A Place to Hide

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Isandra was enjoying a peaceful walk around the village when she saw groups of frightened people gossiping about the streets. Something had arisen and it was spreading like wildfire. Isandra became nervous.

"Did you hear what Mrs Guzman said?" a woman said. "Mirabel and that freakish boy who ruined the dinner are going to destroy the miracle,"

"That boy shouldn't have been allowed to stay here," a man cursed.

"How dare he ruin the day,"

"That girl was a burden to her family the moment she didn't get a gift," a bully mocked.

Isandra clenched her fists hearing everyone talk about her best friend and Juano that way. A part of her was angry at Juano for getting himself into trouble with the Madrigals but she knew that he must have done what he did to try and protect Mirabel. 

"It's a good thing Dolores spread the news," a guy said. "Thank goodness Alma can rely on her to warn us if anything drastic is about to happen. They're cursed those two. Them and that Bruno,"

Isandra became outraged. She dashed off, determined to find Mirabel and Juano. She rushed out of the outskirts of town. "Mirabel! Juano!"

Suddenly from out of the bushes came a stampeding brown horse. She fell backwards. 

"Woah! Sinfonia!" Juano's voice steadied the anxious horse. He was pulled on the reins and he calmed down.

Looking up, Isandra saw the concerned faces of Mirabel and Juano. Mirabel leapt down and she pulled Isandra up into her arms. 

"Isandra," she breathed out. 

"Oh, Mirabel. I heard what the townspeople were saying," Isandra clasped her forearms protectively. "How did this happen?"

"My no-good brother stole the pieces and pieced them together. They saw the vision and talked. Dolores heard. Then she blabbered it out at dinner. I tried to stop them and steal the vision but I got caught even though I was invisible. And now they know and so does my dad," As he talked about him, Juano began to tear up. He didn't bother trying to hide it from the girls.

"What happened?" Isandra asked.

"His father called him a disgrace," Mirabel said hoarsely. 

"He didn't," Isandra answered back.

"Yes! He did!" Juano sobbed. "We need to get out of here Mirabel," 

"Where would we go?" Mirabel asked. "We don't know what's out there. And I can't leave my family," she still loved them, particularly Luisa, Antonia and her parents. 

"I know somewhere where you two can stay," Isandra said. 

Before she could say anything else, an uproar of noise came from the nearby streets. They saw some folks eying them with scepticism and anxiety. "Oh no,"

"Quick get on!" Juano pulled Mirabel and Isandra onto Sinfonia and the strong horse galloped off. "Where do we go?"

"Up the hills!" Isandra ordered. 

Sinfonia obeyed her commands and sped up the green slopes. Looking behind Mirabel saw several crowds of people looking up at them. Some looked cynical. Some looked scared. 

Is that what Tio Bruno felt like? Mirabel dreaded. 

Once they reached the top, Isandra pointed to a cottage overlooking the town. "Over there,"

"But they'll find us," Juano argued.

"Yes but my tia will keep them away,"

"Would you tia mind?" Mirabel asked.

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