Chapter IX

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The mess was horrible to clean up. There were at least 27 reported casualties and most likely many more that had yet to be reported. People were missing, others injured. Both Pro Hero and citizen alike.

Though what caught the most attention was that the number 3 Pro Hero, was gone.

After hours of searching Satari couldn't find Keigo, so she immediately raced to the Hero's house to make sure he hadn't gone home. Not only to find no Keigo, but no Izuku.

Then she truly freaked out.

(Where would Izuku go?! He knows better than to run off! He would tell Keigo! Wait... He.... Would... Oh no.) Satari thought to herself as she then remembered that Hawks had gotten a phone call from Izuku earlier that day. Though when everything clicked together, she paled.

(No, no, no, no. Oh gods please no. Izuku was with Keigo... And Keigo is missing.... And that means... Izuku is gone too.) Satari collapsed onto the couch in the living room of the Pro's house before finally making a few calls


*Woah!! Satari, what's the matter?" Tensei asked as he picked up the phone

"Check the news, but first tell me Izuku is there with you or he's at your parents house!?" Satari asked frantically

*What? No, he's not here, and I know he's not at my parents I just left there place a bit ago. Wait why?! What happened?!?" Tensei asked now growing worried

"Check the news and tell me if you here or see anything at all of Izuku." Satari said as she then hung up the phone, not allowing Tensei to ask any more questions

This just in, Pro Hero, Hawks. Has been reported dead, due to a villain attack, onlookers say that they saw him last crashing into one of the 4 collapsed buildings, though no one witnessed him getting out. We give our condolences to his family and friends. More on this matter, there have been a reported 35 casualties from today's attack and over 15 were injured, and an estimated 5 are missing. We give our condolences to the family's of these people and wish speedy recovery for both the injured and the missing. More on this matter will be released later.

At the Satari household, Retai and Itori comforted each other as they both cried. They both were completely sure that Izuku was one of those many casualties, and it pained them to come to terms with the fact that both their friend, and their nephew were gone.

While at the Iida household it didn't take long for Tenya to realize that Izuku was one of the casualties after hearing his parents talk to his brother about what Satari had called him about when he had come back. While his parents and brother comforted him the best they could, it was painful for Tenya to imagine his friend, his first friend, a boy he considered a younger brother of sorts, was gone.

After that day the Hawks agency went into the care of Satari seeing as she was second in command to Hawks, along with the agency Satari had to find a way to sort out Hawks will. He had left absolutely everything to Izuku, but now the boy was gone.

So, Satari did nothing with it, it pained her to go into the penthouse, so she didn't sell it. She had no right to, the money, the house, everything was left as it was. Untouched, unmoved, and it seemed that everyone had forgotten about it. Or more so they tried their hardest to forget about it.

Because who could live with such pain?

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