Mount Natagumo ~ Part 1

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You traveled with Inosuke, Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Nezuko for a while until you came to the entrance of the mountain. It was dark and a thick, cold mist swirled around your ankles as you observed your surroundings. The moon's light made shadows of the trees making it seem like there were more. Thick foliage covered the ground and made it look like you could sink in some places.

"Here we are." Tanjiro said in a serious manner, sniffing the air.

"I'm not going in there." Zenitsu said, shaking. "I'm terrified and we are almost there!"

"Zenitsu, why did you become a demon slayer if you don't have the courage to do something you've trained for?" You asked with a questioning look. "If you don't want to go then don't go, but you need to figure out if you want to be a slayer or not."

"Y/n's right, Zenitsu." Tanjiro commented. "You don't have to come, but you need to figure out what you want. Besides, we won't accomplish anything if we're just going to sit here. "

"But aren't you not getting any weird vibes from the mountain?" He questioned hugging his knees.

Something dragging on the dirt road behind you a distance away with the smell of iron distracted you from the conversation. Turning around you focused. Senses heightened when you took off.

"Monji (name)! Where are you going?" Inosuke yelled running after you.

"Do you smell it?"

Sniffing the air again Tanjiro answered, "Yes."

"DON'T LEAVE ME?!" Zenitsu hollered.

Coming to a stop you saw a young man lying in the middle of the road covered in blood.

"P Please help me." He stammered tears falling down his cheeks. Before Tanjiro could give him a hand, strings on his shirt yanked him back into the forest as he yelled. Then all was quiet.

'Those strings....they belong to Rui! I don't think Tanjiro or the others will be able to handle him, but he may give me away. I could take off and lose them easily, but they would be suspicious.'

Drawing his blade Tanjiro ran into the dark forest with Inosuke behind him laughing like a mainiake.

"Do you always take this as a challenge?" You asked Inosuke while easily catching up.

"Ha! Why not? How am I supposed to get stronger if there is no challenge?"

"...Good point."

"I'm always right!"

"Not all the time you're not."

"What?! What are you talking about?! I'm always right. Prove me wrong!"

"Well...let's start with when you thought the poor elderly lady was trying to help you and you thought she was cursing us."

Red marks seemed to appear on his head as you giggled.

"N No! I didn't think.."

"Yes. Yes, you did. Even Tanjiro and Zenitsu had to explain and prevent you from beating her up." You laughed.

Coming to a stop you observed your surroundings.

'Definitely Rui's home.' You thought looking at all the spiderwebs. Tons of thin, little, almost translucent strings covered the tree trunks, rocks, and ground. Recalling when Rui became a Lower Moon you and your father visited his home. During the meeting Rui asked if he could have a family with your father's permission. Granting it, before you and your father left Rui said something. 'What was it?' Lost in your memories you didn't notice Tanjiro thanking Inosuke.

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