A Day out in Town

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Riding on Sinfonia, Juano and Mirabel trotted around the Encanto and the surrounding fields and plains where flowers bloomed in many different colours and the grass shone so brightly under the bright fiery sun.

"I've never seen any view of this place more beautiful than this," Juano observed the view of the entire town from a high hill that bordered the mountains surrounding the community. 

"It sure is," Mirabel remarked admirably from behind him. She twisted her head around and saw the mountains standing tall and high over everything. "These mountains are what keep our village hidden from marauders," 

Juano twisted his head and saw how high they stretched into the sky. Staring around at all the mountains surrounding the village and its peaceful lavish valley, it was like a giant fortress that protected them from the threats of the outside world. 

"My family didn't always live here," Mirabel said. "Fifty years ago when my mother, my Tio Bruno and Tia Pepa were just born...marauders attacked their home. Abeula and my Abuelo Pedro gathered as many villages as they could to take them to safety but the marauders pursued them. Pedro..." she sniffled. "...gave his life protecting them. That's when our miracle came,"

"He possibly sounds like the bravest man ever," Juano said. 

"I greet his portrait every morning," Mirabel said sadly as Sinfonia started trotting along the hilltops. "Even though I never knew him, I still miss him in a way,"

"Of course you do. He's family. And I bet he would have loved you so much no matter whether you had a gift or not. I never knew any of my grandparents. Sometimes I wish I did. Sometimes I wish my family was larger...so I wouldn't feel so alone,"

Mirabel rubbed his shoulders for comfort. Sinfonia bawled pitifully; he hated to see his person feel so down all the time. 

"What does it feel like having a large family?" he asked.

"It feels very pleasant actually," Mirabel said. "You always have someone to go to when you have help, you don't have trouble looking for someone to spend time with...but then again...you don't exactly have a lot of free time. But also...it's difficult to be part of their activities especially when you don't have a gift," 

"I am so sorry that I asked that question,"

"It's okay. I don't blame you for asking. Sometimes asking for a bigger family is better than a small family,"

They made their way down into town where there were numbers of people walking to stalls buying flowers, food and other goods.

The pair dismounted Sinfonia. Mirabel was eager to give Juano a tour around the market but he wasn't very agitated. "It'll be fine. I promise," she offered her hand. "Trust me,"

Juano did trust Mirabel but he was afraid of losing control and hurting someone. Sinfonia nudged his head against his back, compelling him to take her hand. Juano knew that he had to be brave. He couldn't keep being afraid of his powers. And somehow...being around this kind girl...this kind girl from a magical family who although didn't have a magical gift had a big heart, somewhat made him feel safe and more self-confident. 

Managing to express a simple smile, he took her hand and they walked around the town. The smell of spices was tasty and the fruit smelled so delicious. They brought some bananas and shared coconut drinks.

"This is so delicious," Juano burped after he finished his drink. "Pardon me,"

"That's okay," Mirabel suddenly burped out loud and Juano laughed. "Pardon me,"

The two of them and Sinfonia just bawled and neighed. 

"I've never had coconut drink before,"


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