Well for one their scents will usually change, and most time mates are usually married so it's just about the same for everyone," Inko explained, while Izuku only nodded as he smiled happily due to getting his questions answered.

"Oh! Mommy, we're here!" Izuku shouted happily as he looked out the window

"Well, then honey let's go!"

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