Kagaya and a New Task ~ Part 3

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A/N ~ Sorry for it being late, but ta da! Here's the next chapter!  Enjoy!! I also want to thank you all for he support. I never expected to get this far EVER, so thank you SO much!! I've had almost 600 reads! Never knew that could happen. Love you all!! 

He stood up and walked out of the room and gestured for you to follow.

"I'll teach you the techniques that she taught me. Then Maybe they will help us defeat Muzan." He said frowning.

"Why do you want to kill him?" You asked, looking at him with suspicion.

"If he isn't gone then there will be more demons that will kill innocent people. Once he's dead there won't be any more to create." He replied.

Continuing down a long hallway he stopped at a door and slid it open revealing a bedroom. "You can stay here." He said smiling. Before he left you stopped him.

"Why is half of your face purple?"

"It's part of the family curse. After Muzan became the creature he is now a curse started. Well.." He stopped to think. "There was a disease before that happened that was in the family lines, but it worsened when he made his decision. We will begin tomorrow afternoon. In the meantime feel free to explore. Oh I almost forgot. Here. Walking to the closet in our room he pulled out a haori. This is for you." He said as he handed it to you and walked away. The haori was a dark blue with a moon on the back with cherry blossoms at the bottom. It was beautiful and you put it on. Walking into your room it had a bed, a desk and chair, paintings of flowers, closest, and a bookshelf. There was a window next to the bed with the shutters open. Peaking out you saw that it was right by a forest of Wisteria. A shimmer of light caught your eye. Looking closer through the trees you saw water.

'That must be the lake.'

Hopping out of the window you walked in between the trees. Sounds of waves gently crashing with the ground. You saw that the lake was gorgeous and beside you was a forest.

'That must be the place where he met Mom.' You thought as you walked towards it. The trees were thick enough that any of the Moons could stand here in the daytime. Walking farther in you spotted dried flowers lying on the ground. Getting closer you saw a small gravestone with a faded name, but you could make out some of the letters. "Kimiko. Upper Moon Zero." You whispered as your throat was trying to close from the sadness that was seeping in. Tears were beginning to blur your eyesight as you tried to read the rest, but it was difficult. After some time had passed you realized that the sun was almost down. Standing up you wiped the tears from your face and walked back to the house. You needed to check on Nezuko, Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu. Walking out of the clearing into the forest of Wisteria you continued to the front of the house to be confronted with Shinobu. A fake sweet smile was plastered on her face as she stood at the front of the house.

"I assumed that you wanted to check in on your friends."

"I did. Do you know where they are?" You asked. Softening her smile she clapped her hands and replied, "Ara~ Ara~. Follow me."

Turning around she began walking down the long dirt road. Walking behind her she looked back at you and waved her hand for you to walk beside her. "I still don't trust you, so I would like to have you walk by me."


"Would you mind telling me where you learned the technique and where you got the fans?" She inquired after a few moments of silence. "I got them from a close friend before they passed." You replied, glancing at her. "Why are you so curious? And don't tell me there is no reason."

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