Chapter XVII

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Aizawa had immediately ran out of the booth as he tried to find out where it was Izuku had walked off to. Though he didn't have to run far as he found Izuku holding his broken arm while curled up in a tight ball against one of the walls in the hallway, while his head was tucked in between his legs as sobs racked and shook the poor boy's body.

Aizawa stepped up to him gently as he carefully placed a hand on Izuku's head where a now completely messy and nearly fallen out bun rested on his head.

Izuku flinched horribly at the touch and Aizawa nearly retracted his hand, though deciding it would most likely help ground the boy.

"Takami, I need you to breathe for me please. I know right now it hurts immensely but if you breathe and follow my instructions it will get better." Aizawa stated gently while Izuku only tried to take deep breathes once again.

After a few minutes of Aizawa leading Izuku through various different breathing exercises, Izuku had finally calmed down enough to where he was breathing normally again, and his tears had stopped.

"Takami, can you look at me I need to make sure your all right, we need to get you to recovery girls office. I doubt it would be good for you to try and heal yourself right now." Aizawa stated while Izuku merely grabbed his broken mask and used what was left of it to cover his face.

"Don't worry we'll get you a new mask, but for now let's get you to Recovery Girl." Aizawa stated as he gently led Izuku to Recovery Girls office while checking to make sure nothing other than the boy's arm was broken.

After making it to the office, Recovery Girl had quickly sent Aizawa back to the booth with Present Mic, though she then turned around and healed Izuku's wound with a kiss.

Though suggesting the boy stay put in the office for a little bit, while he regained his energy. Izuku merely nodded as he continued to hold the broken mask up to his face.

Recovery Girl thankfully saw what Izuku was doing and quickly grabbed him one of her spares that she kept.

"Here you are dear, I don't know why you hide your adorable face, but I assume that it makes you more comfortable to have a mask." Recovery Girl said while Izuku quickly put the mask on while nodding his head in thanks to the elderly woman.

Though the comfortable silence was cut off short by Iida and Ochako barreling into the office, both worried out of their minds. 

"Izuku!! Are you alright!! My gods that fight was horrifying!! Are you alright?!? You used your quirk!!" Iida rambled as he hugged Izuku tightly, to which Izuku merely returned happily, already feeling calmer now that his friends were with him.

"Woah Iida! I think Izuku is rubbing off on you, but Izuku you are really okay right?" Ochako said with a small laugh as she too hugged the boy. Though her tone turning serious once she had asked her question.

Though Izuku only nodded to her, which was enough of an answer for the brunette, while he used sign language to explain to Iida that his throat felt incredibly sore, and he was completely and utterly emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausted.

Though Iida quickly understood as he merely nodded his head to Izuku.

"Okay, you two be gentle on the boy now, Takami dear if you want, you can go with your friends back to the stands to watch the rest of the fights." Recovery Girl said as she understood what Izuku had signed.

While Izuku only nodded once again as he stood up and bowed to the woman in thanks while the woman merely nodded kindly as she handed the three each a lollipop.

As the three walked back to the stadium, they had ended up catching the attention of their fellow classmates.

"Hey Takami! That was awesome dude! I had no idea you had wings!" Denki Kaminari, 15-year-old, Omega, Occupation: 1st year student, Mate: unknown.

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