Reflections Pt. 2

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A/n ~ I'm so sorry for the delay! Life's been a little chaotic, but I'm back with new stuff. If you have a suggestion let me know. 💕

~f/e/c = favorite eye color


It has been awhile since you felt that presence, but you knew it was someone you knew. It was getting close quickly as you looked around the area. Spotting a good hiding spot you walked over to a wisteria tree and ducked underneath its thick flowery branches. Covering your scent you slowly made a small hole in the branches and flowers while glancing around for the person with the scent. ‘Where have I smelled that? It’s so familiar,’  Thinking, you failed to notice someone slowly walking by hesitating as they looked around. Focusing on the present you could see part of them. Eyes widening you recognized the green and black checkered haori. Excitement and worry came over you as you watched him looking around. Why did you feel happy when he tried to stop you and stabbed you with his sword? Was it because he was following orders from an upper rank slayer? For you if an upper rank ordered a lower rank they had to obey. The difference in the scale of both powers was significant even if the rank was one below the other. Was that the reason? If so, why were you so hesitant on wanting to talk to him? You could tell he was alone so no one from an upper rank would order him to execute you, but you were still hesitant. Was it fear? No. You weren’t scared of him. Then if that’s the case then what was it?

Watching his movements you slowly backed away. ‘Should I leave or should I just wait for him to leave? Or confront him? Does…he still want me dead now that he knows who I really am? I mean he does hate dad, but I’m not exactly like my dad.’ Lost in questions you failed to see red eyes peering at you. Looking up you jumped in surprise punching him in the face. A grunt of pain was heard as you came out of your hiding spot. Tanjiro was sprawled on the ground holding his nose in pain as he rubbed it.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He said as he stood up with his back towards you. “I should have…” He trailed off as he turned to look at who punched him.


The glowing, light, purple of the petals lit the path and many others as he walked down them. Besides the moon and stars’ light the trees glowed brighter. It was very peaceful here even though the Kizuki had destroyed the place. There was a sense of quiet and a stillness in the air. He wasn't supposed to be here, but he came here for…something? Oh no! What was it? Thinking harder as he paced back and forth trying to remember an ever so faint scent drifted by. There was no mistake on whose it was.  ‘It can’t be! Why would she be here unless….’ Facing in the direction where the breeze was coming from he  jogged down the path. If he went too fast she’d know he was there, but she probably already knew that by now. He knew she had more abilities that he didn’t know about, and her strength and speed were incomprehensible. Wanting to be careful he quietly maneuvered through the path and branches.  ‘ Why was she here? Was she looking for the Hashira? If so, was it with good intentions or bad?’ Remembering the battle at the train her scent. He could tell she was just warning and protecting those who she cared about, but was that really a lie? Or… was it the truth? Nezuko liked her, but maybe it was because Y/n covered her scent so well, to even fool him. Maybe? He’d have to ask his sister when he got back. The scent getting stronger he slowed down to an even more slow pace. Thinking back with Rengoku and Upper Three and their strengths. She was stronger than him and he could barely defeat Lower Moon One. He didn’t want to encounter another battle. He still wanted to cure his sister and kill Muzan for what he did to his family and to someone else's family. Lost in thought he stopped suddenly sniffing the air. The scent was gone. He knew that the area he was in she had been here. Maybe she sensed him and took off. Or maybe she was hiding to ambush him. Cautiously he studied the area for any signs of someone being there. Footprints? None. Feeling like he was being watched he looked around with an uneasy feeling settling in his gut. Spotting a hole in a group of petals he stepped closer peeping through. A f/e/c stared right back at him causing him to jump a bit. Then feeling a hard object collide with his face he flew backwards landing on his side. Landing on his side he immediately covered his face with one hand to try to rub the pain out of his nose.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He began to say as he stood up to face whoever punched him.  Eyes widening she stood there a cautious stern look on her face as she stared back at him.

‘It looks like she doesn’t see me as a threat if I don’t draw my sword, but I still must be prepared to fight if she decides to attack.’ A bead of sweat dripped down his face as he stared back tense. Waiting for any movement or any sign of attack she just stood there.

“What are you doing here?” He asked as he relaxed a bit.

“To train in peace.” She replied calmly as she looked around. “You?”

A little stunned by her response he asked, “Why.” He hesitated, “ Why didn’t you tell me your real identity?” An incredulous look appeared on her face as she looked back at him.

“Because you would have killed me.” She stated plainly.

“Why didn’t you kill us back at the train?”

“Because, I didn’t want to. I won’t if I don’t have to, I won't. A life is a life no matter how you put it.”

“Do you still want peace between our kinds?”

“Yes. My mother wanted it and so do I. There will have to be boundaries and rules, but I believe it’s possible. I’m assuming that the hashira will not want that after Rengoku’s death.”

“Yes, but the master thinks otherwise.”

“He does?” Looks of confusion and doubt were written upon her face as she pondered that. He wasn't lying. The master still had hope in her, but why? He would have to ask that later when he got back.

“Do you think otherwise?” She asked, disturbing his thoughts. “Or do you pose me as a threat as well?”

“I don’t think of you as a threat, but your actions on the train made me wary.”

“You were trying to kill me while I was trying to protect Enmu.” You shot back with a glare.

“I thought he was trying to hurt you.” He replied defensively. “I was worried and when they said who you really were I felt a little betrayed.”

“A little?”

He hesitated, “Yes.” 

“Why a little?”

“Well, because not all demons are evil. Like Nezuko and those that I have slayed. Some kill out of fear, and others with orders.I could tell you we're just defending your loved ones.”

“So why did you still do it? Do the others think what the hashira think?”

“Mainly under fear and natural instinct. To be honest I don’t know what they think, but I’ll talk to them about it and see. Why do you want peace? Do you want it because your mother wanted it?”

“Because I want it. I want both our kinds to live in peace and kindness and not fear, and cruelty. I don’t want people to die. Everyone should live a happy, peaceful life. ”

A small smile crept on his face. She was definitely different from all the others

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