Mirabel the Special Memory

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Isandra walked around the village with her parents. She witnessed all the Madrigals having fun with one another, showing off their gifts. 

Once again they don't seem to care about Mirabel at all. 

Isandra was too busy thinking about her best friend when she accidentally bumped into Camilo

"Oh my!" he gasped. "Sorry! So sorry! I...I...didn't see you,"

"It's fine," Isandra assured. 

"So um...how's your day? I know that...today must be very difficult for you,"

"I'm coping okay thanks," Isandra assured. 

Camilo noticed that she looked rather uncomfortable. "You know you can talk to me about anything,"

"Can I?" Isandra asked sceptically. 

"Look I know that we haven't hung out a lot like we used to," he said.

"Really? That's all you can say after five years? When you started to show off around other people with your gift to help them, Mirabel was there for me in ways you never were,"

"I'm sorry okay! It's just Abeula tells me I should be using my shapeshifting powers to help people,"

"And you listen to her like? Just because she's the matriarch of your family doesn't mean you can let her control you,"

"But she's in charge of all our powers and our miracle candle,"

"That doesn't make her right. And I can't believe you're allowing her to walk all over you like all you ever are is just a shapeshifting kid. Don't you just for once wanna be something other than your gift?"

Camilo couldn't answer.

"Right," Isandra swerved past him and continued on her way. 

"You know I've still cared about you for a long time," Camilo spoke loudly after her. 

His words made Isandra stop. "So have I," she didn't turn to speak to him as she spoke those words. She didn't want Camilo to see her upset face. She just continued on her way, leaving Camilo despondent and all alone. 


Mirabel and Juano managed to make it out of the tower. As they walked towards Mirabel's room so they could figure out what they discovered, they brushed the sand off their hair and clothes. 

"Mann...sand is so annoying!" Juano complained, pulling off one of his sandals and emptying it. They were too busy tidying themselves that they accidentally bumped into Alma.

"There you are Juano. Wait! Where are you both coming from in such a hurry?" she demanded gently. 

"Oh, we were..." Mirabel tried to explain.

"What is in your hair?" Alma tried to touch her locks. 

Before either of the pair could answer, they heard loud sobs coming from the stairs. Luisa appeared. "My gift! I'm losing my gift!" she bawled out.

"What?" Alma asked. 

"Mirabel and I were having this talk about me carrying too much. So, I tried not to carry so much..." As Luisa blabbered, Alma sent a soft but mean side glare at Mirabel only for Juano to glare back at her. "...but I realised it was putting me behind. And I knew I was gonna let everyone down. And I felt really bad so I was grabbing all the donkeys but then I went to throw the barn, they were heavy!" she burst out sobbing again and sulked off. 

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