Chapter XIII

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It was the day of the entrance exam, and Izuku knew he was prepared, he had been training and studying for months. He was ahead in his studies for homeschool and he had done a few other extra things to make sure he was ready for the paper portion of the test.

And while with training he still hadn't bulked up hugely, he had gained muscle and now had a good lean build, which worked perfectly with his speed, agility, and flexibility.

Though none of that had stopped Izuku from nearly going into a panic attack that morning, but as soon as he took a shower, put his hair up in a ponytail, and put on his regular tank top and leggings, along with his regular black face mask, he was ready. Though he did make sure to eat a light breakfast that morning.

When Izuku had finally gotten to the gate he once again felt intimidated by how large it was, not to mention how crowded, and loud it was as well.

Then Izuku realized he had been neglecting a very major part of his training.

Social interaction, with other actual humans.

(And I'm going to die here.)

Izuku said to himself as he just continued to walk into the building, though as his own anxiety fueled muttering was cut short when he felt himself fall forward

Though when he realized he hadn't hit the ground, he was instead floating. He looked to his side only to see a brunette girl smiling at him.

"Hey! I'm Ochako Uraraka, sorry I didn't mean to use my quirk on you without permission, I just knew that would be a pretty nasty fall." Ochako Uraraka, 15-year-old, Omega, Occupation: 3rd year student, Mate: Unknown. Ochako said as she then released Izuku.

"U-Uh t-thank you, a-and please d-don't apologize" Izuku said though he cursed himself for how weak his voice was. He would seriously need to start doing some vocal exercises.

"Sure, thing what's your name? And what course are you applying to?" Ochako asked as Izuku blushed from underneath his mask in embarrassment, though thankful that he had it on.

"I'm g-going to the hero p-program, a-and my name is I-Izuku Takami" Izuku stuttered out though thankful that his voice didn't sound as bad

"That's awesome! So am I, I hope to see you there Takami!" Ochako said as she walked off and into the building, along with Izuku following behind her a few moments later after letting himself recover.

The paper portion of the test was simple, now came the physical part. Everyone was pushed into sections as all of the people there piled into different auditoriums.

"Hey there little listeners!! Who's ready to start this exam!!" Hizashi Yamada/Present Mic, 30-years-old, Alpha, Occupation: Pro Hero/Teacher, Mate: Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead.

While Izuku listened diligently to Present Mic's explanation of what would be going down during the exam he hadn't noticed a familiar blue haired Alpha staring in his direction.

While Iida was paying attention to Present Mic, he couldn't help but hear muttering, given it was very quiet and he could hardly hear it himself, it held a familiar yet forgotten tone. Iida being ever curious turned around slightly to look at the boy it was coming from.

From afar he could hardly make out the boys facial features, Iida could tell he was wearing a mask and he had long fluffy green hair, and for a moment Iida almost thought that it was his old friend. Though he quickly turned around and refocused on Present Mic.

Not wanting to let the memories resurface. Not now.

After Present Mic had explained everything, everyone made their way to the training ground to take the exam.

Once everyone had gotten there Izuku quickly readjusted his hair into a bun as the gates to the training grounds opened and everyone sprinted inside.

While Izuku saw everyone going for the bots he couldn't find one that hadn't already been taken down. Though he nor anyone else failed to notice the ground begin to shake as a ginormous robot came into view.

As everyone began running away Izuku then saw the girl, Ochako. She was trapped, and she was hurt.

Izuku disregarding the dangers of the zero pointer ran straight for the girl as he unveiled his wings and soared up to the robots head where he used a sharpened feather to cut into the robot before cutting the wires as the robot powered off and began to fall.

Though before the robot could crush Ochako, Izuku soared back down and grabbed onto her as he soared out of the way.

Though when Izuku looked behind him, not only did he see the robot now on the ground, but he saw his wings. And that's when the pain came back, and he crashed onto the ground.

Before Ochako could even look up Izuku's wings vanished yet again as he went to make sure she was okay.

"A-Are you o-okay?"

"Y-Yeah! Thanks so much, b-but you didn't get any points!" Ochako exclaimed as she finally looked to Izuku.

"I-It's fine" Izuku stated as Recovery Girl then walked into the arena.

Though as Ochako and Izuku made their way out of the arena a certain blue haired boy only staired after them in shock.

(It can't be, it just can't, its not possible, its not him.) Tenya Iida, 15-year-old, Alpha, Occupation: 3rd year student, Mate: unknown. Iida tried to convince himself as the alarm for the exam to end, rang.

"That kid has one powerful quirk. Being able to hide his wings and use them with such pression, not to mention he was able to take out the zero pointer in record time." Nezu, age unknown, Beta, Occupation: Principal, Mate: unknown. Nezu said as he looked to Aizawa and Allmight, though Allmight was far too busy focusing on his own protégé

"He does, but why didn't he use it earlier then?" Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead, 30-years-old, Omega, Occupation: Pro Hero/Teacher, Mate: Present Mic/ Hizashi Yamada.

It had been a few weeks since the entrance exam and honestly Izuku believed that he had bombed it. Though when that fateful letter arrived, Izuku was almost too scared to open it.

Though finally he did as a small disk dropped out of the envelope along with the letter. Izuku then clicked on the disk as a video of Allmight came on.

(I forgot that he was going to be a teacher at UA)

As the video continued on with Allmight talking it then switched to a video of Ochako going up to Present Mic and requesting that her points be transferred to Izuku. Though Present Mic responding that Izuku didn't need the points seeing as there were rescue points and he had a lot.

Though Izuku completely broke down into tears as the video ended with Allmight giving his congratulations that Izuku had made it into the Hero Course, and into class 1-A none the less.

As the hologram disappeared Izuku couldn't help but laugh a bit as he continued to cry while gripping onto his hoodie tighter, his father's hoodie.

"I did it dad, I did it. I hope I can make you proud."

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