The Showdown

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The four laughed in the pile of flours.

"You're a bad influence Mirabel," Isabella teased earning everyone's laughter.

They all sat up.

"I can't believe after all this time I can finally grow whatever I want," Isabella breathed out joyfully.

"Now...don't you have something to say?" Isandra interrogated Isabella rhetorically.

"What?" Isabella asked. Everyone gave her soft glares. "Okay. Okay," she closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. "I'm so sorry I said I hated you, Mirabel. I'm sorry for being so horrible to you. I should have been a better sister to you. Instead of comforting you, I was awful to you. I allowed my friends to bully you and I didn't stick up for you,"

"And?" Mirabel pushed.

"What else do I have to apologise for you?!" she screamed.

Mirabel twitched her eyes over to Juano and Isandra.

"Okay," Isabella begrudgingly accepted. "I'm sorry for strangling your horse with my vines Juano,"

"And?" Juano pushed.

"And for growing all those flowers everywhere when I knew you were allergic but I didn't care. Hey, wait a minute. You're not sneezing,"

"It's roses that make me sneeze and I was about to master my allergies in your room. And?"

Isabella huffed. "And I'm sorry Isandra for gagging you with flowers and for disrespecting you too,"

"I suppose I can accept it. But you had better sort out your friendship with my sisters. Either tell them to stop bullying Mirabel or stop being friends with them,"

"Apology accepted," Mirabel said.

"You're going to forgive me so easily?" Isabella was quite surprised.

"It's better to forgive than hold onto a grudge when that person apologises. But it's hard to forgive when one doesn't truly realise the error of their faults,"

"Your sister is a very genuine woman Isabella," Juano stated affectionately. "And I'd like to say my apologies for hitting you like that. Just agree to never say anything horrible to Mirabel again and we are on good terms,"

"Juano!" a loud voice boomed the Casita.

The four turned to see a very furious Carlos red in the face boiling with rage. "There you are,"

"Hey! You can't just barge in here!" Mirabel stood up.

"Shut up Mirabel! You do not speak like that to people young man," Carlos pointed a red finger at his youngest son.

"Mr Sanchez..." Isabella tried to speak up.

"Not only have you now caused to leave this place, but you have been rude and antagonising towards the people of this town,"

"What is your problem?!" Mirabel demanded. "Everything Juano did, he did to protect me,"

"That's right Mr Sanchez!" Isandra supported. "Juano hasn't harmed anyone! And he hasn't endangered anyone either! He's just a young man who is need love and care,"

"Juano was given his gift because he was special. What kind of father are you to speak of him this way?" Mirabel demanded. "What kind of father are you mistreating him?"

"Look here, young lady..." Carlos marched on Mirabel but Juano, fuming red, stood between them. "Leave her alone," Juano pushed his father further away from her. He gained control of his anger but his eyes glowed gold.

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