A Dark Prophecy

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Here it is. My own version of Encanto. I hope you all enjoy reading this. I absolutely loved the character, Mirabel. I felt a kind special girl like her deserves love.

Bruno opened his eyes as they glowed a bright green. Greensand was swirling all around him as he held his palms out. He stared into the face of the sand orb as dust particles began forming images.

To his horror, he saw the casita cracking, breaking apart. He gasped. This was his home, his family's home. The miracle would die in the future one day, the same miracle that had blessed his mother, his sisters, his entire family.

Just then, another image appeared. Dust particles formed an image of Mirabel, his youngest niece who hadn't received a gift on this very night. She was grown up and she was standing in front of the breaking Casita. Would she be the cause of this?

Bruno felt scared for his niece. How could an innocent sweet girl like her bring devasting consequences for the family and the miracle in the future? What would his mother think of her if she knew of this? He knew all the pressures that she had placed upon him and his sisters, how she had always seen the worst in his gift.

Before he could stop the time prediction, another person appeared beside the image of a grown-up Mirabel. It was a grown-up young man, a little older than her. One half of him glowed yellow whilst the other half glowed pitch black. Once again Bruno was feared. He was prophesying a young man whose destiny was intertwined with Mirabel's. The colours of his image meant that he was gifted with great power of light but also a power of great darkness. He gulped. What had this boy got to do with Mirabel? This boy with both good and dangerous powers. Was this another future member of the Madrigal family? Who was it someone else out there in the world who like his family had a unique gift more powerful than theirs?

As the dust images faded and the rotating orb of sand evaporated around him, the green particles turned into a giant green slab of glass. Inside the glass, he saw an image of Mirabel and the unknown boy in front of the cracked Casita. He looked at it with eyes of fear. This was his darling niece's future. He tilted the slab at different angles. When he tilted it a little to the right, he saw the cracks of the casita disappear and the unknown boy's colours fade away, turning to gold. Whatever vision he had just seen, it was undecided.

But he knew one answer. It meant that the fate of the family, the miracle, the Encanto was gonna come down to Mirabel and this unknown boy with powers. He thought again about his mother Alma. He knew exactly what hardships she had been through since losing his father Pedro when he and his sisters Juliet and Pepa were just newborn triplets. He knew exactly how tough it had been for her, raising three children on her own. As he grew up, he saw what kind of woman she was. She loved her family. But as they gained their gifts, she began pressuring them with harsh expectations. She believed this miracle meant that they were supposed to be doing good things for their communities with it. After what happened only a few hours ago when Mirabel did not get her gift as she had hoped, what would she think of Mirabel now? Bruno feared that Mirabel would be treated so unhappily just like him for having no gift. What if she was banished from the Encanto if anyone saw of this? For as long as he had lived, everyone only ever saw the worst in his gift. They would only see the worst in Mirabel if they knew of this.

It was then that he made his choice. He dropped the slab of green glass on a sharp ground, smashing it into several pieces. He left the giant round room, departed down the spiral staircase of stone stairs and then departed out the golden door of his time tower. As he departed down the stairs into the Encanto which was quiet with no members of his family walking around, he looked back up at the golden door with his image on. He held a sad smile. He thought of his gift and what it had made everyone think of him. He regretted having to leave but how could he live with himself knowing well what everyone would think of the already heartbroken young Mirabel?

He tiptoed over to the Nursey and gently pushed the door open. Mirabel was fast asleep. Bruno remembered hearing her cry after she was devastated that she didn't get a gift. He remembered all the unimpressed faces of the villagers as they looked at her. He remembered watching her cry into her mother's arms as they tried their best to comfort her. He knew that his mother was a little sad but not sad enough to say anything to Mirabel. Was she now viewing her as a disgrace to the family?

'I will not let anyone learn of this Mirabel'. He promised. 'I don't know whomever it is that's intertwined with your future...but I will not allow this to happen. He tiptoed into the room and kissed his sleep niece's head. As he departed through the door, he took one last sad look back at Mirabel. Whatever he was about to do now, he was doing it to protect his niece. He closed the door and left.

That's the first chapter done. Who is this boy whose destiny is intertwined with Mirabel's? What good and dark powers does he have? We'll have to wait and find out. Get ready for the introduction of my OC Character in the next one. Please send reviews and let me know what you all thought. Don't be afraid to share your ideas too. See you all soon.

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