Chapter XX

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Izuku had woken up during the middle of the night, his head was foggy, and he ached practically everywhere. Though he immediately paled when he remembered what had happened as he tried to summon his wings, he hadn't truly lost his quirk completely.

Though he didn't dare try and heal the rest of his wounds, knowing that he would most likely cause himself to pass out once again.

Only to be taken out of his thoughts as he heard a few nurses yelling in the hallway at what he thought was Mirio.

Izuku being ever curious quickly detached himself from the IV he was strapped to and grabbed the surgical mask on the bedside table, after putting the mask on he flew out of the room after who he realized was Mirio. As the nurses only continued to yell at the two to stop.

"T-Togata! W-Wh-What's happening?!" Izuku asked as he flew next to Mirio, though immediately noticing the boy's struggle in walking, he quickly used his feathers to pick up the boy and have him fly alongside him.

"T-Takami! We have to get to Sir's room!" Mirio shouted as he attempted to plant his feet back on the ground, as Izuku allowed his feathers to place the boy back on the ground, though his feathers still pushing the boy along as they took some of the weight off of Mirio's feet.

"W-Where?" Izuku asked as he continued to fly.

"Room 209! Takami, they said he's dying" Mirio said though his tone turning dark at the end.

Izuku immediately paled at the statement as he once again allowed his instincts to take control as he had his feathers once again pick Mirio up while he began to soar quickly to Nighteye's room with Mirio soaring next to him just as fast.

Once they had made it to Nighteye's room Izuku allowed Mirio and himself to return to the ground while they both pushed through the other Pro Hero's to get to the man

Though Izuku's legs shook weakly the second he finally stood still and Mirio grabbed onto him as he held the boy lean against Sir Nighteye's bed as Sir Nighteye merely smiled to the two.

"Sir! You can't die you have to live!!" Mirio shouted as he and Izuku both began to cry desperately.

"You b-both.... You both m-must smile i-if you don't have j-joy th-then you w-will not h-have anything t-to defeat th-the sorrow." Nighteye struggled as Mirio only yelled quietly as his tears began to flow even faster.

"Mirio...." Nighteye said as he touched the boy's face gently

"You w-will be an e-excellent hero, th-this is a f-future that should n-not be changed." Nighteye said quietly while Mirio merely cried harder

"A-Allmight.... Y-You made the r-right choice"

"Izuku..." Sir Nighteye started as he grabbed Izuku's hand and squeezed it gently, while Izuku could only stare in horror as tears continued to cascade down his face.

"Y-Your father w-would b-be proud...." Nighteye whispered as the heart rate monitor let out the deafening shriek that, he was gone.

As everyone only bowed their heads and began to cry even harder, Izuku merely leaned closer to Sir Nighteye and placed his hand over the older man's heart.

"Problem child-." Aizawa started, though immediately getting cut off as the air around them changed drastically and Mirio gasped as he looked to Izuku and Nighteye.

Izuku's eye had practically turned completely white as his wings seemed to encase himself and Nighteye as the man's body emitted a goldish hue.

And as everyone stared in complete shock, the sound of the heart rate monitor alerting them of Nighteye's returning heartbeat broke them out of their daze.

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