A Miracle from Love

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The clouds of dust cleared. Juano and Mirabel coughed and waved away the filthy air that was stinging their eyes. Mirabel looked down at the almost melted-out candle in her hand carefully. The small flame dissolved into nothingness and descended in a stream of smoke. "No," she breathed hoarsely.

Juano sighed, tears stinging his eyes.

They heard the squeaking of a window panel. They realised the pieces of the now-destroyed house that had protected them were falling apart, there was no more magic.

Mirabel hung her head in guilt, emotionless, unresponsive.

Juano pressed her quivering lips together. "I'm so sorry," he shed a tear. Mirabel couldn't turn to face him.

"Mirabel!" her mother's voice cried. None of them turned to meet her.

Just then, they heard frantic snorting Juano looked up to see Sinfonia, galloping over to them. He nuzzled his face against him but he didn't stroke him back. What had just happened weighed him down like chains of blame.

Julieta came dashing up to them. She cupped her youngest daughter's wet cheek. "Mirabel? Are you hurt?"

Mirabel couldn't answer.

"Mirabel," Julieta tried to speak up.

Suddenly Mirabel remembered someone. "Isandra!" She fled on her feet and desperately searched the rubble for her best friend. "Isandra!"

Camillo heard her wailing voice and rushed over to his aunt. "What's happened?"

"Isandra pushed out of her way as the house came falling on us," Juano said. He helped Mirabel begin searching and so did Sinfonia who started sniffing like a dog.

"No," Camillo breathed out hoarsely. He turned to his aunt who eyed him with a petrified coloured painted over her face. Instantly, they both got to work.

Meanwhile, Dolores helped Alma sit down whilst Pepa hugged a crying Antonio. "Come on Antonio. Don't cry,"

"Where's Mirabel?" he cried. "Where's Juano?"

As he cried, a shaken Alma absorbed his words.

"Guys!" Camillo cried out, rushing to them. "You gotta help us find Isandra! She's under the rubble!"

Instantly everyone except Alma dashed over to help them, leaving the matriarch alone. As she watched everyone leave her behind, Alma felt a powerful weight pushing down on her shoulders.

Mirabel and Juano searched desperately. Mirabel rushed over to two pieces of large and tried to push them up. "Sandra!" she cried out; afraid it might be too late. Juano rushed over to assist her. They successfully pushed them up. What lay underneath made Mirabel fall to her knees.

Mirabel fell to her knees. "Oh no," she breathed out hoarsely.

Juano saw what she saw and felt tears stinging his eyes. "No," he pressed his hands to his lips. He felt Sinfonia behind him. The horse neighed sadly.

Mirabel crawled to the body of her best friend. She touched her fingers tenderly. They reacted and slowly clutched hers. Mirabel breathed out. "Sandra," she breathed. She crawled closer to cradle her head in her arms.

Isandra was covered in bruises and cuts. Her eyes could barely open more than an inch. As her irises fell backwards, she saw her best friend, concerned and tearful holding her up. "Mirabel..."

"You're safe," Mirabel snuffled. "Why did you do that?"

"To save you two of course Mira," Isandra chuckled. "You think I was just going to let you two die like that,"

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