Chapter XV

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Just as Izuku had asked Iida didn't say a word to anyone, to not his parents, the teachers, or his brother.

Though that did not mean that Izuku hadn't one day invited Iida over to the old park and explained absolutely everything that he had promised to.

While Iida was left stunned, angered, and saddened by his friends explanation, he once again swore to not tell a single soul unless Izuku gave him permission to.

Izuku hated having to ask such a thing from his friend, but he couldn't bring himself to speak out just yet.

He wasn't ready.

While Izuku wasn't ready to use his quirk on command it didn't mean Iida was ready to allow him to belittle himself into thinking that it wasn't worth trying.

Iida though did agree to help speed train Izuku either way, and how to use his legs as an attack.

And thankfully Iida always helped Izuku sneak off into the individual showers in the locker room to change, rather than changing in front of everyone else. And soon Izuku had made friends with a fellow Omega, Yuga Aoyama, who would also help him whenever needed to sneak into the showers to change.

But Iida did indeed help Izuku when it came to his quirk, it first started with Iida purposefully letting himself get injured much to Izuku horror and dismay, and then asking Izuku to heal his wounds. And of course, Izuku who was already horrified his friend was doing such a thing to himself, agreed to without hesitation.

And while it soon became to where it no longer bothered Izuku to use the healing side of his quirk, after having a very long therapy session with Iida. He still could hardly ever bring himself to use his wings.

He only used them in the most dangerous situations, and more often than not at the very last minute, every time, almost a second too late.

Prime example of this, the USJ attack, while Izuku had no trouble taking out the villains with just his fighting skills and no quirk, Izuku was almost too late when Shigaraki had aimed an attack for him after he had just healed Tsuyu's injured leg.

He only unveiled his wing at the very last second to push himself and Tsu out of the way of the attack, though quickly noticing Aizawa using his quirk to cancel Shigaraki's. Izuku was quick to notice Kirishima flying towards the villain at insane speeds, but before being able to get a hit on him the nomu left Aizawa in order to shield Shigaraki.

While the nomu was distracted Izuku took it as the chance to grab both Tsuyu and Mineta and soar away from the villain.

Though after dropping the two by the door Izuku quickly returned for Aizawa, as the boy began to use his quirk in order to heal the teacher.

(This kid.... His quirk is strong, and he knows how to use it.... Yet he purposely refuses to?) Aizawa thought to himself before Izuku then used his feathers to pick up the teacher gently and fly him back to the door.

Though Aizawa didn't miss the way Izuku quickly got a far-off look in his eyes when he went back to healing the teacher, after looking at his wings and then quickly hiding them again.

After the USJ attack everyone was surprised to see that Aizawa not only made it to class the next day but announced that the Sports Festival would still be going on.

When the Sports Festival finally arrived the Aizawa didn't fail to notice Iida seemingly couching Izuku through what looked like a breathing exercise.

Aizawa couldn't understand why Izuku purposely refused to use his quirk, it made no sense to him. It wasn't like his quirk was dangerous, hell if not for him Aizawa would be in much worse shape than he was at the moment. Only a few small bandages over his arms and new small scar under his eye, nothing horrible.

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