Chapter XXI

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It had been at least a full year since the war between Villains and Hero's. Kirishima had left UA, though only to be retrieved by his friends. Kirishima had ended up telling his friends about One-For-All. And together he and his friends defeated the League of Villains.

In the second year of UA Shinsou had joined their class. Though Shinsou joining was not the only thing that had happened in second year.

Many of the Nomu's had been captured including Kurogiri who was able to be turned back somewhat normal thanks to a few medical procedures and Izuku's healing abilities.

But he was not the only one they were able to turn back, after learning that Izuku's healing could speed up the process he was asked multiple times to help heal the few Nomu's who had not been fully corrupted.

Though among one of them was Keigo Takami. Though no one truly knew it was him, when the other Pro's had found the semi-human, a few recognized him as the once believed to be dead Pro Hero Hawks, and he was immediately rushed to the nearest hospital.

Though once getting to the hospital the man seemingly awoke from whatever comatose state he had been put in, as he fought against the other Pro's and doctors with a passion.

The Pro's and doctors were able to put the man in restraints in a standing position to one of the walls, as they hesitantly called Aizawa and asked him to bring Izuku just as he always did whenever Izuku would have to go to one of the hospitals to heal the Nomu's.

Though when warned at how aggressive and hostile the man was Aizawa didn't even consider allowing Izuku into the room to even meet eyes with the man. Only for Izuku to sneak into the room the minute Aizawa wasn't looking, not wanting to give up the opportunity to see if it truly was his father.

Though the minute he walked into the room Hawks once again began to fight against his restraints at the sensing of a new person in the room. Though it only took Izuku a second to realize that this Nomu truly was his father, as golden eyes met the identical pair.

"D-Dad." Izuku Takami, 15-years-old, Omega, Occupation 2nd year student, Mate: unknown. Izuku stuttered as he gently walked forward to his father, unveiling his wings, and allowing them to fall gently to his sides, displaying he was of no threat. And gently taking off his mask, hoping that his father would recognize him.

The man seemed to freeze when Izuku called to him. Though instead of words Keigo chirped quietly to the boy as Izuku could only cry as he quietly chirped back to the man.

Though just as Keigo seemed to go fully lax at the realization that this was his child, his baby bird. He immediately became tense and aggressive once again the minute Aizawa and the other doctors barged in.

"Problem child! What are you doing?! Get away from him!" Aizawa yelled as he went to reach out for the boy only to freeze as he looked at the boy's unmasked face, something he hadn't truly seen before.

Only to flinch again at the loud growling and the potent scent that could only be recognized as Alphan rage filled the room, as the man bared his teeth in aggression towards the adults in the room. "Wait! Mr. Aizawa, please. He's, my dad." Izuku said quietly while Aizawa's eyes widened in realization.

"Everyone leave." Aizawa stated though a few of the doctors looked to him skeptically.

"I said now!" Aizawa shouted as the last few immediately ran out of the room.

"I am right behind the door Takami, call me if you need me." Aizawa stated while Izuku merely nodded.

As Aizawa left the scent died down completely and the growls went silent as Keigo once again gained the seemingly calm exterior.

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