Another Vision

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The crowd were frightened by the Casita's state. It was dark with thundering clouds floating above its rooftops and there were cracks crawling along the outside walls. It was then that they realised Mirabel and her friends were telling the truth earlier. But still, they feared Mirabel and Juano more than ever.

Some of the kids whom Mirabel and Isandra were talking to scurried away in fright when a loud boom made the house rumble.

"Why is this happening?" Alma paced around in circles shivering with fear. "Mirabel and Juano aren't here. This shouldn't be happening,"

"That's all you care about mama?" Julieta asked in tears. "What about my daughter? You've always been so hard on her ever since she didn't get a gift,"

"She didn't get a gift for a reason. Maybe this is because of it,"

Julieta was fuming in rage. "Papa would never think of that,"

Her words made Alma. "Do not bring your father into this,"

"He would ashamed of you right now. Instead of worrying about our home, he'd be worrying about Mirabel, your youngest granddaughter. Honestly, Mama, what's more, important to you? Mirabel's happiness? Or is that stupid candle?" She stalked away again in tears.

Agustin held her in her arms but glared back at his mother-in-law. "If you banish Mirabel...we will go with her. And never forgive you"

Alma tried to speak up again but the door opened and a man entered. "Senora, pardon...people in town are becoming anxious about the magic,"

Alma sighed and picked up her shawl and went out. She looked back at her eldest daughter and son-in-law. He gave her another cold glance before gently guiding his wife away.


Antonio led everyone to the giant space in his room. Bruno was walking around dropping a circle of sand around a kneeling Mirabel and Juano. As they waited patiently, they heard loud booming from within the room. The trees were shaking and the animals were scurrying around in fright.

Little Pedro was scared so he clung to Isandra. "It's all right," she soothed stroking his hair.

"You might want to hurry it up," Mirabel said to her too.

"You can't hurry the future," he said. His path was blocked by a capybara so he drew a circle around it. "What if I see something worse?" he shooed away some lemurs before sitting down. "If I see something you two don't like, you're gonna be like 'oh Bruno makes bad things happen' 'Oh, he's creepy and his vision killed my goldfish',"

"I don't think you made bad things happen," Mirabel comforted. "Sometimes family weirdos just get a bad rap,"

"She's right. You only predict the future. It's everyone's fault for their problems," Bruno consulted.

"You can do this," Isandra encouraged.

"Here," Antonio offered his uncle a jaguar toy. "For the nerves," he sat down beside his younger cousin and Isandra.

"You got this Papi," Pedro cooed giving his father a cheesy smile.

Bruno tearfully smiled seeing his son do that. "Okay," he closed his eyes. "I can do this. I can do this," he sprinkled some salt around and lit up small piles of sand and branches on fire. As he did, the atmosphere became slightly dark and a gust of wind seemed to blow around them.


Alma walked into the village. Crowds of people started barging through the streets to reach her, flooding her with questions.

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