What Else Can I do?

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"Isabella...hey..." Mirabel giddily greeted out loud. She closed the door behind her and Isandra. They walked through a giant room which resembled a giant garden of pink and purple flowers. "I know we've had our...issues, but I'm..." she hesitated.

"What Mirabel is here to do is to talk to you," Isandra spoke up. "And this time you're going to be nice and listen,"

"You know how about we forget the past and just hug it out?" Mirabel offered out loud.

"'Hug it out'"?!" Isabella's loud voice screeched from across the room. Mirabel and Isandra looked across the room and saw a round set of curtains made of petals. A bed attached by vines was lowering down.

Juano stared around carefully, keeping a keen eye out. Just then he heard footsteps. He turned invisible. He saw Julieta and Agustin walking towards Mirabel's room - the nursery. Julieta touched it tenderly with a wet face.

"Oh, Agustin. This is all my fault,"

"Don't say that," Agustin cupped her face.

"I should have been a better mother,"

"You did nothing wrong,"

"The least I could have done is moved her to a better room. It's not fair that she didn't get a gift and had to remain stuck in here. I should have tried harder to get mama to stop being so hard on her. We don't even know where she is right now,"

"She's somewhere in the Encanto. She's safe with that boy Juano and Isandra. That's what matters,"

"I feel so sorry for that boy. Why does his father have to put him through such awful treatment?"

"If there's anyone who should be banished from the Encanto, it should be him and those two other children. I feel ashamed for not doing anything last night. All he was trying to do was stick up for Mirabel and we allowed Carlos to haul him away,"

"And we didn't really stick up for Mirabel...all she wanted was to help our family. And I feel so terrible for not realising she wasn't in the photo. What kind of family are we to leave her out like this? I'll never forgive myself if we lose her like Bruno,"

"Do you think Bruno left to protect Mirabel?" Agustin asked.

Julieta realised her husband's words were right. "He's always been so self-sacrificing. But I never thought he would leave our family because of this,"

"I'm glad I married a woman like you. You never thought bad of him like everyone else,"

"Except Gabriella Lopez. She was the only one who truly cared for him. I wished they could have been together. Raised a family. I can't imagine how Papa would feel if he saw how broken our family has become. He would have searched for Bruno rather than accept he was gone as Mama did. I wish I could have been brave enough to stick up to her...but I just couldn't bear to lose another parent,"

Agustin embraced his wife. "We'll find Mirabel. We'll find her and we'll make sure she is never treated unfairly ever again. We'll make her feel like a true member of the Madrigal family,"

Julieta wiped away her tears and nodded. "And let's welcome Juano into it too. Mirabel has had a powerful effect on him. He needs her just as much as she needs him.

Juano's heart pumped as she said those words. They could see how close he and Mirabel had grown and they were right. Mirabel had indeed had a powerful effect on him. She had helped him realise he was more than what his family said he was. He watched them walk away emotionally. He thought about everything he and Mirabel had been through together today. They had helped one another, comforted one another, and protected one another. Fate had brought them together because they were different yet so similar. They needed each other to heal each other's emotional pains and troubles.

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