Chapter XXIX

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Just as Izuku had said, he went to go talk with his father about the situation, after Todoroki wishing him the best of luck once the two had finally hung up the phone with each other.

On the way, Izuku was having to mentally preparing himself for what shit show this would surely turn out to be. Though at the same time he felt a little relief that he would be telling his father.

Seeing as he had been hiding this from him, and having to cancel on their meet ups seeing as he knew that Keigo would be able to tell something was wrong the minute he saw him.

So, when he landed on the oh so familiar balcony, he felt both a sense of nostalgia and a sense of overwhelming anxiety. After getting inside he was met by the smell of his father's Katsudon.

"Hey there hatchling! Haven't seen you in a few weeks, everything okay?" Hawks asked as Izuku walked into the kitchen silently. Not at all surprised that his father could sense his presence.

"Everything has been okay dad. A little busy with being assigned the whole gang case. But we made a break in it a few weeks ago." Izuku said as he sat down at the counter while Keigo brought over the Katsudon and sat down next to his son.

"Hey that's great hatchling! Everything go good with it? No injuries?" Keigo asked as he and Izuku began to eat.

"No, no injures though Kirishima got hit by the man's quirk, we still don't know what it truly did but they should be done with processing by now, so we just have to wait for the police to call us and have us come and interrogate him." Izuku explained while Keigo only nodded.

"I see, but what did happen when Kirishima was hit by that quirk?"

"He.... He was got a bit aggressive, and a little loopy, but other than that he was okay." Izuku stated quietly and Keigo immediately picked up on the hesitation in his sons words, though saying nothing as he hummed in understanding.

"So did you need to ask me anything?" Keigo asked having a feeling that Izuku's statement could lead to a question and hopefully for him it would lead to getting an answer for his sons jumpiness.

"W-Well I was wondering; how exactly do you get a mate mark removed?" Izuku asked quietly as he tried to shrink into his jacket. Only for Keigo to spit out his drink as he coughed violently at the question. Before his head snapped to his son while his eyes were as wide as saucers.

"What?!?! Why in the name of the gods do you need to know that?!?" Keigo shouted while Izuku only placed his hand over top of his mark that was cover by his jacket and looked away from his father shamefully.

Keigo immediately went silent as he saw where Izuku's hand was placed and what his body language was expressing, and he paled at the realization.

"I-Izuku... What happened?" Keigo asked hesitantly, not truly sure him he wanted to hear the story, though none the less he placed his hand on his sons shoulder and got the boy to look at him.

"I-It really was an accident and h-he didn't mean to I promise, it was just-."

"He? Izuku who's he, I need the entire story."

"K-Kirishima." As Izuku muttered out the Alpha's name Keigo could only pale further as he held back the growl in his throat, while he pulled Izuku into a hug and led him to the couch, disregarding their empty plates that sat on the counter.

"Izuku please, tell me." Keigo coaxed gently while Izuku only leaned into his father further.

"When he got hit by the quirk it caused him to act strangely, he wouldn't let go of me and I had to take him back to his house, though once we actually got there.... T-That happened. B-But I actually let him. I-I didn't even try to fight him and I don't know why!" Izuku shouted quietly as he hugged Keigo, not truly wanting to see the look on his father's face.

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