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*I will add onto this one this week. I had to make it short because I was running late for work, but I hope you are all having a great week this week ❤️ 💙 💜 

The lights from the many  lanterns brightened the whole place up as you ventured through in your new disguise. The lights were blinding, but you got used to them after you adjusted. The warm air flowed past you as the busy people hustled in the streets going from one house to another. Carts drove on by as you  searched for the house Daki and her brother would be in. 

“Excuse me, Miss?”

Turning around an elderly woman approached you. Her gray, silvery hair was tied in a neat bun with a beautiful, flower hair pin on the side. Her hands folded neatly in her sleeves she came to you. “My, my! What a beauty you are. Are you looking for a place to work in?” She asked, smiling kindly.

“Oh! No, I am looking for my…..” You paused not knowing what to say. “Uhhh….my….uhhh sister's house. She works here, and I happened to stop by, so I thought I could visit her for a bit.” You beamed.

“Well what is your sister's name? I can help direct you to where she is staying.”

“I….” You stopped as you heard a familiar voice. “She's in the Ogimoto House, I think.”

“That will be over there next to the lady selling flowers in that basket.” She answered, pointing. “Do you see?”

Looking in that direction where she pointed you saw the woman selling flowers of all kinds. 

‘Maybe she'll have the Blue Spider Lily.’

“Thank you so much.” You said bowing. Bowing back to you you went up to where the lady with the flowers was.


Even though the house was busy with work, Zenitsu had nothing to do. 

‘I'm supposed to be looking for Uzui's wife. It won't do me any good if I hone in on my shamisen and koto skills. It's been two days since the owner died and no one has said anything.’

Stepping into the hallway and lost in thought he heard a faint cry. Even with all the hustle and bustle, his hearing never failed him. Running up a flight of stairs and around a few corners he quickly opened the door.

 “It's a disaster in here! What happened?”

In the middle of the room curled almost into a ball was a young girl sobbing. 

“W.Were you in a fight?!” He asked frantically. “Are you okay?”

Approaching the little girl and pulling her into a hug he tried to comfort her. 

“It's okay. I’m not mad with you, okay? I'm sorry for making you think that….’’ He was cut off as a dark, strong, heavy presence came to the room. 

“What are you doing in my room?” A woman asked her words filled with venom. Dripping with sweat and shaking he found it hard to breath and swallow. Her bright green and pink eyes stood out as her dark, back hair was pinned nicely.

‘How did she get in without me knowing or sensing her presence? How is it p-possible? I didn't notice until she spoke! This is bad even though it's so quiet. Could this be…… upper rank?’  He asked himself as he could feel her eyes piercing through his soul.  

“Are you hard of hearing?” She asked harshly, glaring more. 

“W-Warabihime Oiran.” Two other little girls stood by the entrance of the door and shaking with terror. “S-she started the day before y-yesterday.” They stammered as they shivered. 

“So what if she started?”

“F-Forgive me, please. This room is in such disarray and she was crying, so…”

“What is up with your hair color? Do you really want to stand out?” She interrupted. “You might as well be better off dead.” She insulted striding past him. “This room is a mess. “ I thought I told you to clean it up.”

Grabbing her by the ear she forced the little girl up causing her to cry louder.

“Be quiet!” The woman ordered. “Now I want you to clean this mess up!”

“I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'll do it right now. Please forgive me.” She begged as more tears streamed down her face.

Angry boiled inside him as he watched. Grabbing the Oiran's wrist “Please take your hand off of her.” 

Taking her arm she flung him past a few doors. “Don't you dare touch me and don't flatter yourself you dirty little rat!”

“P-Please.” The owner of the house begged as he bowed down. “Please forgive her. We're about to open soon and would not like to be seen like this. I'll punish her, just please forgive her.”

Turning her head she smiled, making her a whole new person. “I guess I was a bit too hard to the new one. Please, tend to her injuries and Master? There is no need to bow, I should be the one apologizing. So many things have left me feeling angry and annoyed.” She stopped while observing the situation.  “I’ll be heading out to work, so I expect this place to be cleaned up and straightened.”

“Y-Yes ma'am.” 

‘That minor….even though his injuries are small, he was on edge. Defensive. He's not a regular citizen. He's a slayer.’ She thought glaring at him hoping the venom in her glance would melt him into mush. 

Finishing her makeup, a strong but very faint aura whiffed through the crowded air. Eyes wide, she sped walked to the familiar source

~The Hidden Heiress ~ HiatusWhere stories live. Discover now