A Spoilt Dinner and Proposal

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Hello. Sorry for taking long. Here is the next chapter. Enjoy it.

Juano searched effortlessly around the village for his thieving brother but there was no sign. He had just arrived on a green plain outside the Casita for a quick and quiet search but like before, still nothing.

He was about to steer Sinfonia away when his horse bucked his head forward again.

"What is it boy?" he asked.

Sinfonia didn't do anything but stare forward.

Looking ahead, Juano saw it was Mirabel with her family including a disappointed grandmother. He noticed that Dolores looked nervous, judging from her tense shoulders. He watched them as they walked inside the Casita. He felt tempted to go over to Mirabel but something drew him back. He still had to find those glass pieces soon. Judging by Dolores's anxious posture, he guessed she had heard something horrible. And the way she was looking behind at Mirabel's turned back...it meant...

Quickly he galloped Sinfonia into the town, determined to find the pieces. Sinfonia just turned a corner when they heard arguing.

Turning his head down a corridor, Juano saw his brother and sister bickering. He steered his horse forward and Sinfonia approached them, stamping his hooves loudly to attract their attention.

"What did you do with the glass pieces?!" Juano demanded.

"What glass pieces?" Mariana asked innocently.

"You both know what I'm talking about!"

"We know what you and Mirabel will do! You two will destroy the miracle! No matter how much you try to change you will always be nothing!" Alejandro spat out repulsivly. "Our family would be so much better if you weren't in it! And Mirabel's family would be better off without her!"

Juano frowned. In an instant, his entire body glowed brightly as the sun.

Alejandro and Mariana were knocked back by the powerful blast. They covered their eyes.

Sinfonia wasn't the slightest bit scared. He knew his best friend well. He marched closer to the siblings before them, snorting angrily. They were scared. They shuffled backwards, afraid of losing their sight as they covered their eyes at the same time.

"Let me make this clear! You two can do whatever you want to me! You can insult me! You can me a freak! You can say I don't deserve to be loved! But what you will not do is speak of Mirabel in such a way! She and I will not destroy the miracle! We will save it and prove you wrong! Now tell me where the pieces are!"

"We don't know!" Mariana cried.

Juano frowned and burned brighter.

"Some rats took them!" Juano screamed. "We saw them heading up to the Casita!"

Juano's light died and he was human again. "If you two ever speak of this to anyone, I will blind you both. Do you understand?!"

His siblings nodded.

Instantly Sinfonia galloped off. Juano's determination grew on his face. They came to the back of the Casita and Sinfonia hid behind some trees. Juano dismounted and turned invisible. He tiptoed toward the open kitchen window, doing his very best not to breathe loudly. If Dolores heard him, his goose would be cooked.

He peered inside and saw Mirabel looking strangely at Dolores who was staring intensely at her. She must have overheard Mariana and Alejandro talking about the vision. Juano knew he had to act fast.

Mirabel wondered why Dolores looked at her in fear. She swallowed a lump in her throat. She was nervous. Had Juano's brother fixed the pieces and deciphered the vision? Had Dolores overheard them?

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