Chapter XIV

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The first day of school.

And Izuku had already somehow became late.

The boy wasn't used to having to actually leave his house to go to school, so he underestimated how long it would take to get there. So now he was running through the halls of UA desperately trying to find his class.

That is until he ran straight into someone while he was looking at the copy of the school map he had downloaded onto his phone.

After the initial shock of falling flat on his butt Izuku quickly went to apologizing

"I-I'm sorry I-I wasn't l-looking where I-I was going a-and-."

"Hey man don't worry about it! Besides you're the one who took the hit not me!" Eijirou Kirishima, 15-years-old, Alpha, Occupation: 1st year student, Mate: unknown. Kirishima said as he grabbed Izuku's arm and hoisted the boy up effortlessly, which in turned caused Izuku to squeak in surprise.

"The names Eijirou Kirishima, its nice to meet you. Now where were you running to?" Kirishima asked as Izuku had to look up to actually meet the other boy's eyes, and Kirishima had to look down a bit to see Izuku's well-hidden face.

"C-Class 1-A, H-Hero Course." Izuku stuttered, though internally cursing himself for, once again neglecting his social and vocal skills training.

"Oh! Awesome! I'm in that class too! Here we'll find it together!" Kirishima offered, well more so ordered as he grabbed onto Izuku's shoulder and led the boy, or more so dragged him. While Izuku who was left surprised didn't dare fight the older boy as he dragged him.

Though once the two had reached the classroom Izuku once again felt horribly intimidated by the size and the loud chatter coming from the other side.

"Hey, you nervous?" Kirishima asked as he patted Izuku shoulder gently.

"Y-Yes- I-I mean n-no!" Izuku stuttered as his blush somehow reached far past the barrier of his mask. To which Kirishima only chuckled at.

"L-Lets just go i-inside." Izuku mumbled as he pushed open the door, though thankful to see that the loud chatter was only coming from a small group of people, while many of the other students seemed to still not be there.

Though at the same time Izuku internally groaned at the idea of it being louder.

Though what truly caught him by surprise was seeing Iida, not only in the classroom but staring directly at him. Though Izuku flinched horribly when the boy started walking towards him and Kirishima.

Kirishima didn't fail to notice Izuku's flinch towards the other Alpha, and naturally Kirishima placed a hand on Izuku's shoulder.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both, I am Tenya Iida." Iida said as he motioned towards Izuku, while the poor boy practically began to shake where he stood.

"I am happy to see that you got into the Hero Course. Your performance during the exams was quite heroic." Iida stated while Izuku only bowed his head respectfully.

"Hey! Its you!" Ochako shouted excitedly as she pulled Izuku away from the two Alpha's.

"I'm so happy that you got in! I was worried when you didn't get any points" Ochako said as she hugged the boy tightly, while Izuku flinched at the contact, he only stiffened instead, though Ochako noticed immediately and let go of Izuku while give him an apologetic look, to which Izuku only nodded.

"Oi! Will you extra's shut up and get your asses in a seat already!!" Katsuki Bakugo, 15-years-old, Alpha, Occupation: 1st year student, Mate: unknown. Bakugo shouted while Iida immediately went to scolding the other Alpha about his rude behavior.

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