Chapter XXXII

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Todoroki was peacefully eating a bowl of soba when a rampant knocking alerted him that someone was at the front door.

"Why, I just want one peaceful bowl of soba. Is that so much to ask for?" Todoroki grumbled to himself as he went to open then door, only to be surprised at the sight of Kirishima, small sparks of red lightning zapping around him.

Though Todoroki was more focused on his face. Determination, rage, exhaustion, and fear were ever present on his face and in his eyes. And Todoroki would be lying if he said that he wasn't at all concerned.

"Kirishima? What's wrong? Why are you here?" Todoroki asked bluntly while Kirishima took in quick and shallow breaths before looking Todoroki in the eyes.

"Where the fuck is Izuku?!" Kirishima practically shouted. Not in the mood to deal with anymore distractions.

"Izuku? Why?" Todoroki asked skeptically, already growing weary of the reason Kirishima was searching so adamantly for the Omega.

"Gods forsaken Todoroki! I don't have the damn time! Just tell me where the fuck he is?!" Kirishima shouted loudly, his Alpha voice breaking through, despite his best efforts to try and reframe from using it.

"Kirishima I'm not telling you anything until you tell me why." Todoroki stated, his own Alphan voice making his tone far more assertive, while Kirishima only growled.

"Fine! I'm near certain that he is my soulmate! And I want to stop him from removing the mate mark until we talk!!" Kirishima shouted as Todoroki went wide eyed

"So, he actually told you?" Todoroki questioned while Kirishima only growled once again.

"Was he never going to-. NO! That's not important! I told you my reason, now tell me where he is!!" Kirishima shouted while Todoroki nodded.

"Fine, he's at Mustafa hospital, there's a specialist that is seeing him today, and essentially removing the mark. The appointment is at 2:15. You have 10 minutes. Todoroki stated while Kirishima nodded towards the dual haired man as he took off once again.

Just as Todoroki had instructed Kirishima made it to the hospital within 5 minutes, after running at inhuman speed across the city. Though not that he could truly care about that.

Once making it inside the hospital Kirishima had to abruptly stop, in order to not run straight into the front lady's counter. "O-Oh! Oh my, Red Riot! How may we help you?" The woman asked sweetly, while Kirishima had to try to regain his breathing, having knocked the wind out of himself with his stop.

"Takami, Izuku Takami. Please I need the room number." Kirishima asked breathlessly, though being sure to keep his voice at a whisper.

"Oh, my apologizes, we're usually not allowed to disclose such information, other than to close relatives." The woman said apologetically while Kirishima only groaned.

"Ma'am please. I'm his mate. Please I need to talk to him" Kirishima begged as the woman gasped quietly, before looking around her for a few moments.

"Yes, sir your room will be room 247, 8th floor." The woman said with a smile as she winked at Kirishima, while the red head could only laugh quietly before giving the woman his own smile of thanks.

"Thank you."

"Of course, now hurry." The two whispered to each other as Kirishima began to sprint down the hallway and to the elevators.

Just as the woman had told him, Kirishima immediately made it to the room, with only 5 minutes to spare. (5 minutes. Let's hope that's all the time I'll need to convince him.) Kirishima thought to himself as he knocked on the door gently.

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