Chapter XXVII

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It had been two weeks since Kirishima and Izuku had last spoken, and while normally this wouldn't concern Kirishima, mainly because there were times Izuku would take a break from being social and practically turn into a hobbit for a few days.

But now Kirishima couldn't help but feel anxious and worried. They hadn't met up near the end of their patrol like normal, they didn't talk at all, and he was pretty sure Izuku was avoiding him.

Now Kirishima didn't at all blame Izuku for avoiding him, he still wished that Izuku would at least let him know if he was okay after patrol, they were partners for the time being after all.

So, when Class 1-A all decided to meet up at their bar again to speak about the upcoming wedding between Jirou and Momo, and Kirishima would be lying if he said that he wouldn't be taking this opportunity to try and talk to Izuku.

When the day finally arrived for everyone to meet Kirishima practically bolted out of the house as he charged up One-For-All and flew to the bar. Thankful that he wasn't the first one there as Momo was ordering champagne and wine for everyone.

"Hey Momo, you know you don't have to do that, we're all Pro's we can pay for our own drinks." Kirishima said with a coy smile while Momo looked over to her friend with a roll of her eyes.

"Yes, yes, I know but this is a special occasion and besides you all order beer and whiskey, so at least I giving you all a taste of actual good alcohol." Momo stated while Kirishima only laughed as he raised his hand to the bartender who quickly grabbed the man's regular.

"Thanks, but I'll stick with my beer." Kirishima said with a shrug as he took a swig of his beer.

"Ew." Momo groaned as she walked back to the classes designated room while the bartender prepared the drinks, she had ordered for everyone.

Once inside the room Shinsou, Jirou, Denki, and Bakugo, Sero, Mina, and Ochako were already sipping on their drinks and nibbling on the fries and other appetizers they had ordered.

"Damn guys wasting no time I see." Kirishima said with a chuckled as he took a seat in one of the arm chairs while Momo joined Jirou on one of the love seats.

"Bitch its free drinks, your damn crazy if you think I'm not getting on board!" Mina said with a laugh while Bakugo and Denki cheered to the statement as they both took a swig from their beers.

"Nah, Momo your awesome for buying drinks for everyone but your shit is way to tame for me." Kirishima said with a chuckled as he continued to drink his beer.

"Say's the fucking asshole who never gets drunk! Must be fucking nice huh!?" Bakugo shouted at his friend while Kirishima only laughed.

"Hey man be pissed all you want I can't help it!"

Soon everyone joined the get together as Tenya and Aoyama showed up around the same time as the drinks as they both thanked Momo and happily took some wine.

And finally, the last to join the party was Todoroki and Izuku, both arriving together as Todoroki walked in with his arm over Izuku's shoulders.

And while this was not the first time the two had shown up to one of these events together and sometimes practically on top of each other, one of them more than likely being bone dead tired.

Kirishima could only barely contain his growl from the very sight. Though quickly covering it with a fake cough as Izuku took a seat besides Ochako while Todoroki sat next to Sero.

(Gods Eijirou! Be a fucking man! Their friends nothing more, and even if they were more than that it's not my place to say shit! But, fuck.... Why did it feel so fucking wrong to see Todoroki touching Izuku) Kirishima thought to himself bitterly as he chugged the rest of his beer before excusing himself to grab another.

As the night went on Kirishima and Izuku didn't speak once while everyone gave their ideas and opinions on where and when the wedding should be and what kind of theme should be used.

And near the end of the night Iida and Aoyama were the first to depart as they gave their goodbyes while Bakugo then soon left as well, after grabbing Denki's now drunk as leaving with a grumbled goodbye, the explosion boy not enjoying being up past his usual bedtime

The next to leave were Mina and Ochako, while Ochako had to help lead her very drunk girlfriend out of the bar. Soon Sero made the announcement that he would be heading out as well while Todoroki, Momo and Jirou agreed.

"Hey Izuku can I talk to you for a second?" Kirishima asked while Izuku merely looked up to the male and nodded as he followed Kirishima out of the room while Sero, Todoroki, Momo, and Jirou were still wrapping up their goodbyes.

Once the two were in the hallway Izuku leaned up against the wall and looked away from the older boy, not knowing what to say. While Kirishima only sighed to himself.

"Izuku please, I know things have been really awkward since... That. But please stop ignoring me." Kirishima whined slightly, unable to hide how negatively this had been affecting him.

"I-I haven't been meaning to ignore you! Things have just been a little out of control lately, and like I said that incident was an accident. It's okay, no harm no foul" Izuku stated while Kirishima could only groan in return as he stepped closer to Izuku.

"Then why did you lie to me just now? Why did you lie to me back then? Izuku tell me. What really happened? What did I truly do? Because I can't live with the idea of, I hurt you but you won't tell me." Kirishima stated as he had to hold himself back from grabbing onto the younger.

"K-Kiri I...." Izuku started, only to trail off as his words died in his throat. His body not allowing him to even utter what had happened.

"Izuku please" Kirishima begged as he stepped closer to Izuku, successfully trapping the younger against the red head and the wall

Izuku could only stay silent as Kirishima growled quietly in frustration. "Tell me." Kirishima commanded while he gently pushed Izuku's head up to look at him

"Izuku, there you are. Are you ready to leave?" Todoroki said as he appeared practically out of thin air.

"Yeah, let's go Sho, by Kiri" Izuku said with a smile as he walked out of the bar with Todoroki, while Kirishima watched them with clenched fists as he had to try and convince himself not to rip Izuku away from Todoroki.

(Damn it. That could have gone so much better. But...FUCK!! Why the hell does Todoroki have to be so fucking close to him?! Can't he learn to just back the fuck up!) Kirishima thought to himself as he raked his hands through his hair, roughly tugged at the end of small pony tail he was wearing as the other half of his hair was down.

"Hey bro, you good? You look really pissed." Sero asked as he placed a hand on Kirishima's shoulder

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just... I'm just going to go on a run." Kirishima stated with a growl.

"Yeah dude okay, but hey if something is pissing you off you can tell us. We'll help ya." Sero reminded as Kirishima merely nodded to his friend while smiling at him appreciatively.

"Don't worry dude I'll meet up with the gang for lunch whenever everyone is available."

"Sure, thing man. I'll be sure to spam the group chat to remind em." Sero stated with a laugh as he walked out of the bar.

"Izuku, are you okay? What happened?" Todoroki questioned as he and Izuku began their walk back to Izuku's apartment.

"I-Its fine, just a close call. B-But..." Izuku started only to trail off as he had to take a deep breath to calm himself.

"But what?"

"He knew I was lying back then. He knew I was lying just now. I need to get this fixed." Izuku stated as he grabbed onto his neck where the mate mark rested while Todoroki looked at Izuku wide eyed.

"How could he tell?" Todoroki questioned with a bit of a shout.

"I don't know but I think I know who I need to talk to."


"Unfortunately for me. My father."

"Oh, this is going to be a shit show."

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