Heartbreaking Decisions

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Mirabel and Juano paddled across the river, holding hands together. They knelt as they approached the candle which glowed brighter and brighter the closer they came. 

"It's...beautiful," Mirabel breathed. It was the replacement of the family's miracle candle but instead of butterflies, there were hearts. It truly had been created from their love for one another. 

"Our miracle," Juano turned to his new girlfriend with pride and joy. She smiled tearfully back at him. "Let's go away together. You and me,"

Mirabel's smile slightly dropped. "You think we should do that?"

"Yes. Let's go away and be happy together. I want to be somewhere where you can be happy, where you'll never have to be unhappy ever again. But...it's up to you," 

Mirabel went into deep thought. Could she leave? She thought about her family. She loved her parents. Leaving them would break their hearts. And little Antonio. Could she really go through with this? But as she thought of them, she remembered every scowl, every cold glare aimed at her when she was blamed for the miracle dying. She couldn't stay here. If those villagers wanted her out, then she would leave them. "Let's do it," she said. 

Juano saw there was some hesitance in her eyes. "Are you sure?" he realised how much it would hurt for her to leave her parents who had loved her unconditionally. He had regretted suggesting such a heartfelt choice.

Mirabel pursed her lips and looked at him. "It's better this way. I want to leave two letters before we go,"

"If that's really what you want,"

"It is," Mirabel gently picked up the candle and they touched it with their interlinked hands. 

Suddenly from out of the bush came two stampeding horses. 

"Mirabel! Juano!" Bruno cried out from his horse.

"Tio Bruno?" Mirabel cried out. 

"Thank goodness we found you," Gabriella struggled to pull on the reins whilst keeping Pedro from slipping off. 

"Are you two okay?" Bruno dismounted his steed and rushed to Mirabel embracing her tightly. 

"We're fine," Mirabel hugged him back tightly, shedding tears.

"Oh sobrina," Bruno wiped them away. "I am so sorry this happened to you. It was wrong how they all treated you. None of this is your fault,"

"I heard everything you said to Abeula," 

"She had it coming," Gabriella said, holding Pedro in her arms. She noticed the candle in Juano's hands. "Where did you get that?"

"It was created," Juano smiled, holding out a hand to Mirabel. 

"You both kissed," Bruno chuckled.

"What? That was the other vision you saw? The one you didn't want us to see?" Mirabel frowned. 

"It would have been awkward," Bruno defended. 

"I'm so glad you've found someone who loves you, Mirabel," Gabriella smiled fondly. 

"We both are," Bruno wrapped an arm around her shoulders and they smiled at the pair. 

"Guys...we've decided we're going to leave and go somewhere to be together," Juano said. 

"Come with us," Mirabel implored. 

"That's exactly why we were looking for you two," Bruno said. "We can't stand being here. We want to be somewhere where we can be happy and our son can live a better life,"

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