A New Town and a Magical Family

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Here is the second chapter. I will definitely include some songs. I do not own Encanto's songs. Credit goes to Lin Manuel Miranda who is amazing. I love you, Lin Manuel Miranda! Here it is.

Juano Sanchez rode his horse Sinfonia a good distance away from his family. He was a young sixteen-year-old boy who had short black hair well brushed and a few bristles on his chin. His eyes were blue and they matched his blue poncho, embroidered with golden threat around the sleeve holes. He wore beige pants, brown leather sandals, a white shirt under his poncho and a golden pendant.

He stared around at the great green jungles and tall jagged mountains that towered over him. He felt relaxed in nature, riding his horse.

"Juano!" a loud strict voice shouted. "Juano!"

Juano's heart jump leapt up into this throat.

"Don't think I haven't noticed you sneaking off!"

"Come on dad! Do we really need that freak travelling near us?!" the sound of a lousy older brother complained.

"Yeah! He was close to blinding me last night!" a girl, younger but equally as selfish as him complained.

"Enough Alejandro and Mariana! Find your brother now!" their father Carlos ordered.

At that instant, Juano felt the need to urge Sinfonia to gallop further away.

"Hey! There you are!"

Juano froze. He twisted his head around and saw a younger kid with raggy pigtails wearing pink. "Come back here freak! Daddy's going to be so disappointed in you!"

"Aturdida Sinfonia!" Juano clicked the stirrups and his horse galloped off further away.

"Hey! Come back here!" Mariana screamed after him.

Juano ignored her. His horse carried further and further into the jungle. After ten minutes of galloping, they reached a river where Juano decided to allow his horse to drink. He stared down into the water, into his reflection. When he glanced down, he saw a wet with tears dripping into the water.

The word freak echoed in his head like a memory engaged, unable to break free. He growled and he splashed his reflection, turning away. He wished he could cry but he wanted to be strong. His siblings were incredibly cruel to him for no reason. The more that awful name they called him running his head, the angrier he became. He screamed. He yelled.

Suddenly some nearby trees turned black and immediately they died. They fell, crashing into the river.

Sinfonia neighed in fright.

Immediately Juano realised what he had done and rushed to calm down. "Easy boy! Easy boy! Please!" he grabbed his reins and stroked his snout. Sinfonia calmed down and Juano sighed in relief. "I'm sorry boy,"

Sinfonia nuzzled his snout into his chest and allowed him to embrace him around his neck. He pressed his long face into his back. As he hugged his horse, Juano cried. His dark power had once again caused destruction and he had killed a few trees and had just scared his horse.

I am a monster. He thought to himself.

Just then he heard the voices of his family not far away. Instantly, he mounted Sinfonia and he galloped away into the forest opposite the river. They came to a hill overlooking the river. Juano peered down and his siblings and their father Carlos walked over to their spot with backpacks and donkeys. They stared across at the dead black trees that had fallen.

Although he couldn't see the expression on their faces, Juano could see that his father looked angry. He sighed in sadness.

"Juano!" Carlos shouted up into the sky. "Juano!"

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