Chapter XXVIII

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The police had finally contacted Kirishima about the villain, Kirishima told the police that he would be there soon, he didn't call to tell Izuku seeing as the younger was still practically avoiding him, though planning on calling him after getting the information they needed.

And so Kirishima headed to the police station in his Hero uniform, hoping to at least get some answers about what could have happened that night. And what on Earth that quirk did to him.

"Hello Red Riot, the criminal is in the interrogation room, but where is Archangel?" The detective asked while Kirishima merely looked at the criminal through the one-sided glass

"He's busy at the moment. I will be taking a report of this to speak with him about later." Kirishima stated while the detective merely nodded

"Though I would like you to know that I have my own personal matters that I have to question this man about, so I would prefer it if you could wait at your desk and I will bring the report that I get." Kirishima requested while the detective looked at him skeptically.

"My apologizes Sir, but I'm afraid that I don't completely follow and it is a bit unethical for me to leave here, because legally another person must witness the interrogation to make sure that everything is followed orderly. If Archangel were here, I wouldn't hesitate to leave, but I'm afraid it is just protocol" The detective explained while Kirishima groaned quietly.

"Fine, but any personal business of mine that you may hear, will not be mentioned or even referred to outside of this room, and only between us. Am I clear." Kirishima commanded, while putting a fair amount of venom in his words as to emphasize the hidden threat in Kirishima's words.

"Yes, sir. I would never even imagine speaking of your personal life without your explicit permission." The detective stated as he had to force himself not to slouch in intimidation of the larger Alpha.

"Thank you, detective. Also, I suggest you don't step in while I'm in there. From my experience fighting him, a bit of force might be necessary" Kirishima stated as his former exterior of danger and malice vanished, allowing the detective to sigh in relief as he nodded his head to the Pro.

Kirishima then walked into the room as he grabbed the file on the criminal before slamming it down on the table the villain was cuffed to.

"Tengu Yokai. Am I correct? It says here this is not your first arrest. Though this is your first time being associated with the prominent gang that has emerged lately." Kirishima stated coldly while the criminal's breath hitched slightly at the sight of the Pro.

"And I'm guessing without that quirk enhancer drug in your system anymore you don't feel as confident as you did a while ago. Am I right?" Kirishima asked coldly though already knowing the answer as the villain refused to make eye contact with him.

"Now this can go two ways. Either you give me the information that I need, or this can get very ugly. Very quickly." Kirishima threatened as the gravel in his voice deepened.

"W-What's wrong Hero? S-Still pissed that I hit you with m-my quirk. Well, I hope you at least enjoyed the side effects." The villain said shakily as he laughed at the end.

"You know I'm not sure, maybe if you fill me in on the details of your quirk then I could properly thank you." Kirishima said bluntly, though his sarcasm leaking out of his sentence.

"And what will I get if I do?"

"Well, if you tell me your quirk and what it does to others, where your gang it and what it is that you people are trying to accomplish, and you tell me why the hell you shot that woman. Then I can speak to the judge and the police on reducing your sentence for cooperation and give you parole. Which you'll need." Kirishima bargained while the villain looked down to his lap, keeping his mouth shut.

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