Bruno's Tower

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Mirabel and Juano dismounted Sinfonia. Juano patted his snout. "Okay boy. You stay here and make sure no one comes there,"

Sinfonia didn't want to leave him.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure nothing happens to him," Mirabel assured, touching his snout and stroking it. The friendly horse nuzzled his snout into her chest. She was surprised by how generous he was being to her. He trusted her deeply because she had been so kind and caring to his person.

"We won't be very long. It's just one room. We'll be back before you know it," Juano promised, hugging him around the neck. Sinfonia pressed his snout against his back, accepting the affection unconditionally. After Juano let go, Sinfonia trotted outside to stand guard like a watch horse. 

Mirabel and Juano walked up the curvy staircase before walking towards the stair corridor which led up to Bruno's tower. Unlike the other doors, it was wooden and it emitted no glow.

"You sure that's where we need to go?" Juano asked. He didn't doubt Mirabel but it didn't mean he wasn't scared.

"That's where Luisa said we had to go," Mirabel said. "Come on," she offered a hand. Juano took it without hesitation. 

They walked up the stairs and Mirabel turned the golden doorknob that had the letter 'B' imprinted on it. She turned it slowly and pushed it open. They found themselves in a short corridor. Up ahead lay a hope that was shaped like an hourglass. Some sort of dusty substance poured like a waterfall behind it. Mirabel walked forward and touched it. It was sand.

"Sand?" Juano asked. 

"Casita? Can you switch this off please?" Mirabel asked.

The Casita made floor tiles dance up slow.

"You can't help us in here?" she asked.

The tiles flipped up and down frantically.

"We'll be fine," Mirabel assured. She turned back to Juano whose hand remained clutched around hers. "Ready?"

Juano took in a deep breath and relaxed. "Ready,"

"Okay. We just find the vision and save the miracle," 

They both stood in front of the curtain of falling sand and stepped forward. 

"I'm overreacting. How hard can this beeeeee...?!" Juano screamed as he and Mirabel fell. 

They felt themselves rolling down a hill of sand. They tumbled down a short distance before landing flat on their faces. Mirabel groaned.

"Seriously?" Juano complained, his voice muffled by the sand. They both sat up, Juano spitting out sand and Mirabel lifting her glasses so that sand would fall out of her eyes. 

"Man...your tio's room just keeps getting better," Juano stood up and he held Mirabel up. 

They looked forward and saw a giant stone boulder that had the words 'Come see your future' engraved in large letters. Next to it was a flight of stairs that led upwards. Staring up, the pair saw an infinitely tall tower with the staircase spiralling around.

"Oh no," Juano shook his head. "I'm not doing that," he tried to back away but Mirabel grabbed his hand. 

"Woah! We can't just turn back now!" 

"No! Mirabel! Please! Please! I'm scared of heights!" he begged. 

"Juano...we have to go up there. You wanted answers about yourself right? Well, this is the only way you're going to get them," Mirabel didn't mean to pressure her new friend but she knew how important it was to both of them find whatever lay at the top inside Bruno's special vision room. 

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