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I'm back! Anyways I had a few requests to have more Kokushibo scenes and father and mc's scenes. I hope you enjoy it! Also where are some good websites to watch season 2? If you have requests let me know. ^^ If you see a typo mistake let me know so I can fix it, please.


Ever since you arrived back at home your father wouldn't let you leave without him or without one of the Upper Moons by your side. It was mainly Upper Moon One since your dad figured he would be the best. Sure you got privacy, but ever since your identity was revealed he has become more stern and worried and more overprotective. A few days had passed since the incident and when you got back you told him everything you knew. Not that you could or would lie to him anyways. After the second day he went with some of the Moons to go find the Hashira's base, but when they came back he said they abandoned the place. Feeling like you somewhat failed the mission you worked on strengthening your abilities.

"Don't focus too hard." Kokushibo advised as you sent ice shards at him. "If you focus too hard you won't be able to concentrate fully on your surroundings." As he said this he sent moon crescents towards you. Creating an ice barricade you blocked the attack, but didn't see him above. "You need to pay attention to your surroundings." He replied as you barely dodged his attack. "You need to clear your mind for a bit. We'll continue this again tomorrow." Walking out of the room you went to yours. Sliding the door open you flopped on your bed.

'So much has happened. Did mom really want peace as much as me? Maybe I should ask dad when he gets back."

Sitting up you went to your window and pried it open just a crack. Gazing at the garden bathed in moonlight a few memories flashed through your mind. One time when you were little you and dad would go by the small creek and he would read stories to you while you splashed in the water. One time as he read and before he got to the climax of one of your favorite stories one of the older Moons came to speak to him. Busy in the discussion a tiny group of silver fish swam down steam tickling your toes a bit. A small, quiet giggle escaped your lips as you followed them. The stream wasn't deep since it only went to your ankles. The coolness of the water didn't bother you at all as you adventured down the path. Soon the stream diverted into two different paths. One continued along side the bank while the other went deeper into the garden which led to a forest that continued to a small village. With your father being over protective warned you not to go down there without him or another Moon by your side.The fish went down the second path, so with curiosity, you followed them thinking you wouldn't go that far. After what seemed like forever you saw some lanterns in the distance with the sound of music playing in the distance. Hesitant yet yearning to see what was happening you slowly made your way to the entrance of the small town. Peeping from the cornor of a wall you saw many people dressed up in nice clothing getting treats from stands and stores.

"You're lucky I found you." A low, deep tone called from behind you. Turning your head you looked up to make eye contact with Upper Moon One who towered over you.

"I just wanted to see what was inside." You whispered sadly. Smiling a bit he bent down to your height. "How about I come with you. That way I can keep you safe and you can see what's inside, but stay close to me, okay?"

With joy swelling inside your chest you beamed nodding your head up and down vigorusly. "But they might be scared of you." You pointed out plainly as you looked at his features. A small frown seemed to appear on his face as he grunted a bit. Slowly he began to change. Instead of six eyes he had two. He began to look more human. Satisfied, you both walked inside admiring the scene and bustle of people. A few people turned their heads to either look at you or Kokushibo. Some women giggled shyly as you and your guardian approached a stand that had a few beautiful hair pins. All of them were beautiful, but one caught your eye. Pointing to it you asked if you could have it. Digging into his pocket Upper Moon One pulled some coins out and placed them on the stand's counter. Grinning from ear to ear you placed the pin in your hair. Coming up to another you saw two pins. One was glossy red rose while the other was a deep purple. Eager to get them you asked him again.

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