Chapter XXX

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When Izuku had landed in front of Kirishima's house he couldn't help the overwhelming fear and anxiety that coursed through him, and he didn't truly understand why.

He knew that Todoroki would never tell Kirishima, and there was no way for Kirishima to figure out. So, he knew that he shouldn't be this scared, but he was. He couldn't explain it but he just knew Kirishima was mad. He didn't know how he knew, but he knew.

Though the second Izuku knocked on the door Kirishima flung the door open and quickly dragged Izuku inside, causing the younger to shriek out in surprise.

Izuku stumbled a little as Kirishima released his arm to lock the front door, only to feel himself being pulled back to Kirishima as the Alpha pinned him against the wall, his hands on both of Izuku's shoulders, as he pushed him into the wall making it near impossible for the younger to move.

"K-Kirishima?!" Izuku shouted in surprise as he tried to move his arms, only to be met with resistance as Kirishima's force and grip didn't relinquish.

"Izuku. Tell me right now. Are we mates?!" Kirishima shouted as he hunched over to where his face was a mere centimeter away from Izuku's while the younger went pale at the question.

"I-I... W-We" Izuku stuttered as Kirishima growled in return.

"Izuku. Do not hide from me, do not lie to me, and tell me the truth. Did I mark you? Are we mates?!" Kirishima asked venomously, his anger unable to hide itself.

"Y-Yes, y-you did.... W-We're technically mates" Izuku muttered quietly as he bowed his head in order to hide his face as his eyes welled up with tears.

Kirishima didn't loosen his grip, nor did his gaze leave Izuku, as his anger was then replaced with shock, betrayal, and confusion.

(Why did he hide this from me? Why did he not tell me? Is this why he's been avoiding me? Does he hate me now? Why was he with Todoroki so much then? Did Todoroki know?)

Kirishima's thoughts went through his head like a bullet leaves a gun, he felt hurt that Izuku hadn't told him, and he was furious at the same exact time, whether it be at himself or Izuku, he had no idea.

"Why did you hide this from me?" Kirishima asked as he continued to hold Izuku against the wall, while Izuku looked back up at Kirishima as his tears ran down his face.

"Y-You didn't mean t-to, you didn't want it. You were just being influenced by the quirk; I-I didn't want you to hate me for allowing you to do it." Izuku explained while Kirishima was left even more shock than before.

"A-Allow me? Did I even truly give you the choice or chance to get away from me?" Kirishima asked as he bowed his head.

"N-No not really, you didn't let me go, b-but I didn't truly fight against you regardless." Izuku explained while Kirishima could only growl quietly.

"Let me see it." Kirishima commanded while Izuku only whimpered quietly at the venom that laced the Alpha's words.

Izuku merely tilted his head slightly, exposing his still covered neck to the red head, while Kirishima released on of Izuku's shoulders in order to pull the jacket off, exposing Izuku's mate mark that took up the entire space on the base of his neck.

Kirishima would be lying if he said that he didn't get a sense of pride at the mark, especially the size and how deep it clearly went. He felt a sense of possessiveness wash over him at the mere sight, already knowing that if anyone were to see it, it would tell them that Izuku belonged to an Alpha who they shouldn't mess with.

"K-Kiri its okay, I'm going to meet up with a doctor soon so they can remove it, you won't have to worry about it." Izuku muttered quietly as Kirishima's grip only tightened, the younger shrieked at the feeling of the Alpha's hands practically crushing his shoulders, while he desperately tried to reach out for the older to get him to let go.

Kirishima felt something inside of him shatter when Izuku had said that he would get it removed, everything inside of him roared at him to never allow Izuku to do that, to keep the Omega with him at all times to avoid him from ever breaking their bond, from ever erasing their mating.

"E-Eijirou!!!" Izuku sobbed out as Kirishima came back into the world only to see Izuku's wings being trapped against the wall as well along with Kirishima's hand practically breaking the youngers shoulders.

Immediately Kirishima let go of the Omega as he knelt down quickly in case Izuku needed him to catch him as Izuku jolted forward slightly, his wings raising up and flapping a few times before vanishing.

"Shit! Izuku I'm sorry, fuck I'm so sorry, I didn't realize I was doing that! Fuck are you okay?!" Kirishima asked frantically as he gently cupped Izuku's face while the younger only gripped onto his wrists tightly as he cried.

Kirishima feeling absolutely horrible, gently grabbed Izuku's waist and hoisted the boy onto his hip as he held him there gently, giving Izuku room to push him away at a moments notice, only for Izuku to cling to the red head kola style in return.

When Izuku made no move of letting go, Kirishima walked over to the couch and sat down, as he positioned Izuku to where the boy was sitting on his lap as his legs draped over Kirishima's own.

Izuku only tucked his head into the older male's shoulder as he sniffled quietly. Kirishima merely looked down at the younger as his eyes locked on the mating mark. The red head then leaned down slightly to where his nose nuzzled against the mark gently, though having to hold back a displeased growl when he was met with no scent, and the same damn scent blockers that Izuku always wore

Izuku merely whimpered quietly before lazily titling his head to the side allowing Kirishima to have more room, while the Alpha hummed in approval before his positioned one of his arms to stay behind Izuku as a back support while the other gently took off the scent patches while a quiet and pleased rumble escaped him.

Kirishima felt yet another sense of pride when he stared at the mating mark, though this time that feeling had increased due to the scent of sweet and rich chocolate with a cool mint, that now had the undertone of a warm and strong fire that was surrounded in a thick pine. Kirishima had never smelt a better pairing, and by the gods he loved it.

The Alpha then began to gently kiss on Izuku's neck as he greedily took in the scent, while Izuku whined slightly at the feeling as he then grabbed Kirishima's shoulders and pushed the larger male away. While Kirishima then looked down at him, confusion clear in his face.

"K-Kirishima, please you don't have to do that to try and make me feel better. It's just cruel to pretend like that and I don't want you to pity me. So please stop" Izuku begged as he then climbed off of Kirishima's lap, while the Alpha was left in a stated of shock and confusion as he watched Izuku grab his discarded jacket and go to the door.

Though Kirishima finally snapped out of his state of shock as he jumped over the couch and quickly slammed the door shut as Izuku had just opened it. The Alpha's arm now at Izuku's side as the red head pulled the younger into a tight and possessive hug.

"Izuku, who the fuck ever said I was pretending or that I was pitying you?!" Kirishima shouted gently as he grabbed Izuku's chin a forced the boy to look up at him.

"Kirishima, the only reason you feel like comforting me is because of the mate mark, its common for Alpha's to react like this. But once its over you won't feel like that anymore, and you'll actually be given the chance to find your soulmate, or find someone you truly love, and be with them." Izuku stated gently as he once again pushed Kirishima away and walked to the door as Kirishima just stood there in a shock once again.

"But what if the person I love is you? What if you're exactly who I want to be with?" Kirishima asked hoarsely, as he tried to hold back the flood of tears that blurred his vision.

"You won't. Like I said it's just the mark talking, nothing else. Trust me Kirishima it'll be better this way." Izuku reassured as he then open the front door and flew off as Kirishima could only watch, while his tears finally broke free and he slid down the back of the couch and sobbed.

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